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Legends to come


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I guess I'll mention lowbie pvp'ers I've seen


Ereaus (sure that is mispelled)

-He refuses to let you cap and is always in a position to be annoying and make you lose



-Awesome healer and objective focused



-Recently hit 55 - He is a terror to behold



- Good operative DPS in lowbies


Any other lowbie infamous players - really good objective focused players - whether they are new players or alts I don't look forward to fighting them in 55's

Edited by Riggz
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Not a huge fan of these sorts of threads as they just feed egos, but Imperial did cause me to loose a match on wendsday, one of the better fights I've had in weeks. He's capable of surviving several full rotations from stealth and uses defensives and healing very smartly while refusing to be drawn from the objective.


There are alot better healers in the tier, and some sneakier operatives like Xvixvi, but Imperial has alot of potential and good flexibility. I dont know if legends to come is the right term, but he will be a great foe to fight .

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Lightningsorc is sitting at 80% pvp achievement. We should probably limit any encouragement for good new players to those with at least less than 50%, or better yet 25%. It is the player behind the well played class that deserves encouragement to improve, not one of us withered old veterans who suffer from Altitus and is cackling with our walkers as we feast on the souls of the young and foolish.


Lightningsorc is definitely not someone you can ignore or let catch you by surprise in a match, you'll be dead before you realize he's loaded you up with dots if you don't keep an eye on his position, but there are less than a handful of people on our server with his experience in the warzones so putting him in legends to come would be like nominating a NFL player for a college award.

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  • 2 weeks later...
what? Who are you? And you have a sub...so you are one to talk lol




Sorry, new forum sig is for my bastion toons.


I PvE, not that it really justifies anything, but if you came back to PvP (which is what BSR did lol) then well. Bloop.

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Sorry, new forum sig is for my bastion toons.


I PvE, not that it really justifies anything, but if you came back to PvP (which is what BSR did lol) then well. Bloop.


Sorry no idea who you are, and from what I heard only a few bsr members came back to raid? I don't play a lot on swtor, mainly LoL or dayz, but this forum is to post who I think will be great right? dunno who they are or if they have mains but the chars I said are good in lowbies, just gotta see if they can be great still in 55's. Anyways good luck on your PvE raiding.

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Oh my god why are all you nerds resubbing


The primary issue that made me quit my sub was the GCD bug...it appears that will be addressed in the next little bit.


I'll probably never step into arenas willingly again. I put my opinion of the format up before they went in. But WZ are still there, i'll get less huttball, but some huttball is better than none at all.

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The primary issue that made me quit my sub was the GCD bug...it appears that will be addressed in the next little bit.


I'll probably never step into arenas willingly again. I put my opinion of the format up before they went in. But WZ are still there, i'll get less huttball, but some huttball is better than none at all.

I miss huttball on my guardian tbh

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Someone please explain "Jeep" to me. There's obviously a hilarious backstory involved.


Someone probably knows the full story involving his personal situation better than myself.


Jeep was a player on the server who was known to be a very heavy anchor, often two shottable as a Sage without so much as a reaction. But he apparently enjoyed PvP so much, he actually managed to obtain valor rank 100, ala "Elite Warlord Jeep".


In terms of what he was actually like, I personally have only heard that he was a very helpful person despite his lack of skill in PvP. So many people defend him whenever he would be insulted by someone, from what I've heard.


Whether or not everyone here is either praising him out of actual good will or being sarcastic is another question you'll have to ask them.

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