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Petition to make the final boss the weekly boss


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My solution is to hold all token drops till the end and then roll. If they want loot that is not garbage they will stay.


^ This. Except the instant many find out you have it set for master looter they drop. But I do love master looter, even when I'm not ops leader. If they are just in it for the comms, then they shouldn't care. What I really hate is running something, hoping for a drop each boss, not getting anything, then ppl drop and there are still as many as 3 bosses (read: 3 more chances at drops) to go.


I vote for expanded/enchanced weeklies. Either nerf the rewards for the current weeklies and add a second, separate weekly for completing or add a bonus to the exising weeklies.


I must say though, that the OP must be really lucky with pugs, because my luck is terrible. It seems like my last 10 attempts to pug ops ended in either the group falling apart before we even get to the first boss, or the group gives 1 or 2 wipes on any given boss and then bail. People need to write wipes into the equation when they commit to an ops run. Everyone may be geared and know the fights, but it seems like every person in the pug always has their own different, unique way of clearing the boss and they don't jibe, which just ends in a wipe. :mad:

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Thats why I like my Guild. We do "Geared" Runs 1-2x a Week, and 1 on Sat. for those that just got to the 50-55 Range and/or aren't well geared. If you're so worried about people dropping all the time here's a tip..... Don't join PUG's (Or if its your guild running it, just don't run PUGs, recruit a few more people for your scheduled run). If your guild doesn't do weekly scheduled runs... Simply apologize to your guild, tell them you're looking for a raiding guild and /gquit. There are plenty of guilds that do scheduled runs.


Yes catering to the whiners really doesn't help but letting them get to you really doesn't help either.

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Arenl weekly missions usually the 3rd boss in the raids or something?


Depends on the operation, weekly classic makes you complete the operation to get the reward and thats for EV, KP and EC which are are easiest to hardest. TFB and S&V weeklys require you to kill the 3rd boss at which time you see people start bailing with excuses of why, making finishing the operation harder unless over geared. DF and DP weeklys require you to kill the 4th boss and have the most likely hood for people to stay for the last boss, just many fail on them because of mechanics. The only other operation is TC which is a 1 boss raid and just takes longer to assemble and get to the raid zone then it takes to kill it.


Right now the best format is to raid in 16 man because it adds ultimate commendation to the available loot. Most people that go are going for that and any loot they roll on they just give to a alt thru the legacy gear system. The amount of raids to do these has slowed down on my server compared to when 2.4 1st dropped and added DF and DP to the game, but some people like myself try to run at least 18 raids a week to help people out but it is getting harder to find people lately. For me there is no gear to upgrade anymore because when 2.4 1st dropped I had enough ultimate commendations between alts that my main was geared out in obroan the 1st week, and since then I gear a alt out every two weeks.

Edited by Zohkar
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You never had anything come up in your life? What if it was real issue that had to be dealt with, more important than god forbids, a game?

There is no solution, and you should not post when you are upset. You are actually being selfish because you are having a problem and you want someone to do something about it :D


Funny how all those "somethings" that are supposedly unexpected things, things we cannot know when they are going to happen, which could happen at any time, they never happen before the weekly boss. Ever.

I guess you could think is just some wonderful and amazing coincidence it just happens 1 minute after the weekly boss is killed. Or is simply BS. Which is more likely ?

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OP : If you are so leet and hardcore, why are you pugging SM op's and calling it progress? Real raiders run hard content in hard or nightmare mode.


The solution is simple go find a guild and run raids with them.


In all honesty most PUGs i see are only after getting the weeklies done because they want the Comms, there are no good loot drops from SM ops, elite and ultimate comms will get you good enough gear to run HM's with a guild, the only thing you will be missing is a set bonus which you can pick up quickly with a guild group.


Believe it or not, most of the players who drop after the Weekly boss are the guys who are clearing HM content, so don't care about doing full clears on SM's, they just want to farm some comms to gear up there alts, as Zohkar said you can fully gear out an alt in Obroan gear in 2 weeks through comms, that makes all the loot drops from SM runs pointless...

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OP : If you are so leet and hardcore, why are you pugging SM op's and calling it progress? Real raiders run hard content in hard or nightmare mode.


The solution is simple go find a guild and run raids with them.


In all honesty most PUGs i see are only after getting the weeklies done because they want the Comms, there are no good loot drops from SM ops, elite and ultimate comms will get you good enough gear to run HM's with a guild, the only thing you will be missing is a set bonus which you can pick up quickly with a guild group.


Believe it or not, most of the players who drop after the Weekly boss are the guys who are clearing HM content, so don't care about doing full clears on SM's, they just want to farm some comms to gear up there alts, as Zohkar said you can fully gear out an alt in Obroan gear in 2 weeks through comms, that makes all the loot drops from SM runs pointless...


Then if you run HM/NM ops daily why is finishing the op such an issue? You're just preventing people from completing their quest. Oh I forgot you couldn't care less about that point, you got it done the week the op was out... on SM I'd bet.


It is nothing but a selfish and douche attitude. Also called elitism.

Edited by demotivator
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Then if you run HM/NM ops daily why is finishing the op such an issue? You're just preventing people from completing their quest. Oh I forgot you couldn't care less about that point, you got it done the week the op was out.


It is nothing but a selfish and douche attitude.


Its nothing to do with being selfish, I (generally) only join groups that are advertised as the weekly. Also finished the op isn't an issue for me, however judging by some of the players I have meet in pug groups it will be an issue for them. I have seen PUG groups struggle and fail to do the Weekly on DP and DF, mostly because groups are un-organised and players don't follow the tactics. With the more complex final bosses that offer more chance for people to screw up and wipe the raid, I can see a lot of PUG groups failing.


Its about me wanting to spend my time in game doing stuff which I enjoy. When I join a PUG that's advertised as doing the weekly, I'm deciding to spend my time doing an op so I can get the ultimate comms to gear up my alt. At the end of the day I pay my money to play a game for my enjoyment, I'm honest and upfront about what I'm doing (joining groups advertised as doing the Weekly etc), I don't see how that makes me a bad person.


The way i see the current status of the current raid's is,


Weekly Boss - tuned about right for PUG groups and casual/new players. SaV and TFB you can do easy and act as a good introduction, DP and DF will give you a bit more of a challenge with a few more mechanics and awareness needed., its a good learning curve for new level 55's to jump in to PUG groups and learn about raiding.


Full Clears SM (DF and DP) - Good for casual guilds, the final bosses have a few more mechanics so offer a better challenge to guild groups who should be a bit more organised then PUG groups.


HM/NiM - Good for the more serious raiders and guilds, BiS gear drops, more organisation and awareness needed.


IMO the game is working as it is, it offers rewards for players of all levels, and incentives to get in a guild and run the content as a group. Moving the weekly to the full clear will take away the bottom level and make it harder for new players to break in to end game content. Like i said the solution to PUG groups falling apart is to get a guild or group of friends who are happy to run content with you.


Ow and on a side note, i still haven't taken my main character through the final boss of DP. we pretty much skipped to HM DF when it was released, and only did SM as part of a "comms run" (as a guild we would run through all the weekly's in a few hours).

Edited by AshleyLong
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  • 5 months later...
I'll whine here one more time about solo mode operations/level 50+ flashpoints without any reward, just to see the end cutscenes and clear the quest log. I'll never see the end of DP/S&V/TfB/others otherwise, it seems. Edited by Kulyok
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Stop catering to the kids who think Operations are too difficult and the badies who don't want to put forth the effort to finish Ops. Help us real raiders who actually care about finishing what we started.



Real raiders care about the weekly quest reward? Wait, what?





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