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Cannon options


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I think a greater variety of cannon options are needed for Strike Fighter pilots who opt to use the Rycer/ Star Guard and TZ-24 Gladiator/ Enforcer.


What are the community's thoughts on:


Plasma Cannon - Medium Range, Elemental, Hull Damage, DOT

Electro Cannon - Medium Range, Elemental, Shield Damage, DOT

Pulse Cannon - Short Range, Elemental, Shield & Hull Damage

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I'd love Strike Fighters to have access to burst-cannons. Switching between heavy and burst-fire would have been amazing. Alternatively, give them a super short-range (500 meters, utterly useless beyond) "cone AoE" weapon a la Trooper Pulse cannon, that would ignore Evasion and armour.
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I'd love Strike Fighters to have access to burst-cannons. Switching between heavy and burst-fire would have been amazing. Alternatively, give them a super short-range (500 meters, utterly useless beyond) "cone AoE" weapon a la Trooper Pulse cannon, that would ignore Evasion and armour.


Lol, I can hear the mixed chorus of applause and whining now...

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I think a greater variety of cannon options are needed for Strike Fighter pilots who opt to use the Rycer/ Star Guard and TZ-24 Gladiator/ Enforcer.


What are the community's thoughts on:


Plasma Cannon - Medium Range, Elemental, Hull Damage, DOT

Electro Cannon - Medium Range, Elemental, Shield Damage, DOT

Pulse Cannon - Short Range, Elemental, Shield & Hull Damage


I'd love Strike Fighters to have access to burst-cannons. Switching between heavy and burst-fire would have been amazing. Alternatively, give them a super short-range (500 meters, utterly useless beyond) "cone AoE" weapon a la Trooper Pulse cannon, that would ignore Evasion and armour.


or you can learn to use the abilities you have access to instead of asking for new ones that do the same thing, there is already a DOT ability and Bypass which ignores shields. theres even a video in this vary forum showing a SF taking out all the different ships with no need for OP abilities that would stack with what Some ppl believe to be OP abilities.


i think you should practice more and get better instead of asking for abilities which would unbalance the game.


im sure you will deem this whining and go ahead, im not the one asking for OP abilities cause i cant play well.


but a part of me wishes they would do this cause scouts would get the same primary weapons (not the cannon switch or even the exact same abilities but equivalents) and they would own you even more and you would be right back here asking for more abilities to give you the edge.


each ship has its strengths and weakness, learn to play the ship correctly and you wont have a problem.


edit: i play both empire and republic, i play both my SF's and Scouts on both sides for the x2, and i dont have a problem playing the ships as they are meant to be.


edit 2: its 2 am and im sick and keep coughing myself awake so this may have come across harsher than i meant it to and for that i apologize.

Edited by GooseGrims
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I'm maining a Scout. Strike fighters need some help. Switching main lasers is a great idea - but the lack of narrowly-specialized close-quarters weapons is severely limiting their potential.


Also, lol@ co-pilot/torpedo DoTs, if that's what you're referring to. Plasma railgun isn't as good as Slug, or Ion, and I don't see it often - or at all, for that matter.

Edited by Helig
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I'm maining a Scout. Strike fighters need some help. Switching main lasers is a great idea - but the lack of narrowly-specialized close-quarters weapons is severely limiting their potential.


Also, lol@ co-pilot/torpedo DoTs, if that's what you're referring to. Plasma railgun isn't as good as Slug, or Ion, and I don't see it often - or at all, for that matter.


That's mainly because the slug railgun is superior in that it is OP in that you can potentially oneshot scouts and nearly oneshot everything else. Even without that, it shares the same role of the plasma railgun in that it does the same damage to both shields and armor.


I think they either need to nerf the slug railgun so that it doesn't have crit or that it only does full damage to armor and partial damage to shields so that it's the exact opposite of the ion cannon.

Edited by Philmors
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I'd love Strike Fighters to have access to burst-cannons. Switching between heavy and burst-fire would have been amazing. Alternatively, give them a super short-range (500 meters, utterly useless beyond) "cone AoE" weapon a la Trooper Pulse cannon, that would ignore Evasion and armour.


Pulse is actually my favorite of the three and like the Trooper's "super short range cone AoE" is exactly what I was thinking.


Problem is, you just don't see the kind of weapon variation that's available to dual missile Strikes (Cluster Missiles, Concussion Missiles, Proton Torpedoes etc) in the options available to dual cannon Strikes.

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That's mainly because the slug railgun is superior in that it is OP in that you can potentially oneshot scouts and nearly oneshot everything else. Even without that, it shares the same role of the plasma railgun in that it does the same damage to both shields and armor.


Even without the slug's shield piercing it would be massively superior to plasma. Damage now is much better than damage later (even if the damage later is a little higher), and in GSF delaying your kill by 6 seconds is a huge deal.

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Pulse is actually my favorite of the three and like the Trooper's "super short range cone AoE" is exactly what I was thinking.


Problem is, you just don't see the kind of weapon variation that's available to dual missile Strikes (Cluster Missiles, Concussion Missiles, Proton Torpedoes etc) in the options available to dual cannon Strikes.


To be honest, I think the dual primary strikes will start coming into their own when targets with beefy shields start coming along. At that point using ion cannons is going to start being appealing. Bombers, in particular, will no doubt have formidable shields.

Edited by Itkovian
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To be honest, I think the dual primary strikes will start coming into their own when targets with beefy shields start coming along. At that point using ion cannons is going to start being appealing. Bombers, in particular, will no doubt have formidable shields.


Ion Cannons will certainly have greater appeal but Ion Missiles will be more appealing. IMO, dual cannon Strikes need something that really sets them apart from their dual missile counterparts. I see none of the current cannon options as an equivalent to the raw power of Proton Torpedoes. A Pulse Cannon could be the "mirror" image of Proton Torps. The "super short range" requirement for a Pulse Cannon would be a liability just like the extended lock on time for Proton Torps is a liability close range but much less of an issue long range.

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Ion Cannons will certainly have greater appeal but Ion Missiles will be more appealing.


Only if you can get a lock for them.


I personally feel like dual cannon strikes are in an ok place right now. The combination of concussion missiles, heavy lasers, and (sometimes) bypass shreds things pretty quickly, while rapid-fire lasers are great for close-range dogfights. Their durability makes them pretty good at preventing satellite caps, too. Granted, they don't get the scout's array of useful tools, which combined with decreased maneuverability puts them a bit behind the line, but I don't think the delta is as big as a lot of people make them out to be.


On a semi-related note, I predict dual missile strikes will be much stronger when capital ship battles are revealed - torpedoes for the enemy capital ship, missiles for enemy snubfighters, and some sort of medium range, medium damage, medium fire rate laser so they're prepared for both situations.

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To be honest, I think the dual primary strikes will start coming into their own when targets with beefy shields start coming along. At that point using ion cannons is going to start being appealing. Bombers, in particular, will no doubt have formidable shields.


It should also encourage use of heavies since the 100% armor penetration + 20% shield bypass should make it very useful for shredding ships with powerful armor/shields. That being said I haven't yet gotten those upgrades so I haven't been able to test how it works in practice but they seem pretty promising.


Personally I'd rather have the light laser cannons added rather than burst. Strikers seem geared towards sustained dps, not burst dps, so I think the light laser cannons would be a nice middle ground between close range rapids and general purpose quads.

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Dual cannon strikes definitely need more options especially something similar to the suggested Pulse Cannon.


I decided to re-emphasize this because in the past few days scouts, especially Flashfires, have actively and willingly engaged my Strike in jousts and the results have been highly skewed in favor of the scouts. Flashfire pilots are clearly aware that Strikes are no match in a joust.


A nerf to Scouts isn't necessary, simply give one variation of Strikes the means to be competitive.


Dual cannon Strikes especially need something to call their own. I seriously doubt dual missile Strikes will opt for their only cannon to be short range, which means the discerning Scout pilot will know when he/she will have an advantage over a Strike when it comes to jousting.


In my opinion, it is this type of quick decision making and tactical thinking that adds to the immersive experience.


All pilots are cautious of Scouts because of their speed, maneuverability and burst damage.


All pilots are cautious of Gunships because of their stealth and powerful railguns.


All pilots should be cautious of dual missile Strikes because of their variable missile capabilities.


I am simply suggesting that all pilots be made to have a level caution when encountering dual cannon Strikes and it should be a result of their variable cannon capabilities.

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