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Nerf scouts


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Scout kills the ship it's designed to counter, news at 11.


Actually the scout is designed to counter the strike fighter, and seeing how the GS is the strikers prey it does roll down hill from the scout. However the sscout is not supposed to survive the GS fire it's supposed to avoid it hence the striker is the GS killer as it can better survive the GS fire.


That said the flashfire, sting and the cartel scout have an over stacked burst dps build. This build breaks balance as it's nearly impossible to survive as it kills so insanely fast.


This is a valid build and it has limited range and requires cool downs. It just needs to be scaled back a bit so that the scout must do a followup attack to get the kill on either a striker or a GS.


Only the scout should be able to killed in a single burst (similar but not quite the same as a one shot) as it's a price they pay for being at the top of the food chain. That said there is only one "single burst on scouts" build for each class and ideally it limits versatility of the fighter. The sting is just over cranked and is deadly to all classes.

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Actually the scout is designed to counter the strike fighter, and seeing how the GS is the strikers prey it does roll down hill from the scout. However the sscout is not supposed to survive the GS fire it's supposed to avoid it hence the striker is the GS killer as it can better survive the GS fire.


That said the flashfire, sting and the cartel scout have an over stacked burst dps build. This build breaks balance as it's nearly impossible to survive as it kills so insanely fast.


This is a valid build and it has limited range and requires cool downs. It just needs to be scaled back a bit so that the scout must do a followup attack to get the kill on either a striker or a GS.


Only the scout should be able to killed in a single burst (similar but not quite the same as a one shot) as it's a price they pay for being at the top of the food chain. That said there is only one "single burst on scouts" build for each class and ideally it limits versatility of the fighter. The sting is just over cranked and is deadly to all classes.


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Then don't dogfight with a gunship?


scouts don't dogfight GS, simple equation. over 1000m scout is the prey GS the hunter, under 500m scout is the hunter GS the prey. Between 500-1000m Scout needs to survive and close GS needs to kill or break off.


A dogfight is when a ship tries to get on the other ships tail. GS don't dogfight they have blasters enough to discourage opponents but those lasers are defensive weapons. Only thing GS have going for them in a close in fight is that they can out break a Scout, a novel tactic but pilot mantra is "Speed is Life."

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Then don't dogfight with a gunship?

Pretty much. Either bait them to unload on Feedback shield, or use Barrel Roll engine to create distance/get to cover/teammates/friendly turrets.


Love when people think that they're "sneaking up" on me behind an obstacle, only to glide straight into a fully charged railgun and full-powered Feedback shield. Gunship inspires creative play on the defensive. It has brute force advantage at long range, but short range is when it gets interesting.

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That said the flashfire, sting and the cartel scout have an over stacked burst dps build. This build breaks balance as it's nearly impossible to survive as it kills so insanely fast.


Not to mention they can pop distortion field so they can use this DPS to play chicken with strikers and consistently win because for those 3-6 seconds the striker literally can't hit them with blasters.


But yes I agree it breaks balance by giving them capabilities beyond what they should have.

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Not to mention they can pop distortion field so they can use this DPS to play chicken with strikers and consistently win because for those 3-6 seconds the striker literally can't hit them with blasters.


But yes I agree it breaks balance by giving them capabilities beyond what they should have.

Feedback damage goes through Distortion. They are as good at blowing themselves up as at blowing up careless gunships.

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Pretty much. Either bait them to unload on Feedback shield, or use Barrel Roll engine to create distance/get to cover/teammates/friendly turrets.


its not a barrel roll





'barrel' refers to 'He rolls the wings level, pulls the nose hard up`´

thats actually never Happening when you activate Barrel roll in the game


this page is extremly informartive:



its called 'sideroll' engine in the german Client, I guess they translated it wrong for you




we should wait till they bring the Bombers, I think scouts will be in desperate need of

all those defense and burst skills ... strikers will want to keep their distance even more

and all of them will long for a gunship to give them fire support

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we should wait till they bring the Bombers, I think scouts will be in desperate need of

all those defense and burst skills ... strikers will want to keep their distance even more

and all of them will long for a gunship to give them fire support


Not sure you understand how the burst mechanic is working in practice. Absolutely the Sting needs burst it needs to finish it's targets before their shields come back. It's actually a misconception that the scouts out turn the striker they out climb it and out run it but because the striker can out break the scout it can in fact out turn it. therefore a scout cannnot survive a long battle with a striker, hence burst.


However right now the burst is too much. Any ship needs a small window of opportunity to attempt escape and evasion(note: the reasone being for balanced gameplay). Scout burst should leave it shieldless(on one arc) with damaged hull for the heavyer ships, Scouts must pay their price as light craft and indeed expect to die in this circumstance. Currently scouts(sting) are blowing ships(all classes) away in 2 seconds without there being opportunity for escape/evasion.


As for the bomber comment. Bioware has sort of suggested a pecking order.


scouts kill fighters(mainly strikers and other scouts)

strikers kill turrets and other armored targets

GS well they kill what they can but are the armored targets that strikers kill.

Bombers will likely also be armored targets and tough customers up close, just what strikers are meant for.

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•Bombers: Created a ton of balance of issues. Can drop drones and mines which are basically AI controlled and take no skill to hit other players. Mines do AoE damage so not uncommon to see a single mine killing 3 enemy players at once. Only class in game that can heal hull damage, replenish ammo, and drop respawn beacons that allow players to respawn anywhere.


•Scouts: 2 types, both are fast and agile but have low hull health so they are a bit squishy. Can out run enemy missiles and get to objectives before anyone else. Default scout is light armed but the 2nd scout you can unlock is armed to the teeth (still squishy)


•Strike Fighter: 2 types, bread and butter of GS dogfighting. Heavily armed with strong hull.


•Gunships: Sniper role class with long range but limited mobility. Can kill enemy ships in 2-3 hits if fully charged up. Need a good aim and steady hand. Vulnerable to fast moving scouts

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Actually the scout is designed to counter the strike fighter, and seeing how the GS is the strikers prey it does roll down hill from the scout. However the sscout is not supposed to survive the GS fire it's supposed to avoid it hence the striker is the GS killer as it can better survive the GS fire.


That said the flashfire, sting and the cartel scout have an over stacked burst dps build. This build breaks balance as it's nearly impossible to survive as it kills so insanely fast.


This is a valid build and it has limited range and requires cool downs. It just needs to be scaled back a bit so that the scout must do a followup attack to get the kill on either a striker or a GS.


Only the scout should be able to killed in a single burst (similar but not quite the same as a one shot) as it's a price they pay for being at the top of the food chain. That said there is only one "single burst on scouts" build for each class and ideally it limits versatility of the fighter. The sting is just over cranked and is deadly to all classes.


Actually the Scout is designed to get in and out quick. They may be able burst down an enemy quick and kill a few turrets, then they're paper thin as once they burn offence CD's they're quite vulnerable for several minutes.


Contrary to some belief, the Scout is not meant to be a dog fighter, that's the role of the Strike Fighter. The Scout gets in quick, moves to cap objectives and then needs the offensive backup and support of the Strike Fighters, as the Scouts are too squishy and don't have the sustained DPS of a Striker.


Some people feel that because a Scout is able to defend itself and take out a fighter when their CD's are are up, that it's perpetually OP, when really Scouts are not able to sustain the DPS of a Striker or a Gunship.


Also of note, each ship has the ability to take out any other. This isn't a Rock, Paper, Scissors setup by design.

Edited by LeonBraun
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•Bombers: Created a ton of balance of issues. Can drop drones and mines which are basically AI controlled and take no skill to hit other players. Mines do AoE damage so not uncommon to see a single mine killing 3 enemy players at once. Only class in game that can heal hull damage, replenish ammo, and drop respawn beacons that allow players to respawn anywhere.



I was never in the beta or PTS but i was there day one of 2.5 and everyday since. I know the beta/pts was very very limited time windows, and I know from personal experience it took weeks after 2.5 for roles to sort themselves out and players to get a handle on their ships.


It makes me suspect that we players will adapt much better to bombers if they drop soon now that we've had some time to figure this gameplay out.

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