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I'm not on a Horse or: Why Bioware Should Stop Worrying and Give Speeders Love


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Yeah... it's the same 5 or 6 people in every single thread. All day. Every day. Being bully's. Being contrary. Correcting spelling. Making snarky comments. I'm sure that most people don't want to be bothered or are afraid of confrontation or are just put off and leave.


Just look how excited they all get when I expose how uninformed they are and how terrible their behavior is.


I could care less if they agree with me or not. That's not my problem. My problem is when someone asks a simple question and they are met with 10 tough guy responses, 10 snarky comments and 10 troll posts before someone answers.


Well I agree every thread has the potential to be trolled into the ground, has it perhaps occurred to you that it maybe you who are sometimes mistaken?

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Well I agree every thread has the potential to be trolled into the ground, has it perhaps occurred to you that it maybe you who are sometimes mistaken?


Of course not, he's the expert and the only expert around here. None of us have any experience like he does. We don't know anything like he does.

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Just look how excited they all get when I expose how uninformed they are and how terrible their behavior is.


This is where you are wrong, you have not proven anything beyond a fact that you know how to use links in your messages. I think the issue here may be that in your mind you have provided extensive and clear explanation, while everyone else sees the complete opposite.

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Well I agree every thread has the potential to be trolled into the ground, has it perhaps occurred to you that it maybe you who are sometimes mistaken?


I don't care if I'm mistaken. I'm sure that I often am. Whatever. I really don't care.


Just don't expect me to run away or leave because Mrs. and Mrs. Forum Tough Guy/Girl calls me names or makes a snarky comment. Most people do and everything is normal... which is really sad. But heavens forbid someone speaks up! ZOMG someone isn't afraid of the Troll Royalty!!!!! Then the thread just blows up until some gets tired or goes home from work or to work or whatever.


Sad... Sad that the expected behavior here is for big bad anonymous tough guys run free. But all out anarchy is defined by someone challenging them. I mean........... Really.

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I don't care if I'm mistaken. I'm sure that I often am. Whatever. I really don't care.


Just don't expect me to run away or leave because Mrs. and Mrs. Forum Tough Guy/Girl calls me names or makes a snarky comment. Most people do and everything is normal... which is really sad. But heavens forbid someone speaks up! ZOMG someone isn't afraid of the Troll Royalty!!!!! Then the thread just blows up until some gets tired or goes home from work or to work or whatever.


Sad... Sad that the expected behavior here is for big bad anonymous tough guys run free. But all out anarchy is defined by someone challenging them. I mean........... Really.


Nobody tells you to run away, since you are so technology savvy you should be aware that one of the problems with interaction over the internet is the lack of emotions. This is where taking a little bit of time before replaying can help to correctly judge someone.


I would like to point out that for someone who does not care if he is correct or not, you are putting a lot of effort into ensuring you look correct.

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This is where you are wrong, you have not proven anything beyond a fact that you know how to use links in your messages. I think the issue here may be that in your mind you have provided extensive and clear explanation, while everyone else sees the complete opposite.


Ooooooh, "you're wrong!!!!!". Ohhhhhh burrrrrrn. You said I was wrong!!!!! Whatever.


I said development starts with Discovery, Scope, Requirements and all the little trolls freaked out because someone who actually knows what they're talking about spoke up instead of running and hiding. I'm right, they're wrong. Period.

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Ooooooh, "you're wrong!!!!!". Ohhhhhh burrrrrrn. You said I was wrong!!!!! Whatever.


I said development starts with Discovery, Scope, Requirements and all the little trolls freaked out because someone who actually knows what they're talking about spoke up instead of running and hiding. I'm right, they're wrong. Period.


That is so childish.

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Nobody tells you to run away, since you are so technology savvy you should be aware that one of the problems with interaction over the internet is the lack of emotions. This is where taking a little bit of time before replaying can help to correctly judge someone.


I would like to point out that for someone who does not care if he is correct or not, you are putting a lot of effort into ensuring you look correct.


No, they expect *everyone to run away and hide because they are acting tough on a video game forum. I am perfectly aware of how people behave when they are all safe and anonymous behind their keyboards and don't need to be reminded of it by you LOL but whatever.


When I see someone asking an honest question or making a simple request or providing a simple suggestion my first reaction isn't to troll them or correct their grammar or act like a tough guy. But for some reason we have a handful of people here who think they are being paid by the hour to behave that way. Those are the people that I have a problem with. They are poison to this game and poison to the community.


I had some time here today (people are still on Vacay) so I decided to participate. I normally don't. It would be refreshing to see more people respond like me and take a stand to that type of behavior and less people like the Troll Patrol we have here on these forums.

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That is so childish.


Yeah because I said, "someone who actually knows what they're talking about spoke up instead of running and hiding" is such an infraction here that I need be called names. Oh, OK... I'm the one who's "childish". Man, you guys just hate it when people don't run and hide in response to your tough guy act.

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I have to agree with the sentiment that simply saying "engine cant don it" is becoming to frequent and too acceptable and cheap a cop out.


I don't really care if the engine can't do things like faster speeders, chat bubbles or more than 24 people at a time. It's their job to make it handle it. I want it in my game and they don't want "was in charge of coding for an mmo that couldn't do in 2014 what everyone was doing in 2004" on their CV for their next project.

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I have to agree with the sentiment that simply saying "engine cant don it" is becoming to frequent and too acceptable and cheap a cop out.


I don't really care if the engine can't do things like faster speeders, chat bubbles or more than 24 people at a time. It's their job to make it handle it. I want it in my game and they don't want "was in charge of coding for an mmo that couldn't do in 2014 what everyone was doing in 2004" on their CV for their next project.


I'd like to add:


  • Multi-Server Queues
  • Multi-Passenger Vehicles
  • Player Housing
  • PvE Space Missions
  • AC Switching
  • Dual Specs
  • Flying Mounts

Edited by Anzel
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Yeah because I said, "someone who actually knows what they're talking about spoke up instead of running and hiding" is such an infraction here that I need be called names. Oh, OK... I'm the one who's "childish". Man, you guys just hate it when people don't run and hide in response to your tough guy act.


I meant the way you respond.

I don't think there is anyone who would not like faster travel speeds, that is not the problem, I agree with you on that. What I have a problem with is the way you suggest to solve the problem.

Kudos to BW for reducing the cool-downs on fleet pass and fast travel, that really helps. But when it comes to suggesting that there could be an improvement to speeder movement, people that replied consider it an absurd. Now you ended up defending that absurd in General Discussion forums. Your approach was incorrect because you've tried to show of your skills as a way to support what others already consider an absurd. You have steered the topic in different direction completely unnecessary.

We do not have to believe what BW employees tell us, but that does not mean we can make outlandish claims if we want to be taken seriously.

Edited by ELRunninW
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I'd like to add:


  • Multi-Server Queues
  • Multi-Passenger Vehicles
  • Player Housing
  • PvE Space Missions
  • AC Switching
  • Dual Specs
  • Flying Mounts


[*]Multi-Server Queues


Might happen


[*]Multi-Passenger Vehicles


Might happen


[*]Player Housing


Game is not SWG and not a sandbox


[*]PvE Space Missions


Not happening as the starfighter is pvp exclusive


[*]AC Switching


Never happening


[*]Dual Specs


Respec use


[*]Flying Mounts


Game is not a sandbox so not happening


Responses in red.

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There was a moment I remember when doing one of the quests on Voss. The quest involves taking pilgrim with you that follows you all the time. It was about the time there was a discussion in GD forums about the travel speeds. I thought to myself I don't need faster speeder or anything, I just want to run as fast as this Voss does when following me on a speeder.
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I have to agree with the sentiment that simply saying "engine cant don it" is becoming to frequent and too acceptable and cheap a cop out.


I don't really care if the engine can't do things like faster speeders, chat bubbles or more than 24 people at a time. It's their job to make it handle it. I want it in my game and they don't want "was in charge of coding for an mmo that couldn't do in 2014 what everyone was doing in 2004" on their CV for their next project.


Not once did the dev's mention that it was the engine that caused the speeder speeds to be set where they are. They simply said the tech and then elaborated on the communication between client and server. The engine is a convenient excuse people use because it makes them sound more knowledgeable about their rant...

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Yeah... it's the same 5 or 6 people in every single thread. All day. Every day. Being bully's. Being contrary. Correcting spelling. Making snarky comments. I'm sure that most people don't want to be bothered or are afraid of confrontation or are just put off and leave.


Just look how excited they all get when I expose how uninformed they are and how terrible their behavior is.


I could care less if they agree with me or not. That's not my problem. My problem is when someone asks a simple question and they are met with 10 tough guy responses, 10 snarky comments and 10 troll posts before someone answers.


Just so we're clear, the very first response to the OP was:

They've already explained the reason a few times. The game's engine cannot handle it if they make speeders faster.


That response is an accurate statement of BW's position and has been independently corroborated by several posters, myself included. That was not a "snarky", "tough guy", or "troll" response. OP asked a question, got a prompt, accurate, and inoffensive reply, and the majority of the rest of this thread (especially your posts, Anzel) can best be summarized as "Whaaah, but I wants it!"


Quit insulting other people (fellow forum members and developers) just because BW is missing (in your opinion) the opportunity to profit by providing what you want. Realize that when BW says 'we can't do this because of engine limitations" that they might not mean "nobody here can do it" but that "we've decided that modifying the engine to support that will cost more resources than we are willing to spend, and no, just because you are a customer, or even a stock holder, and we are a publicly traded company, you can't have a transcript of every single developer meeting we've ever had so that you can review our discussions and design decisions in order to determine whether or not you believe our technical analysis of the situation was sufficiently thorough enough to justify denying your request."


Yes, by failing to meet your demand for speed, BW will find itself in the precarious position of possibly losing you as a subscriber. I hope they have steeled themselves up and are prepared to deal with that eventuality. I know that I'm ready for it.

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If the decade old tech that runs WoW can make flying mounts work, then surely TOR could handle ground mounts moving at a reasonable clip. I'm just not buying the "technical difficulties" line, it's a complete cop out. Why doesn't it bother people that their blistering fast speeder bikes move at a stately jogging pace?


Everyone's an expert :/

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They've already explained the reason a few times. The game's engine cannot handle it if they make speeders faster.

If they had just shelled out for their own engine instead of licensing some bargain bin third party engine the game could have faster speeders.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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people complained about othersskipping mobs


thus we got cz-198, and oricon the trash bins of the galaxy. watch where you step, you'll gash your leg on all the garbage strewn all over the map


oh and sprint upgrade was trashed because of "pvp" imbalance lol

then came rocket boost instead... rocket boost co$ts


"Speeders" nope "slowers" more like it lloll

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