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Ok, played BETA and PTS and now live. All in all, I really enjoy the game. Most things seem to be balanced pretty well. However, some combinations are adding up to OP quick. A maxed out Flashfire, for example, is Definitely OP. Nothing should get oneshots on anything with regularity, but it does, more often than the tricked out gunships.


IMO, we don't need to nerf any specific ship. However, a hard look needs to be taken at specific combinations of weapons, companions and equipment. The combined effect can be way OP. I can think of several options for leveling it out a bit. A damage max is one way, not letting multiple bonuses stack is another. Minor tweaks instead of major changes.

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Your absolutly correct about the flashfire/sting, see my long *** thread "just me or are scouts OP?" Seriously if the game launched the way it is right now, the new players will be gone and gone fast when they get rofl stomped right away. Now I know they are going to get stomped anyway but not so ridiculously.
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That is my fear. New people will join, get stomped too fast to even know what's happened and quit playing for good. BW needs to do a bit of tweaking and fast. By Jan 14 preferred can play and if something isn't done by then it'll get enough bad press it won't get new players.
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Flashfires are no more OP than NovaDives are. In fact, if I had to pick one over the other I would pick the NovaDive/Blackbolt over the Flashfire/Sting.


NovaDives are much better objective fighters. Sure they pack a slightly less burst than the Flashfire, but they are also better in capping satellites, which is the name of the game.


I've played all three fighters and people who comment that the Scout is OP, should either be playing a Scout if they feel it is so good, or really just learn to play. Because both the Gunships and the Strike Fighters get their kills with much less effort than a scout does.


Note that any type fighter should be able to take out any other fighter by players who know their crafts... This should be happening by design... It is and it's working as intended.

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Scouts themselves are not the issue its mainly bypass and to a lesser extent the armor pen on burst cannons.


Case and point last night i was in my pike and point c, in the space map (sorry forget the name atm), was being taken so i haul butt over and i see that a blackbolt and a sting have rolled in and had the turrets down. I killed them both it took some time of dodging and weaving but i made it work (an example of a strike killing scouts in CQC). Now for example same map but pub vs pub and a get wreaked by a flashfire twice. He had burst cannon, clusters, popped bypass with blaster overcharge for good measure. I was dead in less thank 3 seconds. I suppose it took some skill to stay with me and actually hit me. Some shield pierce is cool 10% on clusters is fine.. necessary even but i shouldn't have die with me shields nearly full.


That being said i ran across this same gentleman when these skills were on cd and he still beat me. We were in open space and he out flew me. He was better than me. He picked an engagement where he had the advantage and I let him, my fault. Point is a scout should beat a strike if the scout picks the fight, which is what their speed allows them to do. If a strike can get down and dirty, lil bob and weave if you will, it should come down to skill and endurance. This is where the strike levels the field, and pulls ahead even.


My point:

Scouts and Strikes are more or less balanced. Gunships are almost there (looking at you ion rail-gun.)

Bypass on any ship is not balanced.

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There are some pilots out there with some seriously ridiculous skill. I've been able to beat any fighter out there that's downed me once, but looking at the charts, these amazing pilots can and do top the charts time and time again, every fight they play, in any fighter they fly.


Some are just better pilots. Good on them.


NOTE: I haven't used this bypass yet, I really have to look in to that.

Edited by LeonBraun
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There are some pilots out there with some seriously ridiculous skill. I've been able to beat any fighter out there that's downed me once, but looking at the charts, these amazing pilots can and do top the charts time and time again, every fight they play, in any fighter they fly.


Some are just better pilots. Good on them.


NOTE: I haven't used this bypass yet, I really have to look in to that.


Don't, IT'S A TRAP!!

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I fly a maxed Flashfire, and let me tell you, one shots on someone don't happen. I don't care what your build is. Currently, I run Burst Cannons with Blaster Overcharge and Bypass abilities. The only time I kill in one shot is on a very lucky crit at close range with both offensives activated, or if their shields are already softened when I get them in my sights. Other than that, it's just not happening. Scouts are usually 2 shot (that actually connect), gunships are 3-4 depending on the build, and strike builds can take as high as 7. That's with power transferred to weapons. Add a shot or two if you've got another system (like shields) running hot.
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Flashfires are no more OP than NovaDives are. In fact, if I had to pick one over the other I would pick the NovaDive/Blackbolt over the Flashfire/Sting.(snip)


Please, go back and read what I posted. The issue here is the stacked bonuses and one shot kills. I don't care what is doing the shooting or what it is shooting at. You get that, right? I expect that the results of the stacked bonuses are not working as intended but rather have become OP. I do not believe any game designer actually designed this game to have one shot kills. Doing so would be stupid and foolish since it'll simply get a lot of people to try it once or twice and then never play again.

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There's other pressing concerns than getting one-shotted in a very specific set of circumstances because you're flying a scout and didn't see that big honkin' gunship in time. It's not like you have a limited number of lives. Just get back out there and hunt the bastard down. You've got a full minute before he can do it again.
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I fly a maxed Flashfire, and let me tell you, one shots on someone don't happen. I don't care what your build is. Currently, I run Burst Cannons with Blaster Overcharge and Bypass abilities. The only time I kill in one shot is on a very lucky crit at close range with both offensives activated, or if their shields are already softened when I get them in my sights. Other than that, it's just not happening. Scouts are usually 2 shot (that actually connect), gunships are 3-4 depending on the build, and strike builds can take as high as 7. That's with power transferred to weapons. Add a shot or two if you've got another system (like shields) running hot.


Add some more shots if the opponent is half-decent and doesn't let you kill him by flying straight. Never fly straight. Never. It's the dream of everyone.

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The issue here is the stacked bonuses and one shot kills.


Gunships.. sure, a crit with bypass.


But if you're implying scouts, you're mistaken. I've done what you consider a one shot, but it's not a one shot at all. It's most likely two burst shots with double crits and bypass rolling with a cluster missile tossed in. It just happens in a second or so, so most people freak out and say "OMG HE ONE SHOT ME" which isn't true.


Part of that is luck - without the crits, it's probably 3 shots. This requires close range as burst damage falls off at further range. Plus, if you hadn't been flying so predictably, I likely wouldn't have lined up those two shots back to back.


I'd love to see a video of anything other than a gunship actually getting a one shot on anything.

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So I maxed out both categories for shielding on my strikefighter, during a match I was a fresh spawn, i rolled over to a base at the start of a match, and sitting there was one of those czerka style flashfires.


Me being cocky with my new maxed shields, figured id fly up, fire my maxed out rapid fire lasers at this supposed armor less lightning bug, while establishing a missile lock and this should be funny.


It was funny, for him.


I approached him from the side and as soon as i was in range I hit X and started a constant stream of laser fire and the lock on process for my missile.


Before my missile could even lock, the scout was able to turn towards me while taking fire, abd basically 3 shot me into dust.


My jaw hit the floor!, and seriously, *** is up with that? :confused:

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