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Merry Life Chris-aunik-za! (and any others I'm sorry for forgetting)


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Hey there Ebon Hawk. We've had some rough times over the past year, lots of clicky in fighting on all sides of the fence. I admit I've indulged in some of that too, and I apologize for my part in it all.


Just to put things straight out there, happy holidays to all of you. Underworld Alliance, Proper Villains, Bane, Aisthesis, Army of Light, Pathfinder, ((please please please forgive me, I know that's a really short list but I have to finish making dinner.)) And literally ALL the other guilds out there. Together we make the 'EH' "tEH server to be on.' Keep it up. And, again, if you have a character on the hawk, best holiday wishes to you and yours. You, are awesome.

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Merry Christmas everyone! The server may have had its fair share of drama and flaming, but bosses died, things were cleared, people reached and were knocked off of leaderboards, had wild gen chat arguements, but we had fun along the way, and that's what matters, whether you rp or pve or pvp, you had fun.


Merry Christmas!

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