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If spawn points weren't protected by turrets...


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...would pretty much all of the complaints about gunships go away?


I play both Republic and Empire and pretty much all of the gunship pilots on both sides flee back to their capital ship if you start attacking them and force them to maneuver. If you don't kill them fast, you have to stop chasing them because the capital ship turrets will destroy you. If you stop and move back towards the satellites, the gunship will turn around and try to snipe you. You are likely dead unless you have some boost saved up and some defensive cooldowns.


When I play my scout I devote most of my time gunship hunting and the turrets are more annoying to me than the gunships. Anyone else feel the same way?

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yeah ive noticed this trend starting, kinda stucks, pretty chicken **** way to play but what can you do? im just trying to shrug it off and hopfully soon gunships will get some adjustments. and maybe they will get rid of the capital ships turrets but im not gonna hold my breath for that lol.
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I have no idea why I should stay and fight a losing battle when it's much more fun to let people die to their own stupidity.


And no, people wouldn't stop complaining about gunships because the biggest problem with gunships right now is an upgraded railshot + bypass.

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If somone is foolish enough to chase me down as I fly toward my capital ship and they die to the turrets, they have poor situational awarness. Another reason I turn toward the ship is because usually incoming pilots will see I am in trouble and swoop in to help out. Imperial sides have alot of asteroids in Lost Shipyard they use to duck in and out of as well, where as republic ships are a straight shot. On the mesa I will use the mesa's to barrel rool toward swoop in behind and if a enemy turns around I swing back and take up postion, if not I move to the next mesa until a incoming imperial pilot gets them of my six.
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...would pretty much all of the complaints about gunships go away?


I play both Republic and Empire and pretty much all of the BAD gunship pilots on both sides flee back to their capital ship if you start attacking them and force them to maneuver. If you don't kill them fast, you have to stop chasing them because the capital ship turrets will destroy you. If you stop and move back towards the satellites, the gunship will turn around and try to snipe you. You are likely dead unless you have some boost saved up and some defensive cooldowns.


When I play my scout I devote most of my time gunship hunting and the turrets are more annoying to me than the gunships. Anyone else feel the same way?




I'm a gunship pilot and I hate that garbage move. But ultimately, if falls on the pursuing pilot. If you've got enough awareness to break off before crossing into the range of the anti-spawncamping turrets, you can pretty much bottle up the supposed "threat" these failboat pilots represent.

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I'm a gunship pilot and I hate that garbage move. But ultimately, if falls on the pursuing pilot. If you've got enough awareness to break off before crossing into the range of the anti-spawncamping turrets, you can pretty much bottle up the supposed "threat" these failboat pilots represent.


very true, ive only been killed by this tactic twice and it was cause i wasnt paying attention to where i was, and another time cause i thought i was playing the other side (do GSF with my jugg and sage cause i like both sets of ships lol) and thought they were flying tword my teams base lol.


i mainly fly the flashfire (cause it looks like an A-wing lol) so i can out run them if i break off and they want to chase me, but the ppl that play mainly strike fighters (or the few times i play mine) have a harder time getting away.


ive always just hated the "oh your coming after me im gonna run, now your breaking off im gonna chase, now your chasing ill run" stuff in pvp games. and your right about mainly the bad ones doing it, good gunship pilots barrel roll spin around and start shooting me again, not run with their tail firmly tucked.

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You've chased them away from the objectives and they've blown their energy. As a scout you should have no problem turning around, breaking LoS and going back to the objective. Both sides are down one person, but you'll be back WAY sooner than they will.


I count that as a victory. Sure, I didn't get a kill, but I'm going to be useful way sooner then they are.


And people always mention "Oh they turn around and snipe you." Have you SEEN a gunships turn abilities? Unless they have the engine power to flip around (and if they have energy after running and didn't have barrel roll to run away when you attacked something is wrong) they're gonna take a bit to turn around and by then you should be FAR away or at the very least line of sighted them with all the obstacles in space.

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Look this is simple and this goes well beyond both GSF and this game entirely. There are the winners and the losers, period. The losers will come up with a million and one pathetic whiny excuses to protect their fragile little egos about why they are losing. It happens in all areas of life, and if we were living in harsher conditions they are the kind of people who DIE. They do not pass go, they do not collect $200, their gene pool does not get passed on and natural selection weeds them out.


I am by far the best gunship pilot on POT5, there isn't even anyone close and I will leverage EVERY SINGLE option to me to be successful in everything I do. This includes dragging enemies into turrets, dragging enemies into allies, and using the cap ship to get people off me when I have no other options. This isn't to say I am advocating having no morals, there is being pragmatic and then there is cheating. I do not cheat, but within the framework of the game in its current state I will always maximize myself. With every change I will adapt to continue being a dominant presence in everything I do.


The Ion Cannon is a great example that people hate me for, before anyone else even realized its potential I sought that sucker out and maximized its effect. We can argue all day if it is overpowered, people have said that about smash for a year now and what did the devs do? They buffed it. Some guy over at Bioware spent hours coding for the ion cannon to do what it does and he knew what he was doing. Its game description matches what it does so it is undeniably not an exploit. I will continue to use that skill, along with every other ability to make myself as efficient as possible, so long as it remains as effective as it is. You are kidding yourself if you think I won't immediatley adapt to any change they make and continue to perform at my best.


So how does this all relate to the topic at hand? Retreating back to the cap ship works. It is a smart strategy and the most competitive people will always employ it when the situation warrants it so long as it remains effective (ie stupid people follow and die). The people who come up with illogical and dumb excuses why they refuse to are betas, they will always be betas until they recognize their own idiotic limits and push past them to become better. People like that find themselves following instead of leading, losing more often than winning, complain about kill stealing, hacks, and exploits, and write ridiculous replies seeking validation on why even though they got owned, they are still somehow superior than their opponent. NEWS FLASH, you aren't.


End of the day, until you approach the situation logically, and come up with realistic solutions to counter your opponent, you will always lose. If they remove the turrets, you can bet those players will find another way to own you just as hard because they can adapt and you've proven you can't by coming here and suggesting the devs save you from your own badness by changing where you refuse to.


Merry Christmas

Edited by Tentou
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Retreating back to the cap ship works. It is a smart strategy and the most competitive people will always employ it when the situation warrants it so long as it remains effective (ie stupid people follow and die).


its not a smart strat... it shows your lack of skill, i bet everytime you hop in a striker or scout you get blown to dust. the good gunship pilots take ppl out with no need to run, after developing my strat against them the ones like you that try to stay near the base and lure are dead before they can turn around.



they are still somehow superior than their opponent. NEWS FLASH, you aren't.


back at you, more an more ppl are starting to play everyday, it is STILL early access, and guess what theres gonna be 2 more batchs of ppl in the coming days to lure to the ship also cause you are to bad to get a kill. and guess what? they will adapt just like the rest of us while you bad gunship pilots lean on your crutch which will slowly fade.






Merry Christmas


just cause the OP hasnt figured out a work around for your cheese covered skill less tactics doesnt mean you need to come on here and bash them (or anyone else) on CHRISTMAS of all days, ppl like you is what is wrong with the world. go crawl back under your rock Mr Scrooge.

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Look this is simple and this goes well beyond both GSF and this game entirely. There are the winners and the losers, period. The losers will come up with a million and one pathetic whiny excuses to protect their fragile little egos about why they are losing. It happens in all areas of life, and if we were living in harsher conditions they are the kind of people who DIE. They do not pass go, they do not collect $200, their gene pool does not get passed on and natural selection weeds them out.


I am by far the best gunship pilot on POT5, there isn't even anyone close and I will leverage EVERY SINGLE option to me to be successful in everything I do. This includes dragging enemies into turrets, dragging enemies into allies, and using the cap ship to get people off me when I have no other options. This isn't to say I am advocating having no morals, there is being pragmatic and then there is cheating. I do not cheat, but within the framework of the game in its current state I will always maximize myself. With every change I will adapt to continue being a dominant presence in everything I do.


The Ion Cannon is a great example that people hate me for, before anyone else even realized its potential I sought that sucker out and maximized its effect. We can argue all day if it is overpowered, people have said that about smash for a year now and what did the devs do? They buffed it. Some guy over at Bioware spent hours coding for the ion cannon to do what it does and he knew what he was doing. Its game description matches what it does so it is undeniably not an exploit. I will continue to use that skill, along with every other ability to make myself as efficient as possible, so long as it remains as effective as it is. You are kidding yourself if you think I won't immediatley adapt to any change they make and continue to perform at my best.


So how does this all relate to the topic at hand? Retreating back to the cap ship works. It is a smart strategy and the most competitive people will always employ it when the situation warrants it so long as it remains effective (ie stupid people follow and die). The people who come up with illogical and dumb excuses why they refuse to are betas, they will always be betas until they recognize their own idiotic limits and push past them to become better. People like that find themselves following instead of leading, losing more often than winning, complain about kill stealing, hacks, and exploits, and write ridiculous replies seeking validation on why even though they got owned, they are still somehow superior than their opponent. NEWS FLASH, you aren't.


End of the day, until you approach the situation logically, and come up with realistic solutions to counter your opponent, you will always lose. If they remove the turrets, you can bet those players will find another way to own you just as hard because they can adapt and you've proven you can't by coming here and suggesting the devs save you from your own badness by changing where you refuse to.


Merry Christmas


Eh. I don't have a problem with you using game mechanics to win but throwing in alpha/beta bs into it is silly.


You're a runner. That's cool with me, but you don't need to write a justifying book about it.


You're also using a frankly overpowered ability set in the ions. And that's fine. But it has nothing to do with any kind of social hierarchy. You're a good player, but you're not fantastic. Your biggest asset is usually your wingmen in any game I've seen you play.


Merry Christmas as well. :)

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Look this is simple and this goes well beyond both GSF and this game entirely. There are the winners and the losers, period. The losers will come up with a million and one pathetic whiny excuses to protect their fragile little egos about why they are losing. It happens in all areas of life, and if we were living in harsher conditions they are the kind of people who DIE. They do not pass go, they do not collect $200, their gene pool does not get passed on and natural selection weeds them out.


[More nonsense]


[still more nonsense]


[delusional nonsense]


[end of diatribe]



L O freakin' L.


The best gunship pilots don't run. The best gunship pilots still own me pretty often without running. Sure, I get them sometimes but a lot of time I don't. Credit where credit is due, the best gunship pilots on my server are just a bit better than me...


...at a VIDEO GAME. That has nothing to do with life. In fact, in my personal experience the people that are the BEST at video games are very, very rarely the best at anything else and far more rarely are what the average person would call one of life's "winners". I've met lots of great players and lots are great folks. Very very few have been super successful highly paid professionals. There is NOTHING about being great in a video game that defines you as a winner in life. There's nothing that makes you a loser either if you play video games, but saying that the best folks in video games are invariably life's big winners is absolutely hilarious--because in most cases, it's simply not true. Like at ALL. I'm seriously laughing, it's completely delusional to equate being great in a video game with being a big winner in ANY other aspects of life (or, as you hilariously call them, "alphas").


This post seriously made my day. I'm sharing it with everyone I know, and everyone is getting a good laugh. If this is satire, it is absolutely brilliant. :) Thanks for brightening mine and my colleagues' work day.

Edited by Eldrenath
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L O freakin' L.


The best gunship pilots don't run. The best gunship pilots still own me pretty often without running. Sure, I get them sometimes but a lot of time I don't. Credit where credit is due, the best gunship pilots on my server are just a bit better than me...


...at a VIDEO GAME. That has nothing to do with life. In fact, in my personal experience the people that are the BEST at video games are very, very rarely the best at anything else and far more rarely are what the average person would call one of life's "winners". I've met lots of great players and lots are great folks. Very very few have been super successful highly paid professionals. There is NOTHING about being great in a video game that defines you as a winner in life. There's nothing that makes you a loser either if you play video games, but saying that the best folks in video games are invariably life's big winners is absolutely hilarious--because in most cases, it's simply not true. Like at ALL. I'm seriously laughing, it's completely delusional to equate being great in a video game with being a big winner in ANY other aspects of life (or, as you hilariously call them, "alphas").


This post seriously made my day. I'm sharing it with everyone I know, and everyone is getting a good laugh. If this is satire, it is absolutely brilliant. :) Thanks for brightening mine and my colleagues' work day.


QFT. My respose to him got "disappeared", but I'll parphrase:


You better watch what you say, Eldrenath. You're dealing with the hands-down best pilot on his server. LOL.


I'm hoping he just trolled everybody, and does not really feel that way. Otherwise that is just sad.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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QFT. My respose to him got reported and moderated out, but I'll parphrase:


You better watch what you say, Eldrenath. You're dealing with the hands-down best pilot on his server. LOL.


I'm hoping he just trolled everybody, and does not really feel that way. Otherwise that is just sad.


Seriously. If he is a troll, he is like the Obi Wan Kanobi of trolls. If not...then that post is the funniest thing I have read in ages. ^_^

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just cause the OP hasnt figured out a work around for your cheese covered skill less tactics doesnt mean you need to come on here and bash them (or anyone else) on CHRISTMAS of all days, ppl like you is what is wrong with the world. go crawl back under your rock Mr Scrooge.


Not Alpha.


Eh. I don't have a problem with you using game mechanics to win but throwing in alpha/beta bs into it is silly.


You're a runner. That's cool with me, but you don't need to write a justifying book about it.


You're also using a frankly overpowered ability set in the ions. And that's fine. But it has nothing to do with any kind of social hierarchy. You're a good player, but you're not fantastic. Your biggest asset is usually your wingmen in any game I've seen you play.


Merry Christmas as well. :)


Not Alpha.


L O freakin' L.


The best gunship pilots don't run. The best gunship pilots still own me pretty often without running. Sure, I get them sometimes but a lot of time I don't. Credit where credit is due, the best gunship pilots on my server are just a bit better than me...


...at a VIDEO GAME. That has nothing to do with life. In fact, in my personal experience the people that are the BEST at video games are very, very rarely the best at anything else and far more rarely are what the average person would call one of life's "winners". I've met lots of great players and lots are great folks. Very very few have been super successful highly paid professionals. There is NOTHING about being great in a video game that defines you as a winner in life. There's nothing that makes you a loser either if you play video games, but saying that the best folks in video games are invariably life's big winners is absolutely hilarious--because in most cases, it's simply not true. Like at ALL. I'm seriously laughing, it's completely delusional to equate being great in a video game with being a big winner in ANY other aspects of life (or, as you hilariously call them, "alphas").


This post seriously made my day. I'm sharing it with everyone I know, and everyone is getting a good laugh. If this is satire, it is absolutely brilliant. :) Thanks for brightening mine and my colleagues' work day.


Definitely not Alpha.


QFT. My respose to him got "disappeared", but I'll parphrase:


You better watch what you say, Eldrenath. You're dealing with the hands-down best pilot on his server. LOL.


I'm hoping he just trolled everybody, and does not really feel that way. Otherwise that is just sad.


Logs onto SWTOR, gets dunked on until logs out.


Seriously. If he is a troll, he is like the Obi Wan Kanobi of trolls. If not...then that post is the funniest thing I have read in ages. ^_^


Not even Beta. More like straight up Delta response. Takes the D hard.

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Not Alpha.




Not Alpha.




Definitely not Alpha.




Logs onto SWTOR, gets dunked on until logs out.




Not even Beta. More like straight up Delta response. Takes the D hard.


Not doing anything Saturday nights.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Removing the turrets would just result in another Ilum Massacre, with whichever faction has dominance camping the spawn point and waxing everyone as they come out of hyperspace. There is a very good reason to have one shot guards protecting the spawn points.



Now, making it impossible to stay in or return to the spawn points would be quite useful.


But honestly, nothing is going to stop the moaning about gunships until something else comes along. (Bombers for example.)

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the gunship is not winning by running away either. He is abandoning the node and his team, not helping anyone at all. Now if someone is dumb enough to follow that gunship back to his spawnpoint then they do deserve to be blown up, on my scout I just make them run, then make them come ALL the way back, and then when I see the glow of a railgun scare him off, its more hilarious than anything.
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just cause the OP hasnt figured out a work around for your cheese covered skill less tactics doesnt mean you need to come on here and bash them (or anyone else) on CHRISTMAS of all days, ppl like you is what is wrong with the world. go crawl back under your rock Mr Scrooge.


Umm, what gives you the idea I don't know how to deal with gunships? My scout is fully upgraded with all the offensive oriented components and with Blaster Overcharge I can take down a gunship in just a couple of seconds.


When I get killed by a gunship, almost all of the time it is when I am already in a dogfight with someone else and they pick me off while I have someone else targeted. When I respawn, I just go after the gunship and kill him to make us even. If I mess up and don't kill him before he escapes to his capital ship turrets, I usually just hide behind an asteroid so he doesn't have line of sight and wait for him to return.

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I guess the complaints about enemy gunships camping spawn points would go into the thousands of threads within a minute after this change be made :rolleyes:


If a team is so bad that enemy gunships are able to camp their spawn point, the outcome of that game has already been decided.


BTW you get extra spawn points when you cap A or C so unless the enemy has 3-capped, you can choose to spawn at the capital ship for A or C.

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