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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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I second this.


I have 2 marauders. One has DS Jaesa. She's a blood-bathing psychopath. I'm a DS sith but even though my marauder likes to kill, he kills with purpose. For the Empire. DS Jaesa just wants to kill for the sake of killing. She's easy to swoon because of my DS choices, too. Boring.


My second marauder (Also DS sith) is on the verge of getting Jaesa again. I'm probably going to pick LS Jaesa this time. IF she were romanceable I'd probably romance her over Vette this time around. But I can't because... well... I can't. And it's just more fun when they're hard to get. My sith is human. She's human. It makes sense. (Not that I don't like Vette. I love her to death. But having choices is nice.)


There's just something fun about an unorthodox romance.

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It will come, but probably not for a long time. Perhaps in an expansion, since to add even more voice acting for all the content they have now will take awhile. Who knows really? They might have started developing this VA content now.


Here is what someone said in an earlier post.


Thanks for the info :).

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Jaesa is someone who is insecure with anything that isn't clear cut -- anything gray makes her uncomfortable. So if you turn her dark, she goes full tilt boogie dark; take her light, full tilt boogie light. The only way she can feel stable is to have a simple and set, unyielding and uncompromising belief system.


She _needs_ something to believe in -- she's searched for it her whole life. At the point when Nomen Karr falls, she is about to unravel -- there is no order, no foundation, nothing to believe in -- and, one way or the other, the Warrior gives her that bold clear path to walk. Any hint of impurity on that path and she will be lost forever.


So, if you were to try to romance Jaesa light, she would fall apart. She'd see it as a betrayal; she'd realize that even this -- this last hope for something that makes sense, something dependable -- is false. This more than any other reason is why she doesn't swing that way. It's all about character.


To me, if a romance is added it would have to address this primary precept of her character. It should be impossible to keep her sane (and light) while cultivating a romance.


Probably the best written arguement against LS romance, but what the f*** is "boogie" in the context of this post? Well...really, really (not really) spoilers but I'll put the tag anyway

she tells you that she killed light sided sith

and of course she works with a sith; who works with the empire (which alllows slavery, starts wars= death).

Something doesn't quite.....=/=.....

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Something always bugs me about the Jedi don't get married argument. Cause its mostly not true. Jedi rarely get married in the Old Republic era, but it does happen, and the Jedi Council is known to allow it if you get permission. There is a whole system in place. They may frown and make funny faces at you but it happens. Revan and Bastilla are a great example, as is the Jedi Knight and Kira, or the consular and Nadia. Hell the female Inquisitor romance is a Jedi. Actually Kira has some pretty good thoughts on the whole thing, and talks about it a bit. There are plenty of Jedi who are from long lines of Jedi, implying that guess what they had families. (Satelle Shan and Ashara Zavros being good examples)


If you start talking the New Jedi Order (What Luke Skywalker founds) then Jedi getting married becomes the norm. Almost all the major Jedi characters have had some sort of serious relationship, and at like half of the Masters have kids.


That being said, I do believe they will add this content in, its really requested, and Bioware is known to cater to players requests with this kind of thing. (Tali and Garrus) I don't think (and hope) we won't have to wait until an expansion, probably just a big content update. Maybe around the time HK-51 makes his appearance?

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Please do... Made the same mistake today not knowing I couldnt romance her as being LS i'm 100% pure light sided sith and want to stay that way... Having (LS) Jaesa Willsaam romance-able is the only reason I will continue on my warrior if not i'm just gonna let him collect double XP untill they make her be able to romance.


Seriously you should not pick to play or not play based on a "romance" with a particular companion.


The "romance" is literally 3-4 conversations and a fade to black. Oh, and 3 letters.


And it's not even 3-4 additional quests - if you don't romance her you just get different ones, or variations.


If you romance her, it doesn't change anything, which is one of my biggest gripes with how they're doing it. She won't call you her husband while you're running around with you, she doesn't move into your bedroom on the ship - nothing. Vette is still telling me to get any Sithy thoughts out of my head - heck she was encouraging them just a couple conversations ago!


Jaissa LS is one of the rare companions who gets a 'crowning moment of awesome' - someone who really develops and matures as a person. It was a great story and I enjoyed all of it.

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Seriously you should not pick to play or not play based on a "romance" with a particular companion.


The "romance" is literally 3-4 conversations and a fade to black. Oh, and 3 letters.


And it's not even 3-4 additional quests - if you don't romance her you just get different ones, or variations.


If you romance her, it doesn't change anything, which is one of my biggest gripes with how they're doing it. She won't call you her husband while you're running around with you, she doesn't move into your bedroom on the ship - nothing. Vette is still telling me to get any Sithy thoughts out of my head - heck she was encouraging them just a couple conversations ago!


Jaissa LS is one of the rare companions who gets a 'crowning moment of awesome' - someone who really develops and matures as a person. It was a great story and I enjoyed all of it.

I didn't pick a marauder just for the Jaissa romance. I enjoy the story to her I just don't want vette as my romance that's my only thing ticking me off. She just rubs me the wrong way for some reason

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Following up and responding to the replies to my post...


It's not about the Jedi way versus the Sith way. It's just about the Warrior, her new master, and her personal relationship to inconsistency. _You_ are her rock. _You_ are what she believes in. And if you were to hit on her, she'd lose it. It would eat at her that she couldn't trust you -- that you're motivations are not pure. Just like everyone else in her life. Her parents who were using her to improve the family lot; all her high society "friends' growing up; the Alderaanians she served who sought to benefit from her power; and especially Nomen Karr whom she placed so must trust in.


When Karr found her she was adrift, filled with suspicion, knowing that all people are false, overwhelmed by the inconsistency of all emotional beings. That's why the Jedi were such an incredible answer for her. And therefore why the Warrior's exposure of Karr is the end of the world for her. If she'd been found and trained by a staunch Jedi, instead of Karr, Jaesa could have become the most shining example of the Order's edicts. An unwavering champion of their code. And she would NEVER love.


Maybe it's too black and white, but it seems to be the point. Jaesa lives in denial. It all stems from her power -- she's been and is privy to too much. No one should know so much, and it's created a very shaky psyche. It's an unbelievably daunting task for her to walk the tightrope as the apprentice of a Sith Lord. It's so precarious that a romance would knock her off.


That's my read and I'm sticking to it.


Again, add a romance to her, fine, but it should not end well. It should ruin her forever.

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Following up and responding to the replies to my post...


It's not about the Jedi way versus the Sith way. It's just about the Warrior, her new master, and her personal relationship to inconsistency. _You_ are her rock. _You_ are what she believes in. And if you were to hit on her, she'd lose it. It would eat at her that she couldn't trust you -- that you're motivations are not pure. Just like everyone else in her life. Her parents who were using her to improve the family lot; all her high society "friends' growing up; the Alderaanians she served who sought to benefit from her power; and especially Nomen Karr whom she placed so must trust in.


When Karr found her she was adrift, filled with suspicion, knowing that all people are false, overwhelmed by the inconsistency of all emotional beings. That's why the Jedi were such an incredible answer for her. And therefore why the Warrior's exposure of Karr is the end of the world for her. If she'd been found and trained by a staunch Jedi, instead of Karr, Jaesa could have become the most shining example of the Order's edicts. An unwavering champion of their code. And she would NEVER love.


Maybe it's too black and white, but it seems to be the point. Jaesa lives in denial. It all stems from her power -- she's been and is privy to too much. No one should know so much, and it's created a very shaky psyche. It's an unbelievably daunting task for her to walk the tightrope as the apprentice of a Sith Lord. It's so precarious that a romance would knock her off.


That's my read and I'm sticking to it.


Again, add a romance to her, fine, but it should not end well. It should ruin her forever.


That's a bit of a cynical view of romance, you make it sound like a cheapening ill gotten affair, who says you have to hit on someone, what ever happened to just falling for someone?

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Gonna +1 on this one as it's an interesting idea but while at I'd also add another request.


Make LS Jaesa substory not about taking over and reforming the empire so it's some hippie utopia.


Seriously, what's up with that? If anything, adding some light into the Empire should be more like Revanites preach which is by embracing some LS elements in order to make up for what's Empire lacking in certain areas. It's extremely random that Jaesa joins you cause you show her that Jedi are hypocrites and Sith aren't all that bad as it would seem and after returning to ship you learn that apparently you're on some big quest to turn the Empire upside down, turning it into Republic 2.0.


WHAT? Since when?


It would make so much more sense if LS Jaesa substory was about pursuing the same idea as Revanites (using them as an example here) - to make the Empire more stable, more rational, instead of allowing it to be run by people who often place their own welfare before that of the entire body (the Empire). If Jedi are "liars" (out of better word, let's use that) and yet they are the icon of the Republic and your character shows Jaesa that Empire doesn't automatically mean "evil", it would be so much better if that quest you're seemingly on, was about making it more competent by showing it some LS tendencies.


Originally I wanted to go LS with my SW but after seeing that LS choices are mostly goodie 2 shoes in nature + during one of companion substories, you're turned into some kind of Jedi infiltrator (hell, she even openly states in one of LS convos that she only playes the role of dark apprentice and is still a Jedi) who secretly acts in opposition of the Empire and wants to change it into something completely different, I instantly changed my mind. I'm SITH WARRIOR. it doesn't matter if I follow moral code that's more about greater good and rational than your average ******e Sith. I'm still Sith, I channel my hatred to make the pain go away, I act on emotions and despite showing some tendencies that could be normally attributed to LS, I do them because it's best in the long run and helps strengthen the faction which I'm allied to but I ABSOLUTELY DON'T do the kind of things LS Jaesa advocates.


That's the problem with all LS choices for the Empire in this game. They all look like you're doing "good" because you're some bleeding heart. I've encountered maybe 3 LS choices that would actually serve as greater good for the Empire while at the same time keeping my character from being arrogant douche who likes random overkill.


So yeah, +1 on that but will need some real work done.

Edited by gibmachine
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Originally I wanted to go LS with my SW but after seeing that LS choices are mostly goodie 2 shoes in nature + during one of companion substories, you're turned into some kind of Jedi infiltrator (hell, she even openly states in one of LS convos that she only playes the role of dark apprentice and is still a Jedi) who secretly acts in opposition of the Empire and wants to change it into something completely different, I instantly changed my mind. I'm SITH WARRIOR. it doesn't matter if I follow moral code that's more about greater good and rational than your average ******e Sith. I'm still Sith, I channel my hatred to make the pain go away, I act on emotions and despite showing some tendencies that could be normally attributed to LS, I do them because it's best in the long run and helps strengthen the faction which I'm allied to but I ABSOLUTELY DON'T do the kind of things LS Jaesa advocates.


Light-side/dark-side is dictated by the force, not by your faction. The force couldn't care less which faction you are. All that matters to it is the morality of the actual choice you are making.


Yes, the empire is run by predominately darkside beings, and they seemingly try to hunt down lightside beings with a vengeance. That doesn't mean that morally 'good' can't exist within the empire, though. Just that it has harder times thriving.


Making a base for the lightside to grow and thrive within the confines of the empire seems to be what LS SW story is about, and I have no issue with that. Sith is your training, it's not who you are as a person. Thinking such would be extremely predjudiced (and ironically, something the majority of the jedis you meet as a Sith is fallable of).


If anything, I feel the game forgot to combine generic quests proper with the class-stories, as some of the representations and choices you get there are directly in contrast to the class story.

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Yeah, I rolled a light-side SW and was also kind of shocked that my LS choices suddenly equated to trying to reform the empire. Maybe if there was any indication at all that's what you might be doing or could do ahead of time I'd be cool with it, but as it was, I had zero interest in that random addition to the story, so I rerolled. Seems like it's necessary to stay neutral until you get her to turn her darkside, then you can start going Light.


/signed for this. Considering most companion romances end with you getting married and with no real 'stress' in the relationship, I fail to see how it would somehow wreck lightside Jaesa if something happened. Especially since it's obvious by her interaction with her Master that it isn't just an auto-on, all-the-time proximity-based ability, as her master hid himself from her ability for the entire time they were working together.

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Light-side/dark-side is dictated by the force, not by your faction. The force couldn't care less which faction you are. All that matters to it is the morality of the actual choice you are making.


Yes, the empire is run by predominately darkside beings, and they seemingly try to hunt down lightside beings with a vengeance. That doesn't mean that morally 'good' can't exist within the empire, though. Just that it has harder times thriving.


Making a base for the lightside to grow and thrive within the confines of the empire seems to be what LS SW story is about, and I have no issue with that. Sith is your training, it's not who you are as a person. Thinking such would be extremely predjudiced (and ironically, something the majority of the jedis you meet as a Sith is fallable of).


If anything, I feel the game forgot to combine generic quests proper with the class-stories, as some of the representations and choices you get there are directly in contrast to the class story.


From what I gathered LS SW story is the same as DS SW story but instead of butchering your enemies on the spot, you spare them either because you're that good or so they can come in handy later (like Rathari or those republic troopers in Nar Shaddaa).


There isn't a single word about making a move on the empire and reforming it prior to convos with Jaesa. It makes ZERO sense. Plus, LS in this game isn't dictated by the force but by your choices and the moral code you follow. You murder people for the kicks - you're DS. You spare them for whatever reason - you're LS. It's very transparent tbh. There isn't one line in main SW story which even vaguely suggests that you hate the empire as it is and want to change it. Not one. It comes up randomly when building affection with your Jedi "apprentice".


Right, so give the option to romance LS Jaesa but for the love of all that is holy, change the romance's plot.

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I convinced her to become my apprentice, I did so cautiously and subtly, as I thought, never intended to make some kind of a light side Sith apprentice, still I made her kill her master after she pledged her allegiance, and I get an LS Jaesa? How in the hell can she be light side after that?! And on top of that, it turns out there's no way to romance with her now. That's TWO BIG disappointments in a row :-(
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Make LS Jaesa substory not about taking over and reforming the empire so it's some hippie utopia.



Lol. When I got the second convo w/ her on the ship I was like "what the...f**n pyscho wants to reform the sith??" But now I figure: what the heck, let her think that.

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I convinced her to become my apprentice, I did so cautiously and subtly, as I thought, never intended to make some kind of a light side Sith apprentice, still I made her kill her master after she pledged her allegiance, and I get an LS Jaesa? How in the hell can she be light side after that?! And on top of that, it turns out there's no way to romance with her now. That's TWO BIG disappointments in a row :-(


Sorry for double-post but....



You didn't kill her master on tatooine or her parents, did you?


Either that or you are just reading her lame, un-updated codex

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Gonna +1 on this one as it's an interesting idea but while at I'd also add another request.


Make LS Jaesa substory not about taking over and reforming the empire so it's some hippie utopia.


Seriously, what's up with that? If anything, adding some light into the Empire should be more like Revanites preach which is by embracing some LS elements in order to make up for what's Empire lacking in certain areas. It's extremely random that Jaesa joins you cause you show her that Jedi are hypocrites and Sith aren't all that bad as it would seem and after returning to ship you learn that apparently you're on some big quest to turn the Empire upside down, turning it into Republic 2.0.


WHAT? Since when?


It would make so much more sense if LS Jaesa substory was about pursuing the same idea as Revanites (using them as an example here) - to make the Empire more stable, more rational, instead of allowing it to be run by people who often place their own welfare before that of the entire body (the Empire). If Jedi are "liars" (out of better word, let's use that) and yet they are the icon of the Republic and your character shows Jaesa that Empire doesn't automatically mean "evil", it would be so much better if that quest you're seemingly on, was about making it more competent by showing it some LS tendencies.


Originally I wanted to go LS with my SW but after seeing that LS choices are mostly goodie 2 shoes in nature + during one of companion substories, you're turned into some kind of Jedi infiltrator (hell, she even openly states in one of LS convos that she only playes the role of dark apprentice and is still a Jedi) who secretly acts in opposition of the Empire and wants to change it into something completely different, I instantly changed my mind. I'm SITH WARRIOR. it doesn't matter if I follow moral code that's more about greater good and rational than your average ******e Sith. I'm still Sith, I channel my hatred to make the pain go away, I act on emotions and despite showing some tendencies that could be normally attributed to LS, I do them because it's best in the long run and helps strengthen the faction which I'm allied to but I ABSOLUTELY DON'T do the kind of things LS Jaesa advocates.


That's the problem with all LS choices for the Empire in this game. They all look like you're doing "good" because you're some bleeding heart. I've encountered maybe 3 LS choices that would actually serve as greater good for the Empire while at the same time keeping my character from being arrogant douche who likes random overkill.


So yeah, +1 on that but will need some real work done.


Have to agree, not a big fan of that twist. Yeah, my warrior is Light Sided, but I am in a war against the Republic, not trying to turn the Empire into it.

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Yea I agree that the LS Jaesa needs an overhaul, not just adding the romance but her story is kinda strange, since when am I for turning the Sith Empire into the Republic? First time I saw the idea mentioned was from her. I am an honorable warrior, but I still believe in conquering the galaxy, by the sword as needed.
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LS Sith just doesnt sit right with me, might as well play a Jedi. As a tier V DS Sith I couldnt be happier with her, she wants my babies. And tells me they will be the most powerfull Sith in the Universe.


Starkiller was a LS Sith... in fact that who i was modeling my Mar after xD

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Starkiller was a LS Sith... in fact that who i was modeling my Mar after xD


Essentially this.


Even though there is a lot of hate going on towards Starkiller, he's pretty good example of what LS Sith could be. He didn't shy away from a fight and clearly acted on his emotions and passion but he had morals and wasn't just mindless beast who killed for the kicks of it.


That's also why if LS Jaesa is changed into being romanceable, the whole plot of the romance needs an overhaul. She is shown how hypocrytical Jedi are and yet, instead of embracing SW's example of accepting the power of emotions, she remains Jedi and wants to make the empire into another republic. That makes no sense. Not to mention when she joins you, no matter which allignment she is, you say that she will now be your apprentice. Then you return to the ship and she says "it's so hard for me to play the role of an apprentice". Extremely random if you ask me.


LS Jaesa story has extreme potential and if executed right, could be very interesting not because of the romance possibility but because of showing somewhat unique thing which is Sith with a little bit of light in him. This however is not achieved by whispering and hiding from others from your crew because you don't want them to know your grand plans of "making a move on the empire and completely reforming it".


How did they even come up with that?

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