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One time only advance class change!


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It takes just few hours to level a character to lvl10 so it's not that big of a deal to level it again


lol ye it is i need to play to lvl 50 to know my bountyhunter and its boring to do all of the same quest again even the class quest

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How do people justify the comparison of switching Powertech<->Mercenary to Warrior<->Mage?


Last I checked, mages and warriors don't have 60% of their abilities identically shared with each other. I mean, if you want to be against AC changes, that's fine. But don't use ridiculous arguments.


Some classes are closer than others. Would you prefer if we take the Inquisitor as an example? The Assassin and the Sorcerer are completely different playstyles. What about the IA? Ops are melee, snipers are range.


Abilities being shared does not equal abilities being used, also.


The argument is valid.

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i take it you never bothered to read it?


i think i said ONCE a few times.


and FYI you can reset your points anyway.




And people would do it ONCE...... realise they didn't like the other class and then complain.


Then it would be TWICE.... and the same thing would happen.


Eventually it would be once a day or paid whenever and the whole thing would be pointless.




ZERO is best, just level the other classes type, you'll have an idea if you like it by 20ish.


From Bioware's point of view it's not sensible either, as it effectively reduces the class per side from 8 down to just 4, and therefore the altability of the game.

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I have been thinking and it would be good if you had at least ONE and only ONE chance to change your advance class because honestly you don't know how good an advance class is going to be till you at least try it and if you not happy with it in the later levels you can't change back. For instance I am a bounty hunter merc and to be honest its not as great as I had hoped it would be once I had skill points in all my tree and I feel I would rather tank but I can't change to powertech because you can't change your advance class even once and i find that unfair because i am like 4 levels off 50 and i don't want to start all over again.




So you're against people having the ability to change their role to fit the needs of the group, or even what they wish to do at that said time (dual specs, i.e I heal in PvE but cannot stand it in PvP...too many players on your team just ignore you while 3people beat on you then ***** when they die?...lolwut? So I'd appreciate being able to change....even if I have to pay for each time...as long as I dont have to redo those points each time) but want to allow people to completely change their AC? As in go from a Marauder (dual wield pure DPS with medium armor---> to a Jugg, a "2hand" saber master with heavy armor and tank/dps specs...I'm sorry but those are two different classes and you should have to reroll if you wish to play a different class.


Dual spec will probsbly come before AC changes (if we ever see this, I hope not...)


Edit: OK so you want it once? What happens when you figure out that all 8 classes are heavily focused on 2-3 moves just like your merc? You will want to change back or change again.


Maybe you wont but you cant look me in the proverbial eye and tell me that once it's allowed once a lot of players will want it again, and again. All in a effort to continue playing the "top AC" of each class.


Plus why would they allow you to change when you can simply reroll...more money (time played) for them....

Edited by TehRazeck
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It is too bad, I can't raid at level 10...... Another stupid post.


No you cant, but you can lvl to 50 to raid..I seriously dont see the problem. If you dont like your AC and you got to 50 that is your fault. You have 3 options. Suck it up like an adult, reroll/relevel like an adult, or unsub like an adult.

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As a main Merc, I almost have all the classes around 20-30 levels since beta and I agree with Volcon becouse;


There are 4 kind of "Base Class" for each sides and they divides inside to 5 different Talent Trees (apart from sharable ones).




That means one time shot for each class and you must Re-Roll your class by doing same quests over exact same scenario just for see the other Advanced Class while I don't have time for even eat the same food next day ?!?


Don't be funny... Those FRP/RPG days left behind at 90's Baldur's Gate years after WoW take the throne of MMORPG since 2004 and we're talking about a "Copy/Paste" talent system from it! You guys must be some reasonable becouse most of the people doesn't have time to level up over and over again (sometimes not even 3 hours) like some childs that their lovely parents are working for pay their monthly subscribtion! There are adult population too who has jobs to do in real life for keep playing this game right? So, they should add at least a "Paid Advanced Class Change System" to this game ASAP! It doesn't have even connection to change between "Knight to Sniper" as you guys say ... You use the same Core and Base system for your own class... Be more logical! Once you're a Bounty Hunter... You're still a Bounty Hunter with different way, so where is the problem, I don't get it really? ;)


Anyway, you do the math who's get mad with Volcon just becouse of he dare to say his opinion, if you simply enough to do it! :)




1. Please don't tell me "it's just few hours to grind until Level 10 blahblah" ... What about the rest 40? If you say that you're gonna play it for me, I'm in... Or maybe I'm doing something wrong and trying to Level Up until 50, omg ?!? :s


2. Don't even mention about "You knew what you were choosing from start, so accept it" ... C'mon, don't be so harsh! What is this trying to show that you're an adult daddy and life tought you to admit the results of your desicions! This is just a game man, Chillax some! :p


I'm sure everyone's elders were telling many stories about how it feels when you do sex but you didn't know anything about it until taste it in real, aren't you? ;)


3. No offense to anyone, just my opinions and sorry about my bad language... Thanks!

Edited by Arthillies
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  • 2 weeks later...

This irrelevant argument do surprise me. "It doesn't take a long time to hit lvl 10 and choose the AC you later found out suited you the most." While that may be true, I assume we aren't going to stop playing at lvl 10? This may be a relevant choice for people who suddenly realise they chose the wrong AC right after they clicked the button. Though i would believe that the vast majority of the people replying to your comments have their character at lvl 50 or if not it's not too far from top lvl. I am aware of the fact that there are some of you who reach lvl 1-50 in a couple of days, but that is certainly not an option for most people. I do not know how every AC in this game differs over the lvl's, but i do know that my commando did not distinguish from the vanguard until the early 40's. And at that lvl it would only be a rational thought to say to yourself: "I'l get him to 50, spend some time with this char just to really know how it is in top lvl, i'm sure it's going to be great".

Well, guess what, for some people, it didn't turn out that way. And it is, as people has mentioned here already, not like lvling up an entirely different class. They are pretty much the same, so the corrected refering to another MMORPG game would be, as someone also has stated before in this thread :"It's not denying you the opportunity to change from palading to mage, it's denying you the opportunity to change from frost-mage to fire-mage." The talent trees handed out in this game to each AC is not too restricted, but enabling people to change AC would most definately not leave the game broken, but people will stick to the game as it hands you an easier opportunity to enjoy the game. Not to mentioned it helps the game become less repitive(wich lvling up same class but different AC, practically is). And don't tell me or any other that MMORPG's like WoW never implemented easier solutions for their players.

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In December, I played a Scoundrel to Alderaan before I started to really get annoyed by the gameplay.

I powered through until the end of chapter 1 because I REALLY liked the story and to get my legacy unlocked,

but I haven't touched the character since. He's a level 33 filled space on my character list

right now. With a /played of almost six days.

Sure it's easy to level to 10, but the other 23 levels really take quite a bit.

Especially when it's a repeat of a story you already played.


I'd LOVE an emergency AC change. I'd even pay a micro transaction price for it.

I really doubt I'll get one though. :(

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I'd be fine with a single-use AC change. I also don't subscribe to the slippery slope argument about that, though. I'm sure there would be people using the logic about "if you did it once, why not twice," but the good folks at Bioware can always say, "NO, one is enough."


That said, I loathe AC switching and it was a big reason I didn't continue with Rift. There are pros and cons on both sides of the argument, but it lends itself to many (not all) people being jack-of-all-trades, masters of none.

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I'd be fine with a single-use AC change. I also don't subscribe to the slippery slope argument about that, though. I'm sure there would be people using the logic about "if you did it once, why not twice," but the good folks at Bioware can always say, "NO, one is enough."


Bioware has said no to this several times, but apparently that's not good enough for some folks. And they keep asking. And asking. And asking.


If you allow people to do this once, they'll ask for it again (which admittedly isn't unreasonable at that point).


The biggest downside to the AC design concept is that it punishes new players. People who aren't familiar with class roles in MMOs shouldn't be stuck with a decision they made at level 10 after 4 hours in game.

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Bioware has said no to this several times, but apparently that's not good enough for some folks. And they keep asking. And asking. And asking.


If you allow people to do this once, they'll ask for it again (which admittedly isn't unreasonable at that point).


The biggest downside to the AC design concept is that it punishes new players. People who aren't familiar with class roles in MMOs shouldn't be stuck with a decision they made at level 10 after 4 hours in game.


People keep asking for it because the AC system is POORLY DESIGNED and IMPLEMENTED. And many players felt why should they re-roll and repeat the same thing for something that is essentially the fault of the class designers?


And then now the class designers have the cheeks to say "working as intended".

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People keep asking for it because the AC system is POORLY DESIGNED and IMPLEMENTED. And many players felt why should they re-roll and repeat the same thing for something that is essentially the fault of the class designers?


And then now the class designers have the cheeks to say "working as intended".


its not poor its just people are too damn lazy to READ what things are put infront of them.

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