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The Star Fighter thing is lame,,,


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I have been in many of the missions, and I feel this is really not a well thought out product. Other people seem to feel the same way, but for whatever it is woth, the most annoying thing is all the dam missiles. I never even see what is shooting at me, and all the sudden I have missiles coming at me and I am dead. I never even have a chance to do anything.


So many non-stop missile alerts, and all the snide comments from the game made me turn off my speakers.


I am actually in a mission while I type this, but I can't go 30 seconde without getting missile killed, so I just gave up. I should not be paying $15 a month to feel like I have to just give up, there is no point ot trying.


Something needs to be done about the missiles, I feel like I am in Top Gun, not Star Wars.

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I have been in many of the missions, and I feel this is really not a well thought out product. Other people seem to feel the same way, but for whatever it is woth, the most annoying thing is all the dam missiles. I never even see what is shooting at me, and all the sudden I have missiles coming at me and I am dead. I never even have a chance to do anything.


So many non-stop missile alerts, and all the snide comments from the game made me turn off my speakers.


I am actually in a mission while I type this, but I can't go 30 seconde without getting missile killed, so I just gave up. I should not be paying $15 a month to feel like I have to just give up, there is no point ot trying.


Something needs to be done about the missiles, I feel like I am in Top Gun, not Star Wars.


Try it sometime after you've made a name for yourself in GSF, and have people 4-manning you with missile locks. There's not enough lock breaks to handle that firepower of that magnitude.

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Try it sometime after you've made a name for yourself in GSF, and have people 4-manning you with missile locks. There's not enough lock breaks to handle that firepower of that magnitude.


God, tell me about it.


All I ever hear is BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP



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Try it sometime after you've made a name for yourself in GSF, and have people 4-manning you with missile locks. There's not enough lock breaks to handle that firepower of that magnitude.


Amen to that. Every single battle i have at least 2 scouts on me. I still manage to top the boards, get a good amount of medals, and come out with over 1k req every win though.

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This is the worst expansion I've ever been privy to. Xwing vs Tie fighter was many times better than this load of garbage, and that was a late 90s game. The use of the mouse to control your flight is too irradic. By the time I'm out of boost to catch up to my teammates I have missile locks on me and or I'm destroyed. More research should have been done before this came out. SWG Jump to light speed, there's an idea for them.:mad:
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This is the worst expansion I've ever been privy to. Xwing vs Tie fighter was many times better than this load of garbage, and that was a late 90s game. The use of the mouse to control your flight is too irradic. By the time I'm out of boost to catch up to my teammates I have missile locks on me and or I'm destroyed. More research should have been done before this came out. SWG Jump to light speed, there's an idea for them.:mad:

You should do a bit more research.


I'd like to make a more constructive response, but your post comes across as an uninformed rant, and there's not really much to work with.


So, why not work out why you're dying and what you can do about it. Also, it's "erratic".

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Lol on of the best games I'm have was when I had three scouts chasing me the entire match trying to keep me away from the gunships and get cluster missile lock on me, think I died twice that game, never before have I used the key 3 so many times during 10 minutes :D
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Try it sometime after you've made a name for yourself in GSF, and have people 4-manning you with missile locks. There's not enough lock breaks to handle that firepower of that magnitude.


The point such replies are trying to make, OP, is that the missile issue is actually not that bad.


Many of us (at least according to replies to this thread) find ourselves being focused by enemy teams, which means we have people trying to launch missiles at us very frequently. And yet we still succeed and perform well despite this.


The reason is a combination of situational awareness, skill at knowing when to evade and boost away, and fighting alongside allies (don't lonewolf, basically). Above all, it's a matter of experience.


I suggest you upgrade you engines to reduce cooldown and energy use (the first 2 tiers), that makes a big difference.

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I will say it would be nice if they allowed you to use the environment to escape missiles.


You can use the environment to break lock on and every one has a special move to avoid them (with a CD, yes I know, but a pretty short one in a maxed ship). As a strike fighter pilot I am lucky if half of my missiles actually hit a target. If they changed it to what you suggest it would be a third or less.


Not saying missiles don't hit hard or aren't a good weapon, just that there are more than enough ways to avoid them as it stands.

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but if Missiles are on their way they cant be stopped by obstacles ... wich is good

You can however still outrun missiles, that are already on their way by just flying out of range (yes, a scout on afterburner flies faster than most missiles).


I too got to many kills so far to still be allowed to fly around happy and jolly... I am almost constantly under missile threat, but they do not hit me more than 50%.

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Yeah sorry most of the complaints here are people who suck at the expansion and want to then blame it... sorry but while you are free to dislike it, the game works great! My guildmates and I play every night and we kick ***, have no issues that you mention. It is a total "learn to play" moment, not a fault in the game design.
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