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The Gunship One-Shot kills take a lot of the fun out of this


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This solution to bringing gunships inline isn't hard. lower Bypass to 20%, make the ion rail-gun only apply the slow if its charged to at least 50%, and remove the 100% armor pen on the slug rail gun. Done. Maybe buff shields on GS and additional ~200-300 points they are pretty squishy.


Easier solution. remove bypass altogether. The other nerfs you suggest will make Gunships pretty much useless.

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Gunships don't belong in this game...period. It was a complete mistake on Bioware's part to add them to the game. But alas, here they are, and guess what, here they will stay. They are so over powered for Space PvP, that people are putting together strats based entirely on their Gunship shooter. Teams of three, One Gunship, two Scouts to keep players off the Gunships. When you have people working together to keep their Gunship players active and strats based simply on this, then you know there is something way wrong with that ship. You defending this is not only laughable, but fricken hysterical to a point that I almost straight up fell out of my chair,.


Again. Theres nothing wrong with gunships. Ask the top players of the game. The ONLY people calling for nerfs or to have them removed are the BAD players who have no clue what to do and instead think they can tunnel vision through pvp.


As for your last statement, right back at you. Those who can play scout and striker are laughing at YOU. Hard.

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Again. Theres nothing wrong with gunships. Ask the top players of the game. The ONLY people calling for nerfs or to have them removed are the BAD players who have no clue what to do and instead think they can tunnel vision through pvp.


As for your last statement, right back at you. Those who can play scout and striker are laughing at YOU. Hard.


lol, @bad players. Yeah...go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

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Again. Theres nothing wrong with gunships. Ask the top players of the game. The ONLY people calling for nerfs or to have them removed are the BAD players who have no clue what to do and instead think they can tunnel vision through pvp.


As for your last statement, right back at you. Those who can play scout and striker are laughing at YOU. Hard.


It's a space combat game. Even if you mistakenly believe they aren't OP; they still don't fit with the lore or what the majority of people want out of a space combat game. Dogfighting/Piloting; not a first person shooter style sniper game.

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Easier solution. remove bypass altogether. The other nerfs you suggest will make Gunships pretty much useless.


I could get behind removing bypass all together.. The love tap slow in ion rail-guns is broken in my opinion and the 100% armor pierce completely negates charged plating shields. So either the shield need redesigned or the whole armor pierce needs to go id be fine is they dropped it to 50% on rail-guns. and down to 25% on burst cannons.

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Gunships can only one shot underskilled ships, or those ships piloted by people who cant do anything but fly in a straight line.


Blindside or flank a gunship and you will laugh how easily they are killed. They are either in Weapon or engine 'stance' so the shields are pretty much non existant. And by the time they activate the laughable feedback shield ability, you should have their shields to almost zero and have them dead or limping off ready to be eaten alive.


The ONLY real advantage a gunship has is its range and strong weapons. Unless the pilot is very skilled, enjoy your free kill.


Dont blame the game because you didnt think ahead.


you speak like you would need a lot of skill to ´play a gunship.


Gunships are possibly the easiest of the 3 ships we got, you dont even need to be accurate, you can "miss" the target a few milimeters still make the damage a scout would do in 5-6 seconds.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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you speak like you would need a lot of skill to ´play a gunship.


Gunships are possibly the easiest of the 3 ships we got, you dont even need to be accurate, you can "miss" the target a few milimeters still make the damage a scout would do in 5-6 seconds.


Nobody needs a lot of skill to attack from range. However, to play a GS well and actually SURVIVE and be part of teh team takes a lot of skill.


Gunship, as the devs have already said during beta, is: Gunship is a ship that is easy to play, but very hard to play well. Too many new players who dont have a clue about the game, and even GSF 'vets' who havent played a GS complain simply because they are unwilling to actually put the effort in to attack and kill the GS.


Like i said before, they want to dogfight without repercussion and win with little to no effort. As soon as something stops them doing that, they cry, whine and start spamming abuse. Seriously, General chat is pretty funny sometimes after a battle.

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Nobody needs a lot of skill to attack from range. However, to play a GS well and actually SURVIVE and be part of teh team takes a lot of skill.


Gunship, as the devs have already said during beta, is: Gunship is a ship that is easy to play, but very hard to play well. Too many new players who dont have a clue about the game, and even GSF 'vets' who havent played a GS complain simply because they are unwilling to actually put the effort in to attack and kill the GS.


Like i said before, they want to dogfight without repercussion and win with little to no effort. As soon as something stops them doing that, they cry, whine and start spamming abuse. Seriously, General chat is pretty funny sometimes after a battle.


You act like you are the only one in this forum who plays Space. Gunships are not only a pain in the butt, but they also sit far away from objective points. Only way to kill them is to run off and leave your objective open for attack by other fighter ships. They *can* one shot kill, they can do it from a stupid distance, if they spec this way, they can do it at a distance so far away, you don't even see them on radar. Now, couple that with them having their very own guards, they are stupid hard to get to. They see you coming at them from miles away and sit and fire at you the whole time you get there.


Even if you respawn and relocate them and try to flank them, most often then not, they still see you coming on *their* radar and they can still wipe you before you get to them...and if they can't wipe you, then the two guards they have with them will.


Now, this does not take in to account the nubs trying to play them. A nub playing a gun ship is stupid easy to find and kill. Good players behind them on the other hand, is way too OP, they have no place in this game and the Devs should have NEVER created them. The Gunships make the space game no fun. I have not stopped playing space yet, but I do admit my space days are numbered. Adding Snipers to a Space game was just a bad idea. Sorry to say it, but adding Stealth to Space (I'm sure it's on the way) will also be a bad idea.

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As a pilot of a fully geared Gunship and a wealth of experience in GSF, i can safely say... Yes. Yes you can one shot most ships. Pretty easily in fact.


One thing I have noticed in this game since launch is when one class has an advantage, the ones using that advantage will defend it to death. Usually implying everyone else is crazy or they are the "worst nEwBs evarrrr".

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One thing I have noticed in this game since launch is when one class has an advantage, the ones using that advantage will defend it to death. Usually implying everyone else is crazy or they are the "worst nEwBs evarrrr".


I never fly a gunship, yet I don't really think they are that overpowered. Do they need a few tweaks? Sure. The ion cannon should only lock down when fully charged, for example, and Bypass needs a nerf for all ship types, as it's a bit of an OP skill no matter what you are flying. Other than that, I think gunships are fine.


Besides, if you nerf them too hard, people will stop flying them altogether, and if that happens, my kill count will go down since 75% of my kills are gunships. :p

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Disclaimer: I love flying gunships. I also love flying scouts, Nova Dive to be exact.


You've already stated that you know gunships aren't going to be removed. Instead of repeatedly (and passionately) stating they should be removed when you know it's not going to happen, why not try something more constructive?


They *can* one shot kill, they can do it from a stupid distance, if they spec this way, they can do it at a distance so far away, you don't even see them on radar.

The one-shot crit needs to go. 100% agree, there's nothing skillful about getting a lucky D5 roll.


I'm pretty sure (not certain) that if you are hit by an enemy - including gunships at max range - they become visible to you no matter what sensor range & dampening is involved. I may be wrong about the specifics but I don't remember ever being unable to back-target an enemy gunship firing on me.


Side note, I consider that to be the chief (well, only) downside to the hits-4-targets ion railgun upgrade. "Hi everyone, come and get me!"


Now, couple that with them having their very own guards, they are stupid hard to get to.

That is true to an extent, but it's also true that any one-versus-many situation is going to be a challenging task. Especially if those enemies are communicating.


Even if you respawn and relocate them and try to flank them, most often then not, they still see you coming on *their* radar and they can still wipe you before you get to them...

Gunships have average sensors at best. They can equip range sensors but there isn't much point, the majority will be using dampening sensors.


Approaching enemy gunships. Open space, traveling in a straight line, approaching from within their field of view, and their allies spotting you all contribute to the "I can't get close" scenario. Taking a fast ship (eg. default scout) on a route around cover to attack them from 90 or 180 degrees is advisable.


That won't work on everyone every time and it's important to check your target window to see if they're turning to face you, but I find the people who take that kind of approach are much harder to deal with than the ones who just bum rush me. Heck I've had some facepalm-worthy success simply parking on a satellite and pointing my nose at the enemy spawn point, wondering when someone is going to try approaching from a non-obvious angle at speed.


and if they can't wipe you, then the two guards they have with them will.

Teamwork is OP :p Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but: If they brought friends then you should too.


adding Stealth to Space (I'm sure it's on the way) will also be a bad idea.

...Or it could be the ideal anti-gunship tool.


Gunships should not exist (paraphrase)

I think they need some tuning, but I also think they add an extra element to the game rather than spoil it. Currently we essentially have:


  • Scouts: Fast, very agile, fragile knife-fighters with strong sensors.
  • Strike fighters: Fast-ish, agile, tough, versatile, mid-range weapons available (and 10km range torpedoes)
  • Gunships: Slow (mostly), not-agile, tough, strong long range weapons, strong short-range weapons too but it's harder to bring them to bear.


Having more than the nearest 5km to worry about makes it more interesting - imo.


A few other things that don't seem to have been brought up:

  1. Counter-snipe from max range. Suddenly losing my forward shields means I'm done sniping that satellite for as long as it takes me to put cover between me and whoever hit me with their ion railgun.
  2. Energy drain. Strike fighters can have trouble getting close enough but when they bring ion cannons and/or ion missiles I cannot escape.
  3. Proton Torpedoes. This might be just me as I do not run hydro spanner or barrel roll, but I hate these things. 10km range, 100% shield bypass, oh and they can crit.
  4. Sabotage probe. All my hate.

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Disclaimer: I love flying gunships. I also love flying scouts, Nova Dive to be exact.


You've already stated that you know gunships aren't going to be removed. Instead of repeatedly (and passionately) stating they should be removed when you know it's not going to happen, why not try something more constructive?



The one-shot crit needs to go. 100% agree, there's nothing skillful about getting a lucky D5 roll.


I'm pretty sure (not certain) that if you are hit by an enemy - including gunships at max range - they become visible to you no matter what sensor range & dampening is involved. I may be wrong about the specifics but I don't remember ever being unable to back-target an enemy gunship firing on me.


Side note, I consider that to be the chief (well, only) downside to the hits-4-targets ion railgun upgrade. "Hi everyone, come and get me!"



That is true to an extent, but it's also true that any one-versus-many situation is going to be a challenging task. Especially if those enemies are communicating.



Gunships have average sensors at best. They can equip range sensors but there isn't much point, the majority will be using dampening sensors.


Approaching enemy gunships. Open space, traveling in a straight line, approaching from within their field of view, and their allies spotting you all contribute to the "I can't get close" scenario. Taking a fast ship (eg. default scout) on a route around cover to attack them from 90 or 180 degrees is advisable.


That won't work on everyone every time and it's important to check your target window to see if they're turning to face you, but I find the people who take that kind of approach are much harder to deal with than the ones who just bum rush me. Heck I've had some facepalm-worthy success simply parking on a satellite and pointing my nose at the enemy spawn point, wondering when someone is going to try approaching from a non-obvious angle at speed.



Teamwork is OP :p Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but: If they brought friends then you should too.



...Or it could be the ideal anti-gunship tool.



I think they need some tuning, but I also think they add an extra element to the game rather than spoil it. Currently we essentially have:


  • Scouts: Fast, very agile, fragile knife-fighters with strong sensors.
  • Strike fighters: Fast-ish, agile, tough, versatile, mid-range weapons available (and 10km range torpedoes)
  • Gunships: Slow (mostly), not-agile, tough, strong long range weapons, strong short-range weapons too but it's harder to bring them to bear.


Having more than the nearest 5km to worry about makes it more interesting - imo.


A few other things that don't seem to have been brought up:

  1. Counter-snipe from max range. Suddenly losing my forward shields means I'm done sniping that satellite for as long as it takes me to put cover between me and whoever hit me with their ion railgun.
  2. Energy drain. Strike fighters can have trouble getting close enough but when they bring ion cannons and/or ion missiles I cannot escape.
  3. Proton Torpedoes. This might be just me as I do not run hydro spanner or barrel roll, but I hate these things. 10km range, 100% shield bypass, oh and they can crit.
  4. Sabotage probe. All my hate.


I respect your post. :cool:

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Two words. Prove it. I'll wait. Good luck getting ANY gunship one shotting a full maxed scout when that scout is moving or actually being played correctly. Even with power to weapons, full charge and bypass, a GS cannot one shot that scout.


Now, if the scout was under geared and flown by an incompetent player ( which is 90% of all scouts, and consequently the complainers here.....)


with full power and bypass the gunship *will* one shot the scout if it hits it.


Also lol at all the "you should never be hit by a gunship" because yaknow this game is all 1v1 duels apparently.

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