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AFK wastes of space


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I've seen these people too... Occasionaly I will come to realization that we are badly out numbered.. and I do a headcount. Sometimes I come up short, so I watch the numbers when I get a chance.. sure enough.. there's one or two (I had a grand total of 4 in one game) folks who have no points.. no score.. I just.. wonder why they're even there.


I'm pretty sure they get no requisition, no money, and no xp for not playing.. well unless we win? I guess they're trying to make the team carry them through the match? I dunno.

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I've seen these people too... Occasionaly I will come to realization that we are badly out numbered.. and I do a headcount. Sometimes I come up short, so I watch the numbers when I get a chance.. sure enough.. there's one or two (I had a grand total of 4 in one game) folks who have no points.. no score.. I just.. wonder why they're even there.


I'm pretty sure they get no requisition, no money, and no xp for not playing.. well unless we win? I guess they're trying to make the team carry them through the match? I dunno.


There should be a afk auto-kick function that we have in ground warzones. >You must leave the spawn ship zone within 20 seconds or be kicked>>


Even if they are afk and don't fire a single shot, they get their dailies/weeklies completed.

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Luciea on Prophecy of the Five server. Doesn't ever leave the spawn area. The player just sits there. It's even worse with the match launches when we are outnumbered by 1 or 2. If that person is in there, we're down 3 ships and next to no hope of winning. Give us a vote kick or something devs.
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One problem is that the scoreboard does not accurately reflect the actions of players during the game. The main issue is that delaying an enemy's capture of a neutral satellite, no matter for how long, or attempting (but failing) to capture a satellite held by the enemy, gives ZERO objective points. Even if you take a satellite from full red to almost-but-not-quite-full green, you get zero objective points for it. The only way to get attack points is to actually capture a satellite (and you only get ONE point for this). Defense points are obtained by orbiting a satellite that your team already owns (you get a lot of points for this, based on how long you stay in range, even if the satellite never comes under attack by anybody).


As a result of these issues, I have been in games where I was the only person on my team playing objectives and I repeatedly attempted (but failed) to capture satellites and I got zero objective points even though I spent the entire game playing objectives. Because the enemy held all 3 satellites the entire game, I was not able to get any defense points, and because enemies always showed up at the last second to stop my cap, I never fully captured a satellite and got no attack points either. At the end of the game, which we lost miserably, all my derping team-mates had 5-10 kills and a number of assists, and a lot of damage done, while I had zero kills, zero assists, almost no damage done (I did kill a few turrets), a lot of deaths, since enemies always showed up in high numbers to kill me, and zero objective points. And my teammates blamed the loss on me for "doing nothing the entire game" even though I was the only person on the team attempting to capture satellites.


I really think that delaying an enemy cap, or attempting a cap of a satellite held by the enemy should provide as many objective points as guarding a satellite that is already owned by your team. Also, next time you see someone on your team with nothing to show on the scoreboard, be aware that he may have been the only person on the team trying to capture objectives.

Edited by Gerfaut
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