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Hood up armor?


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I hear you. I didn't really look into the gear before I rolled a Marauder, I just like the idea of the class and assumed I could look the way I want to. That Entropic Assault set looks pretty amazing. As I said, disappointing, gearing up should be something to look forward to.


I'll probably end up sticking with one set as well then if I get something I actually like. I'm just starting out though, we'll see.

Yeah we should not have to look into the gear before rolling that class. There was some progression video showing some specific gear and we should have it available. It's not our fault.

I'll stick to the marauder despite such disappointment, and I'm confident in the fact that this issue will be solved at some point.

When? That is the question.

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Hit lvl 50, Columni gear is hood up if you select "hide helm" in the options menu but at that point the Columni head piece looks so ****** why would you??? Granted the pvp champion headpiece looks weak as hell in comparison and I did hide that and go with hood up look.
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Seems itemization for marauder is just screwed up. We get enough from quest rewards to get by, but it seems every lockbox I open gives me heavy or light armor. The Light Side and Dark Side vendors only medium armor says agent only. Wow, was that really necessary? It already gives cunning and doesn't help out with strength... but we aren't even allowed to buy it and mod it.
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100% agreed.


%0% of his mask.

and the worst part is, 20+ i kinda only got skirts and look more like a sith inquisitor.


oh and btw. looks like all the female marauders have those hood up equipement, thats why we dont get it hu?


Those stupid lower robes have got me looking like a Sith Inquisitor (WHICH I DON'T WANT!) and hoods should be able to be raised and lowered whenever you want.

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It seems like the quickest, easiest way for Bioware to fix this whole situation (and make it completely go away) is to allow marauders to wear heavy armor. Warriors & Knights are the only classes in the game where the chosen AC determines the type of armor you can wear.


Bounty hunters/Troopers wear heavy no matter what AC they chose, Agents/Smugglers wear medium no matter what AC they chose, Inquisitors/Consulars wear light no matter which AC they chose - Warriors/Knights wear medium if they choose Marauder/Sentinel or heavy if they choose Juggernaut/Guardian - that just seems a little unfair to me.


I understand the logic behind the original decision to make a pure dps/melee fighting class naturally wear medium armor for real world mobility - but I think we should still have the option to wear heavy armor if we choose to. Maybe even limit some of the more acrobatic abilities to only those that wear full medium armor the same way some abilities are only available if you're dual wielding lightsabers. That said though, I certainly don't want to feel like I'm gimping my toon for wearing "heavy" armor that is made of cloth and looks quite obviously lighter than the "medium" armor robocop outfit my toon is currently wearing - that's just crazy...


I'm just damned frustrated that the warrior I dreamed of being after watching the progression trailer a MILLION times while waiting for the game to release is basically a lie - I can NEVER look like they advertised during every stage of hype-building about this great game (even in current trailers being released now).


Just my two cents all - I still love this game despite all the before-mentioned frustration :)

Edited by Dsan
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We could use access to heavy armor big time, medium armor doesn't seem to drop as often as heavy (that we can use, anyways. Lots of cunning medium gear) and we're a little squishy considering we have to go melee for damage, so we open ourselves up to knockback and aoe and so on... Then there's no gear for us at LightSide/DarkSide vendors, and we get fewer visual options,


but I could live with that, if it weren't for:


"heavy" armor that is made of cloth and looks quite obviously lighter than the "medium" armor robocop outfit my toon is currently wearing - that's just crazy...


This simply doesn't make sense. WTH Bioware?! How is a robe HEAVY while robocop metal plates are MEDIUM? :eek::mad::confused:


I think you made a really good point. Both BHs wear heavy. Both Ops wear medium. Both Inquis wear light. No other class is so heavily restricted on gear and look based on AC choice.

Edited by miliways
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it scares me that BW keeps answering some ridiculous posts and completely ignores this one (which happens to be a thread with 35 pages)....


Yeah official acknowledgement would be really nice.


I keep going back and forth about if I should keep leveling my 45 Marauder or my 20 Juggernaut alt that I rolled after seeing the gear.


I don't wanna repeat 25 more levels though, the first 20 were painful enough.


If I"m gonna re-roll, I'd like to have a different story.


But I really want my main to be a proper sith warrior. I just didn't know going in how lame the marauder would be...

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Yeah official acknowledgement would be really nice.
This, but I don't think classes forums are that much browsed, even less subforums...


I'll be patient. I won't level a jugg. The marauder's appearance will be fixed.

Anyway so far Tionese/colum/rakata gear appearance for the marauder > same tier gear appearance for the jugg.

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A nice looking hood up armor would be really nice.


Random person: "But..there's one that's for pvp.." *slaps person* SHUT UP, SHUT THE **** UP I MEANT ONE THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE PURE LUCK TO OBTAIN. *random person runs away crying*



*ahem* Sorry about that.

Yes I am bitter thank you for asking.


I hate the fact the one of the only decent looking marauder armors that has a hood up version are the Centurian/Champion/Battlemaster ones (Weaponmaster's vest specifically) and require you to be lucky as hell to obtain. Not to mention thats lvl 50 gear and gained through pvp exclusively.

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Well, i have geiven up and re-rolled a Juggernaut yesterday. I want to be sure i get proper Hoods up Armor before i waste any more time Marauder but since Biowre refuses to coment on this thread it left me no choice. I am so not looking forward to getting all the datacrons again with my Juggernaut or doinf daiyls on illum and Belsavis again....but at least i'll look how i wanted to from the start.
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Would very much like to hear something .... anything ... even a "you are all crazy, hooded stuff is everywhere kthx bye" from Bioware.


Yeah no hooded armor .... but I'm as worred that their doesn't seem to be ANY armor out there dropping. Every medium piece I see dropping is Imp Agent only. There is less marauder gear on vendors ... and typically what is there is Ugly as heck, and there isn't even ONE PIECE of marauder usable armor on the dakrside vendor ....


I've played MMO's for about 10 years, starting with EQ ... and I have not saw a gear issue this annoyying and disappointing ever. The only thing close was the lack of warrior wepons with aggro procs in EQ(since that was our only form of agro generation for a long time). EQ was lucky in that it was the only show in town for a long time ... so they could drag their feet on such things ... MMO's cant be like that anymore .... they have to be responsive. Ini this case it is especially bad, as for months I've watched every video I could find on the web, and in all of them Marauders had that nice "armor under robe" look, and I just couldn't friggan wait to play this game.


I feel like a 'Bait and Switch" has been pulled on us.


Bioware needs to learn something about running MMO'S, and fast ... that when the user community is ticked about something, enough so that a 40+ page thread starts, you better answer with something. Otherwise folks tend to think no one is listening, get frustrated and start to drop the game.

Edited by Deurg
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Hood-up armor from Karraga's






Guess they want to have hoods for lvl 50's only...gotta love bio.


So, when can we expect this in black?


You know, the iconic sith colour since the very first star wars and which every sith in the movies has been wearing and every damn NPC wears with the exception of the new empire NPC's, unless the implication is that every marauder needs to be mistreated since they are traitors?!


Also, Imperial guard are 1) non-force users 2) bodyGUARDS, so why is it that our lvl 50 gear is inspired by palace guards that defend, instead of being inspired by warriors that, you know, attack?!


Bioware ARE reading this, we can see that from the yellow post in the nonsensical "Class is not UP QQ moar" thread, but not a single word in this one? Do we really have to start flaming each other in order to get ANY sort of lifesigns from bioware?!

Edited by WarlordThuran
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I found the holy grail for us.... light armor, but it's exactly what everyone is wanting!!!




Looks to be a random world drop armor piece though. I am constantly looking through stuff on the GTN and have yet to see this.


Good luck finding that thing. Assassins are after it as well. Also i check the GTN every hour for it...never shows up




also /bump

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I do believe that whoever (at BW) decided to drop marauders down to medium armor so late into beta and so close to launch screwed things up for a lot of people. They screwed it up for the devs left to clean up the mess and they it screwed up for everyone of us who wanted to play the marauder AC while looking damn good playing it.


The lack of medium/strength armor on some vendors, the lack of hoods up outside of PVP, the lack of medium/strength drops (as some have have noticed) in FP’s and the fact we have been given Imperial guards armor all stinks of running out of time before launch. (Someone from BW must have thought ok no heavy anymore, we need a new armor look for the Marauders and we need it fast but we don’t have time to get the designers to make any...just take the imperial guards stuff and add a swirly pattern on the cape :p).


This kind of thing has happened in other MMO’s , one class never gets quiet finished and suffers for months because of it and with all the other (non-armor issues) we seem to have I think we got the “work in progress” kick in the teeth ;)

I doubt there will be any kind of official reply to this thread as some are asking for, I have played enough pay 2 play MMO’s to have learnt that no developer ever admits to screwing something up. :p


If I could blame someone for our current armor and class situation it would not be the devs (they will get us right) it would be EA and the pressure I am sure they put on BW to get them a Xmas payday by forcing the game out before it was 100% done (imo).

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Good luck finding that thing. Assassins are after it as well. Also i check the GTN every hour for it...never shows up




also /bump


psst - http://db.darthhater.com/items/34461/supreme_inquisitors_robe/


Torhead doesn't show class restrictions but darthhater's database does and those robes are restricted to inquisitors. Going to give up on finding a nice black robe for my marauder for now, maybe by the next patch they will see all these threads and give us what they "promised" us with the class progression trailer.

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psst - http://db.darthhater.com/items/34461/supreme_inquisitors_robe/


Torhead doesn't show class restrictions but darthhater's database does and those robes are restricted to inquisitors. Going to give up on finding a nice black robe for my marauder for now, maybe by the next patch they will see all these threads and give us what they "promised" us with the class progression trailer.


I will confirm that later cause I can't enter the game right now but I have this robe sitting in the bank and iirc, it's not restricted. But like I said, will confirm later.


PS. Funny story with this one cause it dropped and with it being light armor I immediately thought to myself "Hey might score some credits" and didn't even check how it looks. Later, I posted it on GTN and missclicked ctrl while doing something so when I saw how it looks I went "OH **** NO" and insta-cancelled. Might come in handy some day as I'm hoping that orange items won't have their own armor and we will be able to use them without losing some armor value (I'm min-maxing).

Edited by gibmachine
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I do believe that whoever (at BW) decided to drop marauders down to medium armor so late into beta and so close to launch screwed things up for a lot of people. They screwed it up for the devs left to clean up the mess and they it screwed up for everyone of us who wanted to play the marauder AC while looking damn good playing it.


The lack of medium/strength armor on some vendors, the lack of hoods up outside of PVP, the lack of medium/strength drops (as some have have noticed) in FP’s and the fact we have been given Imperial guards armor all stinks of running out of time before launch. (Someone from BW must have thought ok no heavy anymore, we need a new armor look for the Marauders and we need it fast but we don’t have time to get the designers to make any...just take the imperial guards stuff and add a swirly pattern on the cape :p).


This kind of thing has happened in other MMO’s , one class never gets quiet finished and suffers for months because of it and with all the other (non-armor issues) we seem to have I think we got the “work in progress” kick in the teeth ;)

I doubt there will be any kind of official reply to this thread as some are asking for, I have played enough pay 2 play MMO’s to have learnt that no developer ever admits to screwing something up. :p


If I could blame someone for our current armor and class situation it would not be the devs (they will get us right) it would be EA and the pressure I am sure they put on BW to get them a Xmas payday by forcing the game out before it was 100% done (imo).


I think that's exactly what happened. It does not remove the bitterness though.

There are apparent easy fixes.

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I will confirm that later cause I can't enter the game right now but I have this robe sitting in the bank and iirc, it's not restricted. But like I said, will confirm later.


PS. Funny story with this one cause it dropped and with it being light armor I immediately thought to myself "Hey might score some credits" and didn't even check how it looks. Later, I posted it on GTN and missclicked ctrl while doing something so when I saw how it looks I went "OH **** NO" and insta-cancelled. Might come in handy some day as I'm hoping that orange items won't have their own armor and we will be able to use them without losing some armor value (I'm min-maxing).


Any update on this?

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