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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How Pathetiq


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It was actually terribly done. 1st of all there shouldn't be any need to gamble for them. Imo the best way should be to charge credit per coloring , ie you pay a fee of in-game credits to color each piece a certain color. Then allow us to select any primary/ secondary color combination and also make some colors unlockable via achievements and some only via crafting. Then they could charge CC for dye slots, where we could store different color setups for our gear.


The system we have now is just a money grab


DUH! EA is a business, it's their F'N job to make money. People are voting for the system as is, by buying the stuff off the Cartel Market. Are you really think that much of "entitlement" that you are entitled to everything in the game just because you have a sub? FFS

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*Shrug* Probably. That doesn't mean he spotted it at the time though. Or maybe early on, when it was first out, when he didn't have access to that kind of credits.


This isn't the first time I've heard about people not being able to get black/black for less than 5 million.


Every time that they list it as a direct buy on the Cartel Market the price drops in my experience. Personally if you don't have the money to get the dye of your dreams, then maybe you need to either work for that money, or change your dreams.

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DUH! EA is a business, it's their F'N job to make money. People are voting for the system as is, by buying the stuff off the Cartel Market. Are you really think that much of "entitlement" that you are entitled to everything in the game just because you have a sub? FFS


Why so much agressiveness I am just stating my opinion, there are ways to implement the system in a better way and still make some money via the CM. I think the current system goes way overboard. I am not asking for them to give all colors for free to everyone so this whole but make them more related to the game instead of the CM "entitlement" thing is BS, . If you like gambling for it or paying a ridiculous amout of credits and CC fine. You don't need to be so aggressive though.


Also "people that disagree with me are IDIOTS!" - Supergrunt


Nice argument

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It was actually terribly done. 1st of all there shouldn't be any need to gamble for them. Imo the best way should be to charge credit per coloring , ie you pay a fee of in-game credits to color each piece a certain color. Then allow us to select any primary/ secondary color combination and also make some colors unlockable via achievements and some only via crafting. Then they could charge CC for dye slots, where we could store different color setups for our gear.


The system we have now is just a money grab

Listen...I 100% agree with you that this is a pathetic and vile marketing move. I would also argue that the money they would make on subs from pleased players who had the freedom to change their looks at will for $0, would be greater than what they make off of this cheap ploy...


However...players here have demonstrated that they will pay outrageous (imo) sums of additional $ to paint their gear black. I truthfully can not blame Bioware for capitalizing on peoples desire to pay more $ for something...they're a business - their only goal is to sell you more.


Blame the players...blame the people buying the dye kits. THEY are the ones who encourage this sort of gimmick. THEY are the ones who support this type of scam. THEY are the ones paying more for a single use, one time color, than some people will ever spend on a sub...don't blame Bioware for wanting to make money...that's the only reason they developed this game. Blame the people who are responsible...the players. It is 100% in our hands...stop buying stuff, they'll stop making and selling it.

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1st of all there shouldn't be any need to gamble for them.


There is absolutely no need to gamble for them. There is however the option to do so.. for those that like that sort of thing. Though.. legally, it's not gabling. Morally... peoples moral compass is their to guide them personally, not for the purposes of dictating moral values to others. If you have a moral objection to taking a chance on a /random drop inside a CM box.. by all means do not participate.


Personally, I see it as much more an economic fallacy rather then a moral one to expect to obtain a rare item via random chance, when said item can simply be purchased from another player in game. This is in fact true of rare content in game. You can spend literally hundreds of hours playing the game on the hope of getting a precious rare random drop you crave. There is no difference here IMO. Time, effort, real life currency (which unless you are a trust fund baby.. you must expend time and effort to obtain in real life)... all different forms of personal energy expended.


Access to rare CM dyes these days....best of both worlds IMO.... take a virtual chance or virtually compensate someone else for their time and effort and get instant gratification.

Edited by Andryah
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Why not? You did some PvE when you levelled, and the dailies don't take a hell of a lot of time. Hell, you could even do them while waiting for the PvP queues to pop. Black Hole - 30 minutes at level 55, and a decent chunk of cash. Section X - about the same.

30 mins on what a healer or a tank. Black Hole including soloing the heroic 20 mins tops. Ilum 20 mins, Section X 30 mins (maybe), CZ-198 15 to 20 mins depending on how many people are there. CtS and EoT are worth a lot of credit when soloed.


Now on my healers they take longer, but on slinger or on saber weilders the times are pretty standard. Although mainly do them only on slinger since it is fast and easy. Even Oricon gets silly fast once you figure out the proper paths.

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There is absolutely no need to gamble for them. There is however the option to do so.. for those that like that sort of thing. Though.. legally, it's not gabling. Morally... peoples moral compass is their to guide them personally, not for the purposes of dictating moral values to others. If you have a moral objection to taking a chance on a /random drop inside a CM box.. by all means do not participate.


Personally, I see it as much more an economic fallacy rather then a moral one to expect to obtain a rare item via random chance, when said item can simply be purchased from another player in game. This is in fact true of rare content in game. You can spend literally hundreds of hours playing the game on the hope of getting a precious rare random drop you crave. There is no difference here IMO. Time, effort, real life currency (which unless you are a trust fund baby.. you must expend time and effort to obtain in real life)... all different forms of personal energy expended.


Access to rare CM dyes these days....best of both worlds IMO.... take a virtual chance or virtually compensate someone else for their time and effort and get instant gratification.


You are speaking more and more sense lately, are you trying to get people to like you now?

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There is absolutely no need to gamble for them. There is however the option to do so.. for those that like that sort of thing. Though.. legally, it's not gabling. Morally... peoples moral compass is their to guide them personally, not for the purposes of dictating moral values to others. If you have a moral objection to taking a chance on a /random drop inside a CM box.. by all means do not participate.


Personally, I see it as much more an economic fallacy rather then a moral one to expect to obtain a rare item via random chance, when said item can simply be purchased from another player in game. This is in fact true of rare content in game. You can spend literally hundreds of hours playing the game on the hope of getting a precious rare random drop you crave. There is no difference here IMO. Time, effort, real life currency (which unless you are a trust fund baby.. you must expend time and effort to obtain in real life)... all different forms of personal energy expended.


Access to rare CM dyes these days....best of both worlds IMO.... take a virtual chance or virtually compensate someone else for their time and effort and get instant gratification.


I agree to an extent, thats why I don't gamble with the dye packs. The main issue for me are the prices on the non gambling option. 2k CC is way too expensive and so are the gtn prices on my server, at the moment rare dyes are more expensive than most color crystals, except the white one (***) . If the dyes where re usable then yeah the current prices would be ok, but at the moment those prices seem unreasonable

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It's not a scam. They don't promise you the color of your dreams if you buy 10 packs. We all know that they are random packs. We all know at this point that the Black and White combinations are pretty rare, and they are also desirable amongst the community. It's not BioWare's fault if you want something that costs 5m credits on the GTN, it's not anyone's fault, it's a goal. Go earn the credits to make it a reality, and quit finding your way to the forums to cry about it.


Did you even bother to read (or understand) my post before replying? I sure as hell wasn't "crying" about anything. I stated my opinion on it and then went on to explain WHY they do it. I don't want the freaking thing, if I did, I'd buy it.

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That's exactly what you asked for here.




LOL, I didn't say you are an idiot because you don't agree with me, I said you are an idiot because instead of using your claimed in game wealth to make yourself happy with your cosmetic appearance, you have instead taken to the forums to QQ about a system that plenty of people seem to be happy enough to support that BioWare is likely making quite a hefty profit for their time invested in developing the system. And if you think me typing on a keyboard is aggressive, LOL I would hate to see what you would do if someone took you to a boxing match or a hockey game.




It's not a scam. They don't promise you the color of your dreams if you buy 10 packs. We all know that they are random packs. We all know at this point that the Black and White combinations are pretty rare, and they are also desirable amongst the community. It's not BioWare's fault if you want something that costs 5m credits on the GTN, it's not anyone's fault, it's a goal. Go earn the credits to make it a reality, and quit finding your way to the forums to cry about it.



Stating my opnion doesn't warrant you the right for rude behavior. I did mentioned the limited fixed rate prices on the dyes on my post but you were too busy hunting for a reason to insult someone that disagrees with you =)


But since you fail to understand that one can behave aggressively without the need for physical aggression, then it's no surprise that you behave this way.

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Seriously? enough is Enough regarding them, I've spent loads on CC coins and to gamble to not get the colour robe i want.

OH wait let's get a few things clear first, i SUB yeah so should i be able to pick the colour of my robe without paying real money? YES!!!!!!

should F2P? HELL NO get my drift sort it out bioware.



I'm sure i'm Speaking for alot of CUSTOMERSright now.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Whenever you gamble, you will lose.

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I don't mind that some things are rarer than others. Same with dyes, but I would prefer that dyes actually dropped as loot, even if the chance on getting black is very low. The fact that black/black is only available via the CM is not right.


I wouldn't personally describe this issue as pathetic but at least I know how to spell the word ;)


It's also not true.

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I agree to an extent, thats why I don't gamble with the dye packs. The main issue for me are the prices on the non gambling option. 2k CC is way too expensive...


Dude. If you think that's expensive, you should check out the price of a Ferrari. It's just idiotic. There's no way I'm going to pay that much for a car. It's completely pathetiq that I have to deal with prices like that. Someone needs to force them to start selling their cars for $30,000. Right now, its just a slap in the face and a blatant money grab on their part.




The dyes are too expensive for you. Meaning: The price of the dye exceeds the value you place on it. Much like the price of a Ferrari exceeds the value I place in a car. Other people disagree. The desirable dyes and high-end cars live in a similar sector of the market: the luxury market. Luxuries are not priced based on how much it costs to make them or even how much entertainment you get from them. They are priced based on the amount of money people are willing to pay for the small number of them that are available.


Yes, that means there are loads of sad people out there who need to have a Black/Black dye and must somehow overcome the near-lethal dose of disappointment. I feel that this will be an important life lesson for them for the day when they finally realize how much a Ferrari or yacht or beachfront villa cost.

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It's making me laugh...

The fact everyones trying to tell me how to make credits i have enough credits, even enough to buy. but i'm not paying it cause it's a joke, i don't want to spend any more on them what so ever weather it be in game credits or CC.


alll these techniques above it's SOP's of the game looool :S

You're the one who wants a particular dye mod and clams to have the creds that you won't spend. So the "loooooool" is on you.

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I hear you. I just finished typing an email because I didn't win MegaMillions last night.

I hear ya on that.


I just wrote a letter to Topps and cc'ed the BBB, Michelle Obama, and the parking attendant at Knott's Berry Farm because I purchased 40 packs of baseball cards and didn't get the one I wanted along with a few packs had broken gum sticks. Such BS!!!!!!!

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Seriously? enough is Enough regarding them, I've spent loads on CC coins and to gamble to not get the colour robe i want.

OH wait let's get a few things clear first, i SUB yeah so should i be able to pick the colour of my robe without paying real money? YES!!!!!!

should F2P? HELL NO get my drift sort it out bioware.



I'm sure i'm Speaking for alot of CUSTOMERSright now.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


I disagree with this post in its entirety.

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It's making me laugh...

The fact everyones trying to tell me how to make credits i have enough credits, even enough to buy. but i'm not paying it cause it's a joke, i don't want to spend any more on them what so ever weather it be in game credits or CC.


alll these techniques above it's SOP's of the game looool :S


Ok, so you have the credits to buy off the GTN, but you claim to be spending real money on CCs to buy the packs instead?


Not sure if troll or just really misguided. Either way, it's all on you.

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As usual, Malaster is right on point. Heh. Just read his post a few times OP et. al. and it should clear it up.


Net, net, you don't like paying high prices for rare dyes. Ok... so, if the prices weren't high, they wouldn't be rare and everyone would look like you. What would the QQ be then?


You don't have to gamble to get they dye you want. You have the means to acquire said dye in game for credits. Credits in this game are easy to come by. But... yup, you have to do something for the creds. Or should we eliminate credits altogether and have everything just be free?

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As usual, Malaster is right on point. Heh. Just read his post a few times OP et. al. and it should clear it up.


Net, net, you don't like paying high prices for rare dyes. Ok... so, if the prices weren't high, they wouldn't be rare and everyone would look like you. What would the QQ be then?


You don't have to gamble to get they dye you want. You have the means to acquire said dye in game for credits. Credits in this game are easy to come by. But... yup, you have to do something for the creds. Or should we eliminate credits altogether and have everything just be free?


well yeah, if you are a member of the Jedi order everything should be free, you're holding us back, it's just not fair! It's all Obi Wans fault! He hates me! He's jealous of me because I am stronger than he is!

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Ok, so you have the credits to buy off the GTN, but you claim to be spending real money on CCs to buy the packs instead?


Not sure if troll or just really misguided. Either way, it's all on you.


Ya, I was wondering about this as well. Seems pretty confusing. Says he refuses to ever buy from CM, says he bought 20 packs for one dye, says gtn prices are too expensive, says he has the credits... Contradictions abound.

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