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Who are you at all again? Enlighten me :cool:


Besides a baddie forum troll.


Teach me how to troll, plzzz :*( The fact remains, you haven't queued up. Nobody seems to know who you are on Midian, funny... anyways, cheers, keep talking bbeboi.


PS: Truth be told, you're a great forum troll. But that's pretty much it booooiiii #byebye


Tell me, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being a completely violated egotistical failure....


How much of a fool do you feel like right now? It even got to the point where he was even telling you his post was bait, and you still couldn't let it go.


Get owned kiddo, try to swallow your pride next time instead of getting all butthurt and mad because you're beneath someone in skill.


Oh right, how's your pride doing on your end? Before you start talking **** to folks like Deyvon, please make sure you can actually take them... how many times did you face him again? But w/e man, whatever floats your boat. Writing that huge post must have really ticked you off, I'm sorry booboo (L) :( Next time, maybe I'll read a paragraph just to make you happy..

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let it go Zu, he's probably just some leftover Retal washout. At least Deyvon can back up his trash talking, this guy can't even tell us his name LOL


Right, 'cause we all know you can back up your **** :rolleyes:

But good luck, I've been told that PvE is great in this game, you should do fine :)

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Teach me how to troll, plzzz :*( The fact remains, you haven't queued up. Nobody seems to know who you are on Midian, funny... anyways, cheers, keep talking bbeboi.


PS: Truth be told, you're a great forum troll. But that's pretty much it booooiiii #byebye


I'll keep talking because I never said I wouldn't be back on this forums. You on the other hand you keep trying not to come back but we all now how that turned out you didn't even last 10hours after my first post that bought you back on your knees.


Does posting on these forums give you a sexual release is that what it is? is this the only thing that can get you off?


Right, 'cause we all know you can back up your **** :rolleyes:

But good luck, I've been told that PvE is great in this game, you should do fine :)


Also what does PvE have to do at all with his post? Nothing stop spewing BS out of your mouth for the sake of it.

You're a joke and honestly as hard as it will be for you don't come back to these forums because you look like a total *********** moron:).

Edited by Turretboy
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Before you start talking **** to folks like Deyvon, please make sure you can actually take them... how many times did you face him again?


He faced Deyon several times...*


*Contains copious amounts of clicking and trashtalking. BuzzingFridge holds no responsibility for any injuries you may sustain through facedesking or extreme facepalming whilst watching these horrible duels.

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Oh right, how's your pride doing on your end? Before you start talking **** to folks like Deyvon, please make sure you can actually take them... how many times did you face him again? But w/e man, whatever floats your boat. Writing that huge post must have really ticked you off, I'm sorry booboo (L) :( Next time, maybe I'll read a paragraph just to make you happy..


Lol, so we're going with a ten then? Still couldn't resist the bait, kiddo?


And my pride is doing just fine, actually. Retal and co. have a nasty tendency to only upload videos of their successes, and it was an unfortunate set up that one day thanks to the 2.0 nerf to the tank DPS spec and on top of me being a derp and having no clue how to run a new spec. But I'm fully content with getting little Dey down to 3% without having used a medpac or the mind trap technique on him later on down the road when I figured things out, despite him having to blow every CD and use one to survive. Then there was the incident when he challenged me to a Carnage Marauder face off.....lmfao. You've seen those vids too?


And a huge post? Is three sentences really that long for you?


Or are you just that desperate for an attack, you don't even realize what you're posting? ;)

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