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Lets bring up some facts here. Everything else is irrelevant really.. I posted between 10-20 posts in the last weeks... 10-20 in the last year. I bet you can do the math... (proof - look it up on my profile)


HBU Zuuuuuu? If I'm pathetic, I don't know what you are..


Your posting history means absolutely nothing to the topic at hand.


Because in these 10-20 posts you made in the last weeks, you claimed you didn't have time nor the interest to make responses to people like Teuty or myself. Yet here you are, posting personal information as ammo on Teuty that clearly shows you put effort into finding a way to trash talking him.


Meaning, you are just as petty as us, and you care about us despite your desperate attempt to claim you don't. How many times you've posted in your life isn't going to change the fact that you are proving yourself a contradiction right now, at this very moment!


At even more coincidental, Neo was a very common example of the high schooler who never left that stage of life behind. The very same one you are portraying right now, kiddo.


Oh, and to clarify, I never said or mentioned you were pathetic in regards to posting frequently. Just that you are for saying you are above pettiness, yet here you are being petty.


But thanks for the ammo. Try not to let the insecurities tear you apart, I know your pride is still blinding you down onto this path of self destruction. ;)

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I didn't watch your vids I read it in a post on this thread.


I also never offered you $35.


Good, because I wouldn't accept it from you anyway. Also pls don't comment on my vids or my playstyle if you haven't actually watched me play.

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Your posting history means absolutely nothing to the topic at hand.


Because in these 10-20 posts you made in the last weeks, you claimed you didn't have time nor the interest to make responses to people like Teuty or myself. Yet here you are, posting personal information as ammo on Teuty that clearly shows you put effort into finding a way to trash talking him.


Meaning, you are just as petty as us, and you care about us despite your desperate attempt to claim you don't. How many times you've posted in your life isn't going to change the fact that you are proving yourself a contradiction right now, at this very moment!


At even more coincidental, Neo was a very common example of the high schooler who never left that stage of life behind. The very same one you are portraying right now, kiddo.


Oh, and to clarify, I never said or mentioned you were pathetic in regards to posting frequently. Just that you are for saying you are above pettiness, yet here you are being petty.


But thanks for the ammo. Try not to let the insecurities tear you apart, I know your pride is still blinding you down onto this path of self destruction. ;)


Meh, I could take the time to explain how much of a profound idiot you are talking about insecurities on a SW video game forum, but you know what, it's not worth it.


And yeah, I came back on my word, I said I wouldn't post and I did, boo-***********-hoo, are ya happy. lol


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Meh, I could take the time to explain how much of a profound idiot you are talking about insecurities on a SW video game forum, but you know what, it's not worth it.


And yeah, I came back on my word, I said I wouldn't post and I did, boo-***********-hoo, are ya happy. lol



So you admit that you're a little egotistical kid that can't let things go? That's the only explanation, considering it was spelled out for you quite clearly that you're getting trolled and you still took the bait :rolleyes:




#myrmbronoob (Still need confirmation on this one, is it you Neo?)





As for insecurities, that's fine. You already proved yours, considering no one mentioned anything about how forum post count proves your personal standing, and even more so how you were getting defense about your IRL standing.


I'll let you decide what it means about you personally when you start basically pulling the, "I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM" card, kiddo ;)

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So you admit that you're a little egotistical kid that can't let things go? That's the only explanation, considering it was spelled out for you quite clearly that you're getting trolled and you still took the bait :rolleyes:




#myrmbronoob (Still need confirmation on this one, is it you Neo?)





As for insecurities, that's fine. You already proved yours, considering no one mentioned anything about how forum post count proves your personal standing, and even more so how you were getting defense about your IRL standing.


I'll let you decide what it means about you personally when you start basically pulling the, "I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM" card, kiddo ;)


TL : DR #yawn

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TL : DR #yawn


Well, now it's clear you can type longer than you can read. Must be a pain, trying to type things out and then losing track of what you were doing in the middle of it. Would also explain why you have no idea what you're talking about too :)


Oh look! Another contradiction!


You know, I hear they got a cream for butthurt nowadays. If I find it, I'll be sure to link it for you :)

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Well, now it's clear you can type longer than you can read.


Hey I resemble that remark!


Gg's tonight. There was some hits and some misses. Grim decided on a whim to go on a stomping spree, thus proving those of you right who said they actually did that. So that's getting uploaded tonight. (A lot of them I thought were my friends and at least semi-similar mindset but for most of them that proved to not be the case, way to go guys!!!)


The rest of the matches were fairly standard but each had special little tidbits as usual.


I really don't care that much, as I've said before and we played mids instead, then I went back to GSF, so really no big loss. Probably going full time GSF in a few weeks. Less whiners about my playstyle.


Hopefully those of you who like the channel don't mind watching GSF. I'll still pvp probably 1-2 times per week on Samus until I can get her suit back on track, but that's it. Since nobody really tells me exactly what it is they like about the channel I'm going to assume it doesn't really matter what I play.


Gnite and gg's!


We now return to our regularly scheduled program, "What were we fighting about anyway?"

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Grim decided on a whim to go on a stomping spree, thus proving those of you right who said they actually did that. So that's getting uploaded tonight. (A lot of them I thought were my friends and at least semi-similar mindset but for most of them that proved to not be the case, way to go guys!!!)




This just keeps getting better. :rolleyes:

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There just isn't a lot you should be expecting here. He calls pushing the opponent's node "a dick move", insults people that group since they do not follow his own "moral code" of how to pvp, and doesn't seem to have any insightful commentary on either pvp tactics, the BC community, or even how to play a power tech. A lot of what is said in those videos is clearly someone without a good handle on how pvp works.


One of his latest videos discusses how melee classes aren't good for pvp, and that he would prefer his entire team to be made up of ranged. Even though he is a power tech, and most his abilities are 10m or less. He somehow thinks the enemies damage will just disappear if his team isn't melee.


This isn't what a lot of us were hoping for. If someone wants to contribute to the BC pvp community via YouTube, and has a positive attitude, and knows what they're doing, you can expect some support. Or just be funny, that works too.

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