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It's just not what I wanted


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From this post I can discern two things, one is that you probably fly a gunship. Two is completely cancelled out by one and your further saying of you wanted a dogfighting simulator because if you play a gunship you never actually wanted to dogfight. Edited by Cordarn
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No, they probably flew a scout or strike fighter and got tired of getting killed by gunships. I cannot recall at any time Bioware said "This is a dogfighting sim!" No, they said space combat. And honestly it's still a fun dogfighting game. You just have to realize dogfighters aren't the only players and adapt your dogfighting tactics around that.


If they can't do that... well they can go play plenty of other dogfighting sims.

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From this post I can discern two things, one is that you probably fly a gunship. Two is completely cancelled out by one and your further saying of you wanted a dogfighting simulator because if you play a gunship you never actually wanted to dogfight.


Wow that's kinda funny because I got the exact opposite from his post.


He's not a GS pilot at all, he's sick and tired of GS spam as well as the X key spamming n00bs.

Edited by Ridickilis
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And that's not to say that it's awful. But, it's just not what I wanted. I wanted a dog fighting simulator.


What I got was a "Kill the camping gunship" simulator. And that's not fun.


So, yeah. Adios, and good luck to everyone still having fun with this.


I fly nothing but scouts and strike fighters and pretty much the entire match is nothing but dogfighting.

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Been playing flight sims since Microsoft Flight Simulator 1 and Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer with my AT clone PC using an amber monochrome monitor and joystick with printed out maps. This one is actually pretty good. Sure it desperately needs built in voice chat and cockpit view for advanced players who want that challenge and realism. Some tutorials teaching starfighters about coordination and teamwork, etc. I believe all that is coming. Remember, it's not even officially released yet.


I've played every single Microsoft Flight sim since those days, and I currently play War Thunder. And I'll say this, I believe GS is on the right track.


About dogfighting: Why not dogfight with me? I may not get as many kills as the current Aces out there, but if you get into a one on one with me, I promise you, you will not be able to tag me, let alone turn tight like I do, not unless you have a wingperson - and even then watch your 6 ... watch your 3/9 line, watch below you, watch above you ... watch out for me at all times. Situational awareness is a major concern, because I'm up there, in the Stars. If you see me, chances are, I'm coming in HOT, like a Star gone wild.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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I gotta ask...is anyone on your team actively looking for Gunships? I fly only my Scout and I make it my job to booster like hell behind every Gunship I see and hope there isn't a 2nd or 3rd GS covering him. Once you get them moving, the good GS pilots can make for a helluva good dogfight.
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I gotta ask...is anyone on your team actively looking for Gunships? I fly only my Scout and I make it my job to booster like hell behind every Gunship I see and hope there isn't a 2nd or 3rd GS covering him. Once you get them moving, the good GS pilots can make for a helluva good dogfight.


Besides me? Usually not. If I ignore them, then they just pick people off points left and right and we lose.

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I can't seem to survive more than a couple of seconds, so I have yet to really get a feel for this game feature.... I have no idea how to avoid dying in a few seconds either as I can't seem to avoid those freaking missiles, and they lock on in just a few seconds so it is instant kill. Most games there is one or two players that just massacres everyone. I have seen matches where there has been one guy that has taken down like 24 people, and the closest kill rate from someone else has been 2.... :S


And it does not really feel that much like Star Wars, Maybe it is just way to few people playing. Where is those huge epic star battles with hundreds of fighters. I would rather play Battlefront 2 instead of this to be honest.

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Besides me? Usually not. If I ignore them, then they just pick people off points left and right and we lose.


I just wanted to add to what I said earlier.


In WWII, which GS is pretty much modeled after, the Germans focused on blowing up the P-38 Lightening bombers which is like the Gunships. They would come from high above behind the target's 3/9 line and do dive attacks, like what a NovaDive Scout ship would do. The Nazis ruled the sky in the beginning of the war, because they remembered all the lessons from WWI, which the allied powers had to relearn.


That is what you are experiencing right now. It wasn't until the advent of the P-51 Mustang (and new commanders) that the Germans could no longer dominate the skies. But before the P-51 Mustang, the Allied forces had to make do with what they had. At first the p-38 bombers would turn to make it more difficult for the german fighters, but it still wasnt enough. Eventually the P-38 bombers realized the germans hated attacking them from their front, because of the P-38's frontal firepower, so the P-38 would start turning towards them, which greatly increased their chances. That mastering of the P-38 lightening bomber helped out allot, before the P-51 Mustang came into the scene.


It's where most of us are at right now, learning how to use the gunship properly. Most are using it like a sniper, when that's not its purpose. The Gunship is supposed to hit targets, and they are supposed to be supported by the Strike Fighters flying behind the Scout ships who are distracting any defending starfighter. Many of us already know the beauty of the Gunship and Strike Fighter working together. But it's hard to coordinate without a built in voice chat system.


Anyways, here is the break down on what the starfighters were modeled after. There are many online videos talking about all this stuff. Check it out when you have the time.


Scout = P-51 Mustang (fast, maneuverable)


Strike Fighter = P-47 Thunderbolt (strong firepower from its wings, fast and maneuverable but not as much as the Mustang)


Gunship = P-38 Lightening Bomber (slow, serious firepower)

Edited by HiddenPalm
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I can't seem to survive more than a couple of seconds, so I have yet to really get a feel for this game feature.... I have no idea how to avoid dying in a few seconds either as I can't seem to avoid those freaking missiles, and they lock on in just a few seconds so it is instant kill. Most games there is one or two players that just massacres everyone. I have seen matches where there has been one guy that has taken down like 24 people, and the closest kill rate from someone else has been 2.... :S


And it does not really feel that much like Star Wars, Maybe it is just way to few people playing. Where is those huge epic star battles with hundreds of fighters. I would rather play Battlefront 2 instead of this to be honest.


In WWII the US airforce lost more men, than did the USMC. There used to be a saying, "Fly five, stay alive". It meant that if you did five missions, your chances of survival increased significantly. Every pilot or crewman that died, died because the pilot had no experience whatsoever. Almost all whom died, died on their first mission. Over 80% of the kills, were made by Aces which were like about 1% of all the fighter pilots.


So what you describe, sounds extremely realistic.


Sorry that youre dying so much and so fast. Have you been upgrading your ship? Stick to one, so you can increase the rate of your upgrades, and study aerial combat tactics videos online to get some perspective. This game brought out a different crowd than the regular PVPers. Allot of us have played flight sims for decades. Some of us play War Thunder. It takes allot of spacetime to get good. Put in your hours. Learn the basics of dogfighting. I know how to dogfight, and I love it when others dont, because most dont. They fly like its the first week of WWI, by flying head on in straight lines like jousting while others are flying like its the last weeks of WWII using gravity/speed/lift and the Force.


We don't have gravity, because we're starfighters, but I think you get my point.

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