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PvPers: Blame yourself for the lack of OWPvP


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EDIT: Damnit, thought I was in PvP section. Mods, can this be moved there?


After one day of playing the Gree Event, I have found this. You can comfortably blame the community for being so carebeary for the lack of OWPvP content.


The Imps had 16 players at the pylon. That's right. The perfect recipe for decently sized OWPvP. But no. Not a single Pub in the whole of frikking Ilum ready to attack the pylon. I ask for an hour straight. No response.


Oh wait no, there was a response. Someone cried that the Imps are attacking him. When I said this is a "PvP server", they said PvP is supposed to stay in warzones only. no need for OWPvP.


Stop blaming Bioware for the lack of OWPvP. The players don't want it.


The best part of all is, most players who said they don't want to participate are the same ones that complain about the lack of OWPvP. :rolleyes:

Edited by EzioMessi
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EDIT: Damnit, thought I was in PvP section. Mods, can this be moved there?


After one day of playing the Gree Event, I have found this. You can comfortably blame the community for being so carebeary for the lack of OWPvP content.


The Imps had 16 players at the pylon. That's right. The perfect recipe for decently sized OWPvP. But no. Not a single Pub in the whole of frikking Ilum ready to attack the pylon. I ask for an hour straight. No response.


Oh wait no, there was a response. Someone cried that the Imps are attacking him. When I said this is a "PvP server", they said PvP is supposed to stay in warzones only. no need for OWPvP.


Stop blaming Bioware for the lack of OWPvP. The players don't want it.


The best part of all is, most players who said they don't want to participate are the same ones that complain about the lack of OWPvP. :rolleyes:


Nope, it's Biowares fault.


This is a limited time event, people want to do the event, they don't want to waste time doing OWPvP when there are no rewards for doing open world pvp.

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Nope, it's Biowares fault.


This is a limited time event, people want to do the event, they don't want to waste time doing OWPvP when there are no rewards for doing open world pvp.


Umm no. There was a person who wanted to finish the charging the pylon quest. I asked her if she'd join me in taking back the pylon so she could finish the quest. The response?


"But I just wanna run orbs..."

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Umm no. There was a person who wanted to finish the charging the pylon quest. I asked her if she'd join me in taking back the pylon so she could finish the quest. The response?


"But I just wanna run orbs..."


Exactly, they'd rather do the event missions than do pvp.

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You're not getting my point at all? The event mission is *inside* the group of 16 Imps. Instead of helping me take them down, they're like, no I'd rather wait for the 4 hours it takes before they get bored and log off.


Carebear == Carebear == Carebear


There weren't more than one instances then?

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Exactly, you're mad and upset. It's only a game.


Actually I was upset at first. Now I just find it amusing.


And yeah, it's only a game. One which I pay to play, not run shiny objects back and forth.


I think. I'm gonna have more fun throwing snowballs at my guildies anyway.

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Nope, most of them just want loot and rewards. Unless you throw a bag of loot at them, they won't do anything.


There's a lot of pvpers who only want to PvP if they get something in return other than the fun of fighting another player. On the one hand, I can understand that. On the other, I thought PvP was about the fun of fighting non-ai opponents. It's a mixed bag. I don't PvP a lot in this game but I did enjoy some random owpvp a few times, it was just fun fighting other players even if I do stuck. I do wish they'd get rid of expertise, though. I'm more reluctant because most mine don't have expertise and that makes it harder to fight those who do.

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Forgive my ignorance because I'm just recently back to the game. but are you saying the game has a 1-2 week event (once a year) that needs to have two instances ( one with aprx 16 people in it) on a pretty much dead planet. there's a lack of OwPvP participation, and that's the player bases fault?


Geez, I can't imagine why there aren't people just lined up just waiting those other 50 weeks a year.


Again if I'm off base on this I apologize, just going by the info provided. :)


I love opvp but I'm not really expecting to find much in this game, as they pretty much shy away from it.

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Forgive my ignorance because I'm just recently back to the game. but are you saying the game has a 1-2 week event (once a year) that needs to have two instances ( one with aprx 16 people in it) on a pretty much dead planet. there's a lack of OwPvP participation, and that's the player bases fault?


Geez, I can't imagine why there aren't people just lined up just waiting those other 50 weeks a year.


Again if I'm off base on this I apologize, just going by the info provided. :)


I love opvp but I'm not really expecting to find much in this game, as they pretty much shy away from it.


No. I think he is saying, and correct me if I'm wrong OP, in this event players have a chance to at least approximate an OPvP scenario. But when asked or given the opportunity to do exactly that, they don't. Net, net, there doesn't seem to be much demand for OPvP even on a PvP server.

Edited by Rafaman
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Forgive my ignorance because I'm just recently back to the game. but are you saying the game has a 1-2 week event (once a year) that needs to have two instances ( one with aprx 16 people in it) on a pretty much dead planet. there's a lack of OwPvP participation, and that's the player bases fault?


Again if I'm off base on this I apologize, just going by the info provided. :)


I love opvp but I'm not really expecting to find much in this game, as they pretty much shy away from it.


Well firstly, if one instance has 16 people in it that's because the other is full (and who knows, maybe that one instance has 16 Pubs and 100 Imps).


Secondly, the issue is that people ask for OWPvP and then LINE UP IN FREAKING COLUMNS RATHER THAN FIGHT!:eek:


^That right there is why there's not much, OWPvP in this game: unless you're on Bastion or the like everyone lines up rather than fight. I thought this was Star WARS not Star Lanes.

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No. I think he is saying, and correct me if I'm wrong OP, in this event players have a chance to at least approximate an OPvP scenario. But when asked or given the opportunity to do exactly that, they don't. Net, net, there doesn't seem to be much demand for OPvP even on a PvP server.


Well of course not. This game seems to almost discourage OWPvP for 50 of 52 weeks a year. I would think folks that are really looking for that would be playing a different MMO by now.


But perhaps I'm just over thinking it....

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EDIT: Damnit, thought I was in PvP section. Mods, can this be moved there?


After one day of playing the Gree Event, I have found this. You can comfortably blame the community for being so carebeary for the lack of OWPvP content.


The Imps had 16 players at the pylon. That's right. The perfect recipe for decently sized OWPvP. But no. Not a single Pub in the whole of frikking Ilum ready to attack the pylon. I ask for an hour straight. No response.


Oh wait no, there was a response. Someone cried that the Imps are attacking him. When I said this is a "PvP server", they said PvP is supposed to stay in warzones only. no need for OWPvP.


Stop blaming Bioware for the lack of OWPvP. The players don't want it.


The best part of all is, most players who said they don't want to participate are the same ones that complain about the lack of OWPvP. :rolleyes:


So you made that conclusion after an hour? Thank you sir, ill make a notice to not take you seriously in the future. Regarding the red part, untill you have a proof it didnt happen. Its easy to make such claims.

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So you made that conclusion after an hour? Thank you sir, ill make a notice to not take you seriously in the future. Regarding the red part, untill you have a proof it didnt happen. Its easy to make such claims.


?? I'm stating my experience based off what they have sid to me yesterday? Want me to take screenshots everytime I whisper someone now?


All I said was that the majority of the people who complained to me in chat that OWPvP is dead, refused to partake in Gree Event because there were too many Imps

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No. I think he is saying, and correct me if I'm wrong OP, in this event players have a chance to at least approximate an OPvP scenario. But when asked or given the opportunity to do exactly that, they don't. Net, net, there doesn't seem to be much demand for OPvP even on a PvP server.




Players that cried for months for OWPvP refuse to partake because "we just want to do our dailies". While on a PvE server, that mentality is totally fine an acceptable (because that's the whole point of the server. Questing without ganking), but self-proclaimed "PvPers" on a PvP server run away from the slightest hint of a challenge. And when the event is up, they are among the ones will complain over and over that there's no World PvP. When it was right in front of them the whole time (not saying all people that complain are doing this. Just this specific lot, who I've seen complain about it over and over in chat).

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?? I'm stating my experience based off what they have sid to me yesterday? Want me to take screenshots everytime I whisper someone now?


All I said was that the majority of the people who complained to me in chat that OWPvP is dead, refused to partake in Gree Event because there were too many Imps


How many reps were there on Illum at the time? I highly doubt that enough to make a judgement on whole comunity.

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EDIT: Damnit, thought I was in PvP section. Mods, can this be moved there?


After one day of playing the Gree Event, I have found this. You can comfortably blame the community for being so carebeary for the lack of OWPvP content.


The Imps had 16 players at the pylon. That's right. The perfect recipe for decently sized OWPvP. But no. Not a single Pub in the whole of frikking Ilum ready to attack the pylon. I ask for an hour straight. No response.


Oh wait no, there was a response. Someone cried that the Imps are attacking him. When I said this is a "PvP server", they said PvP is supposed to stay in warzones only. no need for OWPvP.


Stop blaming Bioware for the lack of OWPvP. The players don't want it.


The best part of all is, most players who said they don't want to participate are the same ones that complain about the lack of OWPvP. :rolleyes:



I'm shocked that one Pub didn't want to be ganked by 16 Imps!


I agree with the comment that this is Biowares fault, the problem is once in the Open PVP area everyone is fair game. So we can only create groups of 4 and then they can attack everyone else, so with 4 groups of Imps and 4 groups of Pubs, it becomes pandemonium trying to target the correct faction!


The main problem is most would prefer to attack weaker targets, so a group of 4 will more likely attack a smaller group, it would be unlikely they would attack a group of 5! Human nature means we want the odds in our favour.

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As you all know, the Gree Event is back. The majority of players have all the reputation they need and the only thing they are missing is related to player kill achievements. Having said that, yesterday, we decided to go have some fun on Ilum. We formed a group, 4 people, and we were very surprised to see the amount of hate we received for some harmless open world pvp.



Granted, we attacked any target that was marked as 'red' and it took us a while to figure it out that as a rep if you kill reps they don't count for your achievement. Apart from PYCB, Mastakilla & co, everyone else insulted and kept talking trash in general.



So I have to ask, where is the love? Some extracts of the messages I received ....



'You f*ck, you ganked me, reported!!'

'Rebel Dream are killing all JEDIS! Be careful they are idiots, stay away from the pylon'

'So you killed me, yes? Don't you know who I am? I will come to your house and kill your whole family'



Really? We have to take things so far in a game? Last time I checked, we were on a PVP server and Rebel Dream does not gank lowbies. 55s, we kill on sight, reps, imps, wookies, but this is where we stop.



My post in the TOFN server section ... All i can say *speechless at the attitude for some Open World PVP*

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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