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Any reason to use NovaDive over Flashfire?


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Just curious what reasons people have for using the NovaDive instead of the Flashfire.


The NovaDive has access to the Engine Power Converter, though that rarely seems like a valuable commodity over the ability to dodge basically anything for up to 6 seconds.

The cluster missiles seem to make the Flashfire a no-brainer decision.

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If those are both scouts, I am unclear on the pub names for ships then both have the ability to dodge everything for 6 seconds.


I honestly like the rocket pods more then the missiles in many situations though, attacking turrets, hunting gunships. even just dogfighting against people that like to fly in straight lines.


I think if dampening is fixed the extra sensor will be more important, and I believe the starter scout can end up with more total boost and engine power to allow it to get from A to C without slowing.

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I guess there isn't much reason if you look at the stats. That said, I have both a NovaDive and a Sting with nice gear, and I don't actually miss the cluster missiles when I'm on my Nova armed with rocket pods. You have to aim the pods more carefully, but they trigger no lock-on alert and they give you that extra punch on the initial blow when you catch someone off guard. I'd happily swap the sensors on my Nova for a reactor though.


I chose NovaDive for my republic scout because it looks better than the Flashfire :)

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Novadive has sensor arrays (for sensor detection or dampening) while the Flashfire does not. In addition, if you look at the ship stats, while both are scouts the Novadive's energy consumption when using afterburners is significantly lower. On a Flashfire it's like 10 engine power per second, and like 6 on a Novadive. Therefore, the Novadive has engine power for DAYS. WAAAAAY more than the Flashfire. Add the booster recharge ability, and you can zoom all over the map as often as you want, engine power becomes almost a non-issue.


But I'm wondering if I'm missing something here: I have C2N2 in my crew under engineering, which increases engine pool and decreases engine consumption for maneuvers (including afterburning). Is this why I'm getting so much more engine power? It seems like no comparison, it's got to be more than the 13% reduction. I go through engine power like crazy on my Flashfire, but in my Novadive I can zoom forever.


Enemy swarming point A and I can't defend? Fine, zoom lickety split all the way to C. Take out three turrets in 20 seconds, and the attack on A breaks really quick as they all scramble--slowly--across the map.

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Just curious what reasons people have for using the NovaDive instead of the Flashfire.


The NovaDive has access to the Engine Power Converter, though that rarely seems like a valuable commodity over the ability to dodge basically anything for up to 6 seconds.

The cluster missiles seem to make the Flashfire a no-brainer decision.


People play Flashfire/Sting for Blaster Overcharge (or however its called), not the Cluster Missiles which are vastly overrated and arguably worse than Rocket Pods in most situations.

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People play Flashfire/Sting for Blaster Overcharge (or however its called), not the Cluster Missiles which are vastly overrated and arguably worse than Rocket Pods in most situations.


100% agree. Cluster missiles don't do much damage. Nothing compared to levelled up blasters on blaster overcharge. 2 seconds of that does WAY more damage than 2 missiles. Or probably even 3 or 4 cluster missiles. BUt Novaive's engines are a good defense to blaster overcharge. My Novadive can boost seemingly forever. :p

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1)Nova is faster

2) Nova has bigger engine pool

3) nova is more maneuverable (barely)

4) Rapid fire and telemetry can match quads and overcharge. (Overcharge is only better than not-upgraded tele)


I run a Flashfire and a guildy runs a Novadrive, we almost always come within 2-3k total damage at the end and nearly the same kills+assists.


Flashfires are just easier for many people to pick up.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Because look at that little cutie.

Looks better and since there are no strong firepower upgrades, I can put all the req into agility without guilt. I think I will stick with my NovaDive for...ever, unless they introduce a new, more beautiful scout model with even less firepower/defense and even more agility.

Actually, if you look at swtor homepage, there are pictures of 4 ships at the "Early Access Now Live!" article head, and I'm quite sure that bottom right is the third scout Reps are getting. And it looks cool. Like a NovaDive with an extra engine and a couple of tiny wings. Pretty much the same difference as Pike has from Star Guard. Think I'm gonna save some fleet req for that one. :)

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1)Nova is faster

2) Nova has bigger engine pool

3) nova is more maneuverable (barely)

4) Rapid fire and telemetry can match quads and overcharge. (Overcharge is only better than not-upgraded tele)


I run a Flashfire and a guildy runs a Novadrive, we almost always come within 2-3k total damage at the end and nearly the same kills+assists.


Flashfires are just easier for many people to pick up.


Excellent points. I love the Flashfire, but for some reason I am just not very good in it. Give me the maneuverability and engine power of a Nova, and I am much much better. I can zoom from point to point, avoid fights I'm bound to lose with boundless engine reserve and speed, and make it hard for the enemy to capture. As soon as they make a push for our point, 10 seconds later I'm at their less defended point taking out turrets, forcing them to fly back and defend.


That's not to say Flashfire is bad--I've seen some really great Flashfire pilots. I just am NOT one of them! :p

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1)Nova is faster

2) Nova has bigger engine pool

3) nova is more maneuverable (barely)

4) Rapid fire and telemetry can match quads and overcharge. (Overcharge is only better than not-upgraded tele)


I run a Flashfire and a guildy runs a Novadrive, we almost always come within 2-3k total damage at the end and nearly the same kills+assists.


Flashfires are just easier for many people to pick up.


1. Same max speed, unless you're counting in booster recharge which btw, flashfires have access to as well.

2. Same engine pool, again unless you're counting booster recharge, but both ships can use that, people just prefer to use blaster overcharge on flashfires.

3. Same pitch/yaw rate. Where are you getting your figures from ace? Cause I'm looking at their stats now and they maneuver the same.

4. Quads have longer range and higher damage. At 3000M the rapid fire cannons have a base accuracy equivalent to quads that are off center by 7 degrees.


Look, I get that you want to defend your favorite ship to the death but lets face it, the only reason to ever choose a Novadrive over a Flashfire is if you actually want to do a scout's job, which is to find enemy targets and relay them to your team, using enhanced sensors/communication. Flashfires are the ship of choice for anyone wanting to be a space superiority fighter/multirole fighter (instead of the strike fighters), Novadrives are the ship of choice for someone who wants to be more useful to the team rather than a gloryhound trying to top the killboard.

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I haven't unlocked the 2nd scouts yet, but I pretty much only fly the Sting/Nova. I haven't felt like I'm at any disadvantage to them at all yet. Seems like the pilot and their upgrades vs. your upgrades makes so much difference, that which version of the same class your flying isn't really all that important.
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The Flashfire is evidently supposed to be intended as a straight up dog fighter, while the Novadive is more of a utility/objective scout. Novadive has access to better sensors and a sensor beacon (though the beacon is probably only useful in a premade). At the very minimum Novadive is probably the better gunship hunter of the two, and in a lot of ways because of its sensors, more worthy of the 'scout' designation.


In a normal match, probably not much reason to use a Novadive unless you prefer to load out two scouts - one with a sabotage probe and one without.

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Thanks for all of the replies. Yes it's a tight lookin chassis, though personally I like the Flash just as much.


After all is weighed, I have decided that I will be using the Nova for its' sensor array, extending my communication sensors as far as they will go, and a combination of map placement and targeting telemetry to give my side some early warning on ship movements.


If my team needs more offense, already has at least 1 competent Nova, or they have trouble with spacial awareness, I am better off in the Flash.

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The Blackbolt/NovaDive is a better scout than the Flashfire/Sting.


It's faster, it's more maneuverable, it has better sensors, and it's better for hit and run than the Flashfire/Sting.


same base speed, same engine pool same engine consumption rate same component availability. It's just as maneuverable.


You are right though that the Novadrive is a better scout though, due to its enhanced sensors.

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Novadive has sensor arrays (for sensor detection or dampening) while the Flashfire does not. In addition, if you look at the ship stats, while both are scouts the Novadive's energy consumption when using afterburners is significantly lower. On a Flashfire it's like 10 engine power per second, and like 6 on a Novadive. Therefore, the Novadive has engine power for DAYS. WAAAAAY more than the Flashfire.


Another correction here. Not that I'm trying to make people quit their Novadive/Blackbolts, but these anecdotes about speed, turning, engine power, etc. are mistakes based on people comparing the default components of the ships. The Flashfire/Sting can easily slot the same engine components as a Novadive/Blackbolt allowing them equal speed and maneuverability.


The Novadive/Blackbolt are definitely the only scouts with the sensor upgrade package, however, and they're the only ones with sensor beacons, termite torpedoes, and a couple of other things.

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same base speed, same engine pool same engine consumption rate same component availability. It's just as maneuverable.


You are right though that the Novadrive is a better scout though, due to its enhanced sensors.

Forget the stats. Who knows if the tooltips are correct. Have you flown both ships? Its not a matter of upgrades either, Novas are more agile than Flashfires and have a longer endurance on full power as well.

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I don't feel the need for an edge that reactor, cluster missiles, burst-fire cannon and blaster overcharge give the Flashfire/Sting over the Nova/Blackbolt.


And my playstyle is that of a highly mobile Scout that zooms across the map in 1 booster pool, takes objectives, spooks off Gunships, gets in a few kills in between when convenient targets of opportunity present themselves. Granted, I'd probably be doing better on the offensive on a Flashfire with a similar mobility loadout, but I like the Nova well enough. Maxed Dampening helps avoid unwanted attention, too.

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same base speed, same engine pool same engine consumption rate same component availability. It's just as maneuverable.


You are right though that the Novadrive is a better scout though, due to its enhanced sensors.


You're missing one important difference: afterburner consumption. The consumption factor on a Flashfire is 5, it's 3 on a Novadive. So the Novadive consumes engine power 40% slower while boosting.

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1)Nova is faster

2) Nova has bigger engine pool

3) nova is more maneuverable (barely)

4) Rapid fire and telemetry can match quads and overcharge. (Overcharge is only better than not-upgraded tele)


I run a Flashfire and a guildy runs a Novadrive, we almost always come within 2-3k total damage at the end and nearly the same kills+assists.


Flashfires are just easier for many people to pick up.



Novadive/Flashfire have the exact same pitch/yaw and default speed. . . . What I think you are noticing are the different mods they have by default or through upgrade (like Engine Boost)


All ships of the same class (Fighter/Scout/GS) have the same default specs for engine speed, burst burn rate. . ect

Edited by Cashal
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ffs one of my guidies runs a Novadrive with rapid-fire and telemetry and he nearly always matches my damage in my Flashfire. Flashfires are just easier to pick up b/c they get a cluster missile (which is more of a psychological weapon than a actual threat.)
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