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My take on Galactic Starfighter (from a scout p.o.v.)


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Callsign: Bubbles

Server: Red Eclipse (EU)


When Galactic Starfighter came out, I was already highly anticipating it, but I wanted to give it a good go before I reserved judgement.


I can say that ever since it came out, I haven't touched any of the other parts in the game. I find it that good and fun!


In the past I played a lot of Tie fighter and X-wing (and followups). My favorite craft in those games was definately the A-wing. Fast, agile, manouverable and deadly when played right (or you died very fast if you didn't play it right). After looking at the pre-release posts on both the official website and dulfy from the beta, my eye immediately drew to the Flashfire. It looks just like an A-wing! Being still a bit aprehensive if Bioware would've been able to capture the fun I had with those old games, I started out in the Novadive and started to learn the game and controls. After about 3 games it all came back to me -> it flew almost exactly like those old games (yes i played them with a mouse back then). Slowly I started to contribute more and more to the team and often victories, racking up fleet req.


Then the moment was there, I unlocked the Flashfire. Yay! Of course noticing the non-upgraded parts, I strove to still be able to perform well for the team and slowly but surely kitted out my ship.


Fast forward to the present. I feel very comfortable flying the Flashfire, although I don't consider myself amongst the elite few of top aces.


Now a few observations as a scout player:

- you're flying a flymsy craft and die very fast under concentrated fire

- Any ship that is flown better (or aimed better in regards to gunships) can take you down (Yes I particularry look at you Seruse, a very good Imperial Strike Fighter pilot on my server)

- Any ship that you outfly can die to you

- When defending or capping a node, don't chase after people that run off. Especially when you are solo or duo defending/capping. A chased off ship can either be taken care off by teammates or leaves room for you to go after someone else or cap.

- Gunships are not overpowered. Yes they can oneshot me, slow me down, drain me, etc, but I can kill them just as well or at least chase them away

- Strike Fighters in the hands of a skilled pilot can do some serious damage and kill me easilly, but they can also be killed under the right circumstances.


Things I hope that are added to Galactic Starfighter in the future:

- More ships

- More gametypes

- More maps

- A key to quickly tab to enemies that are targeting me, not just lasering me.


Here's a video I made of me flying today with some music. Hope you like it!

(hd version) Edited by Flinthoof
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When Galactic Starfighter came out, I was already highly anticipating it, but I wanted to give it a good go before I reserved judgement.


I can say that ever since it came out, I haven't touched any of the other parts in the game. I find it that good and fun!


Unlike you, my "anticipation" was LOW...VERY LOW! I very truthfully expected something similar to what we had - on rails, but maybe co-op or versus or something they could call "multiplayer" that any moron would know wasn't really "multiplayer".


However...like you, it's all I WANT to do these days. My first thought when I saw the holiday thing released today was "Huh...at least it's on fleet, I can do it between queue pops".


Bioware hit a home-run on GS imo. It's the most addictive thing I've done in the game to this point.

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I was more on the optimistic side regarding the SSSP and you know what, i wasn't let down!


I absolutely love it. Its the only thing i play in SWTOR atm. Like the OP im also from Red Eclipse, Republic side, and i think ive already played a game or two with you. Codename Lynna.


I also started out slow, i didnt even know that the space key would allow me to use "afterburners" :)

The more i play, the better i get.


By far my favourite ship is probably the Gunship, although i always try to fly all 5 of my Republic ships each day. I think im flying much better now that i know all the ship types and loadouts. Atleast i know what to expect from my opponents. I also am "leveling up" my ships rather slowly, not transferring any Ship Req. over to my favourite ship. I like to keep them at the same level of upgrades.

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Unlike you, my "anticipation" was LOW...VERY LOW! I very truthfully expected something similar to what we had - on rails, but maybe co-op or versus or something they could call "multiplayer" that any moron would know wasn't really "multiplayer".


However...like you, it's all I WANT to do these days. My first thought when I saw the holiday thing released today was "Huh...at least it's on fleet, I can do it between queue pops".


Bioware hit a home-run on GS imo. It's the most addictive thing I've done in the game to this point.


Can I just say that it's nice to see you being positive about the game? :)


And I fully agree. I played a character other than my GSF mains for the first time over the weekend for maybe an hour, and then decided to go back to GSF instead. I play just as much as before, but now all I do is queue for starfighter...


I'm sure eventually it will wear thin a bit, and I will start mixing in more normal play, but I'm pretty sure GSF is going to be a big part of my play time for quite a while.

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I'm sure eventually it will wear thin a bit, and I will start mixing in more normal play, but I'm pretty sure GSF is going to be a big part of my play time for quite a while.


Im looking forward to the release of the bomber and new maps / gameplay modes! :)

I really wonder what they have planned for us in the near/far future.

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Bubbles is one bad mammajamma! Nice video, youre really good with targeting. I bet you can freak the gunship if you wanted to. I definitely feel you, I havent been able to do anything else but play GS since it came out. It's like the rest of the game is just this over glorified user interface to enter GS, which makes GS even better, lol! I leveled up all the way to 55 from 51 and didn't even know! And I made enough credits to at least mod the armoring of all my gear to 156 rating. Im just gonna keep playing until I make enough money to mod everything on my toon's gear as much as I can. By then F2p will be coming in, and I will be ready. Well beyond ready.


What I want to see in the future for GS is pretty much everything folks here stated and built in audio conferencing, because until that happens, none of us can really call ourselves Aces. A real Ace knows how to work in a team. There are no one person armies. Sure we have starfighters making kills in the upper 20's and lower 30's, which is pretty damn impressive, but even they loose matches because there is a serious lack of teamwork, because of the lack of communication.


Galactic Starfighter extremely needs voice chat - EXTREMELY.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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Can I just say that it's nice to see you being positive about the game? :)


And I fully agree. I played a character other than my GSF mains for the first time over the weekend for maybe an hour, and then decided to go back to GSF instead. I play just as much as before, but now all I do is queue for starfighter...


I'm sure eventually it will wear thin a bit, and I will start mixing in more normal play, but I'm pretty sure GSF is going to be a big part of my play time for quite a while.


It's nice to have something to be positive about :)


The second half of 2013 has been extremely good imo - I really enjoyed what they did with Czerka and even more with Oricon (mixing PvP with PvE). The new FPs and Ops are great PvE content...but before I PvE, I prefer, PvP...WZ's were getting stale and Arenas were too small for my liking. GSF blew me away with how fast paced, beautiful, complex and addictive it is.


I'm sure it will eventually become like the WZ's - frustrating and stale at times...but right now, they have my complete attention and they more than justify my sub!

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Server: The Red Eclipse

Callsign: Hvutt


I as well, enjoy reading the posts here, as the are positive regarding GS. And I agree in pretty much anything that has been written above.


I didn't know what to expect from GS, when it was announced. I first thought I would pop in, and then find out it wasn't for me to manouver in. And I was right, in regarding the manouvering part. I tried all 3 classes/ships, but couldn't find out what was up and what was down in the 3D space world. And more than once, I push that panic button, that would smash me into the nearest structure or boulder. :)


I then decided to primarly focus on the Gunship. They stand still a lot :) And that helped me. Sometimes I was in the bottom 3 and sometimes in the top 3. And more importantly, I found it to be a lot of fun. :D And I also play the other classes now and then.


And as the many players above, I haven't done much other content in the game since launch. I wouldn't even know to play PvE, as I have to set up my buttons again, because GS changed them :)


As of now, I am actually doing okay in GS. There are some co-pilots, (Bubbles, Furylicious, Mundo and those mentioned above) and also the same on the imps side, that I enjoy playing with and against.. I have had many clashes with Tulinof, Xaeeda and others, who 'hates' me, because I kill them, so they kill me right back the minute after. Love it :D


Lastly, I am also looking forward to a few more maps and a new ship or two. But regarding, when the F2P players will join us, I fear, that us players that have been playing/practising a while, will overpower them, and they won't get to enjoy to play GS much, and therefore we won' have that many extra players as we could have. So maybe, we should take it lightly when it starts, and not just shoot-to-kill instantly. If you can spot a fresh new player, why not circle around him a bit, and let him struggle in taking you out. Good practise as well. ;)


See you and kill you in Kuat Mesa or Lost shipyards :cool:

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Nice video OP, keep 'em coming... The Sting/Flashfire is my favorite ship and I must say I'm slowly becoming halfway decent with it. I don't do too well in the way of kills like you do but I do get in some assists and usually end up high on the objectives score.


As for GSF... Yeah I resubbed just for this and I'm glad I did, it's great fun and I'm looking forward to the new ships/game modes! I play this game for the class (and planet!) stories and the space combat exclusively, I dislike PvP in general but still have a blast in GSF, it's the kind of PvP I enjoy :D


I'm jealous of you though... Pubs have the best looking ships and win most of the time to boot!

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I can't agree with this post more!


I have given serious thought to giving up raiding to do nothing but GSF, but then I know I would miss raiding and BSing with my team/friends/guild-mates while doing progression.

I love GSF!!


If anyone reading this is on the Jedi Covenant server and is looking for someone to que with, look me up!

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