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Henchman bounty RNG


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I seriously hope the dev who thought it'd be a great idea to make the henchmen targets be on an RNG got laid off and never works in the industry again.


I've spent hours trying to get one of the henchmen I haven't gotten both kill and capture achievements on yet, I've reset the quest dozens of times, I've abandoned the quest and gone to 4 different planets, but always get the same 3 targets over and over. Zindo Kent, Novane, and Sogan Sur. They're useless to me because I have killed and captured all 3 of them already.


This is obnoxious.

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Have you been favouring DK/Coruscant, Tatooine and Alderaan? From the targets you're getting, it seems like it.


Have you looked at Dulfy's list of henchman locations?


If you are on e.g. Tatooine, you have a 60% chance of getting the 3 you named. If you were on Voss, you'd have a 20% chance of getting one of those.


Other than that, it's just luck. Do some more bounties and you can sell your spare contracts. Do you already have the speeder and the pet?

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Have you been favouring DK/Coruscant, Tatooine and Alderaan? From the targets you're getting, it seems like it.


Have you looked at Dulfy's list of henchman locations?


If you are on e.g. Tatooine, you have a 60% chance of getting the 3 you named. If you were on Voss, you'd have a 20% chance of getting one of those.


Other than that, it's just luck. Do some more bounties and you can sell your spare contracts. Do you already have the speeder and the pet?


I've been using Dulfy's, and I went to Voss, Alderaan, Nar Shadda, and Dromund Kaas. I got those targets all the time on Tattooine earlier this week (along with Undo Ensh) when I was looking for Kar'Wa, finally got Kar'Wa by going to Voss a few days ago, then on Voss I kept getting Sogan Sur and Kar"Wa.


I finally got D3-X on Dromund Kaas after 5 hours of resetting, abandoning, trying a new planet, relogging, etc.


but what in the hell kind of idea is it to put achievements behind RNG?

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I've been using Dulfy's, and I went to Voss, Alderaan, Nar Shadda, and Dromund Kaas. I got those targets all the time on Tattooine earlier this week (along with Undo Ensh) when I was looking for Kar'Wa, finally got Kar'Wa by going to Voss a few days ago, then on Voss I kept getting Sogan Sur and Kar"Wa.


I finally got D3-X on Dromund Kaas after 5 hours of resetting, abandoning, trying a new planet, relogging, etc.


but what in the hell kind of idea is it to put achievements behind RNG?


to get you do exactly what you've been doing: spend more time on the event. remember: swtor is managed by a business whose goal is to make money. they do that by drawing players in through novelty attraction, and by keeping them there by making it very difficult and time-comsuming to complete everything, with the hopes that you'll buy cc's and/or pay for a subscription/game time.


so no they didn't fire the dev, they gave him or her a pat on the back.


btw, I've actually been doing this exact same thing over the past few days. I only have 2 henchmen to capture and I'll be at 100% for that category. looking at the number of henchmen on a planet to determine the probability of getting a particular target is a good idea, but it appears they accounted for that with planet size and travel time. case in point, voss. can't remember how many henchmen possible but several; but it takes less than 5 minutes to get the target if using probes/drinks. then again I reset 10 times at least and still didn't get my target.


in a way it is a little more realistic isn't it? you are a private investigator/bounty hunter and you know ahead of time who your are after and the contract call is a lead. sometimes the lead pays off and sometimes it's a bust; only the inside contact knows who's really causing the contractor all that trouble and it may be your target and it may not be your target but you gotta draw out the inside man/woman to find out :p

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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to get you do exactly what you've been doing: spend more time on the event. remember: swtor is managed by a business whose goal is to make money. they do that by drawing players in through novelty attraction, and by keeping them there by making it very difficult and time-comsuming to complete everything, with the hopes that you'll buy cc's and/or pay for a subscription/game time.


so no they didn't fire the dev, they gave him or her a pat on the back.


btw, I've actually been doing this exact same thing over the past few days. I only have 2 henchmen to capture and I'll be at 100% for that category. looking at the number of henchmen on a planet to determine the probability of getting a particular target is a good idea, but it appears they accounted for that with planet size and travel time. case in point, voss. can't remember how many henchmen possible but several; but it takes less than 5 minutes to get the target if using probes/drinks. then again I reset 10 times at least and still didn't get my target.


in a way it is a little more realistic isn't it? you are a private investigator/bounty hunter and you know ahead of time who your are after and the contract call is a lead. sometimes the lead pays off and sometimes it's a bust; only the inside contact knows who's really causing the contractor all that trouble and it may be your target and it may not be your target but you gotta draw out the inside man/woman to find out :p


Already subbed but subscription status doesn't affect your capability to do the bounties, and cartel coins again, would not help. So that's a moot point. If anything, this kind of bs makes me want to cancel my sub, because it's not fun spending 5 hours cancelling and retrying one quest over and over.

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Just run Voss. Its the fastest planet to reset the quest on as the cantina is no more than 15 seconds from the quest giver. I did all of the achieves over the course of the first week with no problems at all, so either you have absolutely horrible luck or you're exaggerating. Probably both now that I think about it.
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Already subbed but subscription status doesn't affect your capability to do the bounties, and cartel coins again, would not help. So that's a moot point. If anything, this kind of bs makes me want to cancel my sub, because it's not fun spending 5 hours cancelling and retrying one quest over and over.


since my point was independant but not mutually exclusive of the bounty event, it isn't moot. I was offering an opinion on the design intent in general. my point, in part, was that EAware seems to design based on the notion that the probability of generating revenue is proportional to the number of players and the amount of time spent in-game. also, I was not suggesting that subscription status had any bearing on one's ability to play content, but simply that subscriptions are a source of revenue; again it was an independent thought related to my overall point. overall I'm pointing out that the way this event was designed is completely in line with EAware design intent.


personally I agree that constantly re-running the investigation phase isn't fun when what you are after is another dice roll on the henchman. then again, considering that new content, in particular the dailies areas and events, is reputation-centric and the way you are playing -- resetting over and over to go for a particular henchman -- has no bearing on reputation gain, and in fact is slowing you down if you aren't at legend. if completing achievements is where your attention is focused, though, I know through personal experience how frustrating it can be. as a counterpoint, though, I will say that at least this achievement category *can* be completed, and far more easily than a *lot* of other categories. if you haven't already, just wait till you start focusing on endgame-related achievements. in that regard, and compared to a lot of the rest of the achievements categories, the bba achievements are practically gimmes.

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T'rubba is driving me crazy. I've been hunting for four weeks worth of events, I have everything else. I HAVE NEVER ONCE ENCOUNTERED T'RUBBA. And that includes a large percentage of those trips being to the planets listed by Dulfy. What. Freakin'. Gives?


T'rubba has a higher chance of spawning on imp side I believe. Took me awhile but eventually got it. Your best bet is to have multiple chars running that particular planet. and cross your fingers.


some people finished it (got full rep later) in the first week, then never did it again. This was never the intent and thus the RNG to make it difficult (but not impossible) to complete. Just have to wait until the next months event, sometimes.

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T'rubba is driving me crazy. I've been hunting for four weeks worth of events, I have everything else. I HAVE NEVER ONCE ENCOUNTERED T'RUBBA. And that includes a large percentage of those trips being to the planets listed by Dulfy. What. Freakin'. Gives?

Are you only playing Republic toons?


Anecdotally, I think T'rubba mostly, if not always, fires on Imp side, not Pub side. I've never gotten him on Pub side, but my Imp toons get inundated with T'rubba bounties every month.

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I've spent hours trying to get one of the henchmen I haven't gotten both kill and capture achievements on yet (...)


I participated in all Bounty Hunter events frequently. But it took me until this week that I got to see Trubba for the first time ever! He did not appear once before. Well, now I got him once alive and once not-so-much-alive. Finally.


I didn't think of complaining on the webz about it though. ;)

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T'rubba is driving me crazy. I've been hunting for four weeks worth of events, I have everything else. I HAVE NEVER ONCE ENCOUNTERED T'RUBBA. And that includes a large percentage of those trips being to the planets listed by Dulfy. What. Freakin'. Gives?


From what I can see, your best chance of getting T'rubba is on Hutta, but good luck if you don't have characters at around level 15. I managed to get him (my last one) after about 4-5 resets today. Finally done with the RNG bs aspect of the bounties.

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I participated in all Bounty Hunter events frequently. But it took me until this week that I got to see Trubba for the first time ever! He did not appear once before. Well, now I got him once alive and once not-so-much-alive. Finally.


I didn't think of complaining on the webz about it though. ;)


Took me literally 5 straight hours of resetting, abandoning, relogging, trying different characters yesterday to get to the point of complaining about it on forums.


BTW, to he guy saying "just wait till you see end game achievements" uh, yeah, I've seen operations achievements.. there's no RNG. it's simply beating the Ops on each difficulty, same with the flashpoints. No RNG. I've done a lot of the Orincon achievements as well, I have the master of dread title, no RNG involved, you just have to find where each champ spawns. Obviously the PVP achievement will take time and effort, it is however, not RNG based, which is infinitely better than the Bounty Henchmen achievements.


The only other RNG achievement that I can see, is the czerka crate o matic achievement.

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BTW, to he guy saying "just wait till you see end game achievements" uh, yeah, I've seen operations achievements.. there's no RNG. it's simply beating the Ops on each difficulty, same with the flashpoints. No RNG. I've done a lot of the Orincon achievements as well, I have the master of dread title, no RNG involved, you just have to find where each champ spawns. Obviously the PVP achievement will take time and effort, it is however, not RNG based, which is infinitely better than the Bounty Henchmen achievements.

Agreed. There's a right way and a wrong way to use achievements to extend the life of an event, and tying it to the fate of the RNG is not the right way. Achievement should be set up to feel like your accomplishing more, exploring every nook and cranny and finding all there is to find, getting the full sweep of the experience. Not leave you saying "There is no reason I should still be stuck doing this same g**d*** thing over and over again hoping that something outside my control will trigger right."


Personally I got lucky with the pops and was able to complete the achievement by the seconds month, but it was all luck of the draw. (And threatening to stone-cold shank anyone who killed the guy I needed to cap alive.)

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