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Sweet Mother of Pearl, DEFEND something, will ya?


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I want to start screaming bloody murder whenever I'm in a strike fighter, and the first to arrive to the 'closer' side node (either A or C depending on the map), while a mass of scouts piles up in the center. Meanwhile, the enemy steamrolls A and C and everyone is 'buh buh buht mah kills!'


Oh, yeah, especially after the counter is at over 700 points each and suddenly I'm alone guarding one node, the other node goes down, and there's a wing of reds coming at me. Meanwhile, most of the team is chasing two scouts.

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My problem is that so many people have tunnel vision. They keep circling around trying to kill their one target oblivious to anyone around them. I get one or worse two on my tail and does anyone do anything? Nope. they don't even know cause they're not looking around they just want to up their kill count(ironically a tail is an easy target for someone to pick off).


It's not so bad when I'm in a scout cause I can outrun most things, but in a strike it's downright infuriating. I make a habit of never holding a target for more than 10 or 15 seconds. If it's not dead I drop target and find one that's harassing a teammate.


I tend to value my assists and damage more than anything. As a side note what actually gives objective points? It seems like no matter how much time I spend around a satellite every match ends with me getting on 20 or 30 points while I see others with 250-350 points.

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As far as I can tell, you get points based more on the things that get you medals...killing turrets, taking objectives, and defending objectives. Stay within a certain range of an objective for a minute, medal awarded. 2 minutes, medal, etc. Killing turrets gets you Assault medals, as does taking objectives.

I may be wrong, but I don't believe that kills get you requisition points...it's objectives that get you that...

And in response to the players who go nuts over other players hunting kills at the expense of objectives, not only do I feel your pain, but "hunting" on your own is actually harder than defending your teammates...an player who is intent on chasing a kill is much easier "opportunistic meat" than one defending. I get many more kills on players who are busy chasing my teammates than on ones actively defending sats. So not only does it not really help win the match, but it makes one an easier target for others. Lose-lose.

As I said above, if you're up by 400-500 points, hey, do as you like. If you're up by 100, it's still anybody's game, so play it smart!

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I tend to value my assists and damage more than anything. As a side note what actually gives objective points? It seems like no matter how much time I spend around a satellite every match ends with me getting on 20 or 30 points while I see others with 250-350 points.


You get objective points for guarding satellites under your control, but you have to be within the cap zone for it to count. I kinda wish they'd extend the range for defending though, since it's usually better to engage the enemy a couple kilometers from the satellite, before they can start humping it and making it harder to get rid of them. This means I usually don't have many objective points even though I was still working to defend the satellite the entire match.


Also, you really should get objective points for going after neutral nodes, since you are still playing the objectives. Today, I had a match where I ended up circling a neutral node to prevent the enemy from capping it for close to half the match. I was outnumbered, and my team never came to help :rolleyes: so I wasn't able to do much to shoot down the enemies (couldn't boost away for a better shot or I'd risk an enemy cap) and never did manage to cap the satellite; instead I just stayed alive to deny the enemy points. I was still helping my team by denying the enemy points, but ended up with only a couple kills, hardly any damage, and basically zero objective points.

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You get objective points for guarding satellites under your control, but you have to be within the cap zone for it to count. I kinda wish they'd extend the range for defending though, since it's usually better to engage the enemy a couple kilometers from the satellite, before they can start humping it and making it harder to get rid of them. This means I usually don't have many objective points even though I was still working to defend the satellite the entire match.


Figured it had to be something like that, I'll have to start looking at the damage numbers closer on the people with the 300ish objective points. If they really have to be sitting on it all the time that suggests the more points someone has the less useful they were.

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Its the ground pvpers infesting the space game. They think that kills actually give them rewards, when they dont. They dont seem to understand what an objective based map is about.


The funny thing is that ground pvp gives rewards based on medals, GSF actually gives you req per kill

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So here's something that keeps happening...

In pre-game chat, targets are agreed upon. I zoom in to my announced target and we take it. Cool!

Then an enemy scout zips in and out (as scouts do, "Hi there, seeya!" quick little buggers) and I watch EVERY OTHER SHIP at the location chase them out to 10,000 km. :confused:




Yes, this happened to me earlier today. Three strikers chased a single scout 30k away from the node. A gunship popped me, and another scout came in and captured the node.

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The funny thing is that ground pvp gives rewards based on medals, GSF actually gives you req per kill


Actually it gives hardly any req per kill. The maps are objective based, so you need to be fighting and defending the objectives to get any real req.


As an example, i played a couple of matches yesterday to test things out. One, i was in my Gunship and was camping and defending an objective. I ended up with 24 kills, 18 assists and 0 deaths, and a ton of accuracy and objectives. I got 12 medals and around 1000 req.


Another match i played, i went into full on dogfighting/sniper mode with my Gunship. I ended up with 36 kills, 22 assists and 2 deaths. I came out with 780 req.

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Sitting in defense alone on a satellite that just isn't attacked can be extremely boring though. I remember one fight: Damage dealt: 279 or so. Damage taken: 0. Silver defence medal. I was sitting on point B in Kuat Drive Yards and they just wouldn't come. During the entire bloody fight two scouts came around who ran at the first sign of trouble. And I thought committing suicide by using a barrel roll down there was frustrating.
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got diamond defense 10 minutes defending. 10 minutes! LOL I didn't even know there was one, I thought platinum was tops. Would have to check but I think I have all the achievements for defending


sometimes I will notice everyone is dogfighting while a node is blinking (under attack) and I spam in CAPS the

AAAAAAA, BBBBBBB, or CCCCCCC. If I have the opportunity to do so


Yesterday I said Dogfighters never capture after someone asked how we lost lol, but yea it's actually the dogs that chase cars.


We lost a game yesterday 999-1000 and had 2x cap for most of the game but at the end they 3x capped and we couldn't get one back lol it was too late. I accept some responsibilty there, left defending to go after some of the other teams top killers.


It's too easy to get wrapped up in the exhilaration, its way funner than guarding, and vastly more intensive gobbling up all the attention resources, when there are dozens of birds of prey in the air all engaged in battle.


Now the Devs if smart will take notice of this and release some pure dogfite maps that are devoid of any nodes/ capture points. The node objective maps are a crutch and handicap for the player that thinks he or she is a leet elite space PvP'er who has gotten fat on shooting tailpipes, headshots, bellies, backs, or broadsides that are pulled with a hook in their mouths, moths to a flame, to a node.


That said I will confess that I don't believe I am an elite pure space pvp'er even though I sometimes I feel like I am.

I got fat with ship req made by sitting on satellites, fast cap, squat, tucked in lol, timid space mouse mode noting the big killers and then worked on engagements.


The after game leader board is based on kills maybe have the devs change that to medals, they will never list it as *gasp :eek: objectives lul.


Waiting for Space Huttball hehehe or Fleet Assault. Or did they say they were gunna make GSF flashpoints?

Edited by mtsr
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Actually it gives hardly any req per kill. The maps are objective based, so you need to be fighting and defending the objectives to get any real req.


As an example, i played a couple of matches yesterday to test things out. One, i was in my Gunship and was camping and defending an objective. I ended up with 24 kills, 18 assists and 0 deaths, and a ton of accuracy and objectives. I got 12 medals and around 1000 req.


Another match i played, i went into full on dogfighting/sniper mode with my Gunship. I ended up with 36 kills, 22 assists and 2 deaths. I came out with 780 req.


But you still get req per kill. Not as much req as objective play but its still req per kill

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Sitting in defense alone on a satellite that just isn't attacked can be extremely boring though. I remember one fight: Damage dealt: 279 or so. Damage taken: 0. Silver defence medal. I was sitting on point B in Kuat Drive Yards and they just wouldn't come. During the entire bloody fight two scouts came around who ran at the first sign of trouble. And I thought committing suicide by using a barrel roll down there was frustrating.


It's not really optimal to have people guarding in that situation. If you're winning, then whatever, you can afford to play it safe if you want to...but I hate when we're behind and we have two people sitting at our single point doing nothing. It's generally better to just have roamers rush back to defense if the satellite is under attack.

Edited by Lymain
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Yesterday I said Dogfighters never capture after someone asked how we lost lol, but yea it's actually the dogs that chase cars.




I capture stuff all the time. Hell, I'm usually to the A or C satellite way ahead of the scouts on my team, then either take it or deny their cap by circling the satellite like sharks circling a half-dead seal.


In fact, my number 1 objective half the time is taking out turrets with my proton torpedoes then dashing in for the cap :p

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Also, you really should get objective points for going after neutral nodes, since you are still playing the objectives. Today, I had a match where I ended up circling a neutral node to prevent the enemy from capping it for close to half the match. I was outnumbered, and my team never came to help :rolleyes: so I wasn't able to do much to shoot down the enemies (couldn't boost away for a better shot or I'd risk an enemy cap) and never did manage to cap the satellite; instead I just stayed alive to deny the enemy points. I was still helping my team by denying the enemy points, but ended up with only a couple kills, hardly any damage, and basically zero objective points.

^^ This ^^

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