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Top 10 most under-rated Force Users


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What about Sion?


that is a good one he doesn't ever seem to get any kind of credit, even I have admittedly underestimated him, and he has to have had the greatest Dark Side Healing any one has ever seen literally holding his body together through constant shear rage. That's power no doubts there.





Edit: if they made "The Real Top 10" lists they are not under-rated unless you guys seriously think they should move several spots up those lists. Seriously if they are on those lists they aren't under-rated in any way they shouldn't be discussed in my opinion.

Edited by tunewalker
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I do consider the abilities of other characters outside the realm of the Old Republic era, never I have dismissed such abilities in debates.


Plagueis does not appears to be in the league of Sith Emperor, is not an indication of me underestimating the former character. Plagueis does have some amazing feats under his belt but same is true for many characters who are canonically implied to be less powerful then Sith Emperor, so once again, why special status for Plagueis? Because he is Sith Master of Sidious? This is not sufficient argument. Sidious have learned something from even Malgus.


Analogy: Ood Bnar tanked a supernova event. Want to believe that he is most powerful Force-user in the mythos?

Well I never expected you to admit it, at least now you know of your reputation.


I don't now if you take some kind of satisfaction from cherry-picking the arguments you are capable of responding to and ignoring the rest, or maybe you were simply so eager to rush to the Sith Emperor's defense that you simply overlooked them. Either way I'm not interesting either in playing such games, or correcting your ignorance.


Rayla doesn't want this debate to hijack her thread, so I'm going to do my best to ensure that does not happen.

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Well I never expected you to admit it, at least now you know of your reputation.

So you (and select few others) get to decide my reputation? As long as people subscribe to your assertions/assumptions, irrespective of how absurd they often are, they will have good reputation?


Reality check dear: You (and select few others) shutdown people, not convince them (more often). People eventually stop responding because they know that their points will be ignored. Let us not get judgmental here.


Plagueis does not have sufficient credentials to be considered in the league of Sith Emperor. Simple.


I don't now if you take some kind of satisfaction from cherry-picking the arguments you are capable of responding to and ignoring the rest, or maybe you were simply so eager to rush to the Sith Emperor's defense that you simply overlooked them. Either way I'm not interesting either in playing such games, or correcting your ignorance.


Rayla doesn't want this debate to hijack her thread, so I'm going to do my best to ensure that does not happen.

Correcting my ignorance? Really?


Enough now, Ok?

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Reality check dear: You (and select few others) shutdown people, not convince them (more often). People eventually stop responding because they know that their points will be ignored. Let us not get judgmental here.


*Starts giggling uncontrollably*

Can we get a date on this stop responding thing, or is it just more empty promises...

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So that's some recent ones. How's that for underestimation?
Very nice, but you missed one.


Which I find quite telling:

I'm going to give the edge in Force Power to Vitiate, although Plagueis may have a more intimate knowledge of some aspects of the Dark Side, they will be focused on screwing around with midi-chlorians.


Many assume Plagueis' strengths to be solely within the field of science, when in fact he possessed profound command over the Force which itself would be necessary to effectively bend the Force to one's will, which he did.

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What makes these characters underrated? Because few people talk about them? Maybe people just don't feel the need to talk about them. Doesn't mean they are underrated.

They are not?


Well, I don't know much about debating history of this forum but these characters are most likely to be underestimated in versus or kaggath debates at minimum, I have noticed this in several forums.


Some ground realities to consider:-


Marka Ragnos (recent canon acknowledgment of an absolute master of the Force)


Naga Sadow (recent canon acknowledgment as a powerful Sith Sorcerer)


Exal Kressh (Check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=707012)


Darth Thanaton


Evidence in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=680228&page=11


Aryn Leener


I've suggested her competence before, but nobody believed me.


Hopefully, my thread would change this situation.


Orgus Din


What you guys think about Orgus Din?


Din collapsed a portion of a large cave with his telekinetic abilities without much effort and helped Hero of Tython break free from telepathic influence of Sith Emperor. Both are (very) impressive feats.


THAT is a nomination he is almost never talked about, I think that would definitely qualify as under-rated poor guy seems to be a good one to talk about don't know about number 1, but definitely think he belongs on this list Angral was not a push-over nothing sith that killed him either and technically Angral was not alone when he did kill him.


Jun Seros:


TOR era characters are unfortunately much more underestimated or go unnoticed then PT era characters on average.


Here is another example: Jun Seros


You saw a missile hitting Darth Malgus in the Hope cinematic trailer, right?


Well, Jun Serous stopped one (a missile) mid-flight, mind-bogglingly epic display of command of the Force I may add.


Jun Seros was also a master swordsman and among the most feared Jedi of the Order.


Bastilla Shan (Canonically acknowledged as a powerful Jedi)


Darth Bandon (Canonically acknowledged as strong in the Force with large number of Jedi kills under his belt)


Very nice, but you missed one.


Which I find quite telling:



Many assume Plagueis' strengths to be solely within the field of science, when in fact he possessed profound command over the Force which itself would be necessary to effectively bend the Force to one's will, which he did.




From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia


Unlike the followers of the dark side, who bend the Force to serve their personal desires for greed and power, the followers of the light side aspire to strengthen their connection with the Force and allow it to become an extension of their physical bodies.



The beauty of Mr. Luceno's novel is that it offers us a perspective of things concerning Sith lore that is seldom touched upon or elaborated in other works. This, however, does not makes Plagueis special in the grand scheme of things.


Analogy 1: Darth Thanaton is canonically a "supremely powerful" Sith Lord, possessing "insurmountable strength." I don't see you giving him much nod.


Analogy 2: Ood Bnar tanked a supernova event. I don't see you giving him much nod.


Analogy 3: Exal Kressh destroyed a gigantic space station. I don't see you giving her much nod.


This list can grow bigger, Beni.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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The beauty of Mr. Luceno's novel is that it offers us a perspective of things concerning Sith lore that is seldom touched upon or elaborated in other works. This, however, does not makes Plagueis special in the grand scheme of things.


Analogy 1: Darth Thanaton is canonically a "supremely powerful" Sith Lord, possessing "insurmountable strength." I don't see you giving him much nod.


Analogy 2: Ood Bnar tanked a supernova event. I don't see you giving him much nod.


Analogy 3: Exal Kressh destroyed a gigantic space station. I don't see you giving her much nod.


This list can grow bigger, Beni.

I have no idea that your talking about.


What do you just want to to go around nodding at people or something?


EDIT: If your saying that I underestimate these characters, yet applaud Plagueis. Then I'd point out a flaw in reasoning here, I don't underestimate these characters. I respect their abilities and regard them to be powerful. As I do Plagueis, but I also feel that many regard him to be not very powerful, and just a glorified scientist.


Is he somehow "special" - if being exceptionally powerful makes you "special" then yes. I myself regard him to be one of the most powerful Force users of all time. But I feel that because Luceno portrayed him as a more cerebral character, rarely using Force powers and not engaging many others in battle, he gets overlooked.


No individual who cause a winter to occur on a planet simply by being their deserves to be overlooked, and for the record, I regard this to be superior to destroying a space station, having accolades, and being a tree man.


What's more the actual sciences he was conducting would have demanded immense amounts of power, he was trying to manipulate the will of the Force itself, and the Force was striking back, the Force being the ultimate power in the Star Wars universe - a power that Darth Plagueis managed to tame.


If you don't regard these feats as impressive then fine, but I do and will continue to do so.


EDIT: I do feel Thanaton is underestimated, *shrug" whatevs.


EDIT: More edits, as for these OR folk you keep spamming - I think we actually need some evidence that they are underestimated, sure they are not talked about much, but that doesn't mean they are underestimated. As I have already said the only one I concur with is Thanaton, yet at the same time I don't feel that's widespread.

Edited by Beniboybling
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How about Rahm Kota? I feel he is generally looked down, but his feat in Cato Neimoidia is nothing short of amazing. He fought non-sop in an arena for seven days starting with a Krayt Dragon, and he did all that blind.
Mmmm... but there is a fine line between underestimation, and lack of information.


I think we'd need to look a little closer.


But actually I think I might agree, my example: Aurbere rejected him as a candidate for the BattleZone! For shame!

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that is a good one he doesn't ever seem to get any kind of credit, even I have admittedly underestimated him, and he has to have had the greatest Dark Side Healing any one has ever seen literally holding his body together through constant shear rage. That's power no doubts there.


Edit: if they made "The Real Top 10" lists they are not under-rated unless you guys seriously think they should move several spots up those lists. Seriously if they are on those lists they aren't under-rated in any way they shouldn't be discussed in my opinion.

I feel Darth Sion deserves a place on one of those lists.


In fact in the future I'm planning on a grand revision.

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Also, Kolar is not exactly a "powerful" Jedi. This term shouldn't be used vaguely.
He is, and it is not:


Saesee's flying practice also helped to hone his Force abilities. By the time he arrived at the Jedi Temple, he was already adept at channeling his Force connection. As he progressed in the Order, he was acknowledged as having one of the strongest Force abilities of all the Jedi.


--Taken from The Official Star Wars Fact File #114


Hmmm, maybe Tiin should be nominated.


I also concur on Lumiya.


Anyway enough from me.

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He is, and it is not:


Saesee's flying practice also helped to hone his Force abilities. By the time he arrived at the Jedi Temple, he was already adept at channeling his Force connection. As he progressed in the Order, he was acknowledged as having one of the strongest Force abilities of all the Jedi.


--Taken from The Official Star Wars Fact File #114


Hmmm, maybe Tiin should be nominated.


I also concur on Lumiya.


Anyway enough from me.

Force-users are known to be gifted in use of certain applications. Tinn have "one" of the strongest Force abilities of all the Jedi just like Bastilla Shan and many others. However, this isn't an explicit confirmation of him being powerful in the ways of the Force but this does affirms that Tinn have decent command of the Force.


Tinn is certainly underestimated but I think that their are better candidates including Orgus Din and Jun Seros.


As far as Plagueis is concerned, I will shift associated debate to this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7039369#post7039369

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Force-users are known to be gifted in use of certain applications. Tinn have "one" of the strongest Force abilities of all the Jedi just like Bastilla Shan and many others. However, this isn't an explicit confirmation of him being powerful in the ways of the Force but this does affirms that Tinn have decent command of the Force.


Tinn is certainly underestimated but I think that their are better candidates including Orgus Din and Jun Seros.


As far as Plagueis is concerned, I will shift associated debate to this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7039369#post7039369

When it refers to Force abilities it is referring to them in a broad sense, not specific applications. Tiin after all is considerably powerful in many aspects in the Force, and has in fact redirected missiles just as Jun Seros did.
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My feeling is that they are not underestimated, just unknown. People don't pay them much mine, but then don't debilitate them. That said, Seros has got some stick for being defeated by a bounty hunter.


It's not just any BH, though. But Seros has even more issues. He's a Jedi Battlemaster, which is worth nothing in regards of standing, apparently that actually somehow makes him worse. And then there is the limited amount of screen time. You only see him fighting in one cutscene and one boss fight of one of 8 stories. Mind you, the BH story is not exactly popular on this forum from what I get whenever I make a trip to the Lore section of this forum.

What Seros shows is very impressive (stopping a missile from nearly point blank without injury), but it's not a lot. And most people probably don't know who the hell he is.


Orgus Din, while I really like him, has little noteworthy to speak for himself overall. He was defeated by Darth Angral in their fights (Angral is probably a better candidate for this list, actually) without Angral really struggling. He has a habit of getting himself into trouble (probably more so than even Obi-Wan :p), requiring his much more powerful Padawan to save him. He was able to collapse a cave with little to no effort, true, but he is a member of the Jedi Council, he should be able to do that. He also got himself knocked out by Bengel Morr somehow. He may be slightly underestimated, but he brings that on himself.


As for #1 on this list, I'm not sure whether I'd say Plagueis or Malak. No sane human being could possibly consider Plagueis weak if they know exactly who he is. Malak gets lots of hate because... I don't even know tbh. He loses the final battle in KOTOR against the most powerful Jedi of his time.


That's a tie for me. I wouldn't see any Jedi underestimated so much that they'd have to be #1. Except Coleman Trebor. But nobody likes him, so he won't even make this list. :p

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You know, after placing her on the list for this I've been reading up a lot on Shaak Ti...


It's depressing. Even though she was a master and very skilled, because the Jedi were often superstitious they never took her seriously as a master, and were not happy with her training methods, because both her padawans died deaths that most Jedi would not...


It's sad :(

Maybe that's why she was sent to Kamino to oversee the clones.


Anyway, is Plageuis the best candidate for #1? We've found a lot of underestimation, might as well slap him on the list there Rayla :p

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Anyway, is Plageuis the best candidate for #1? We've found a lot of underestimation, might as well slap him on the list there Rayla :p
I vote Plagueis.
Next is Plo Koon :p
Actually I think it should go to Count Dooku. Even more so than someone like Malak and Koon, because at least these guys have the excuse of lack of exposure. Dooku is a major Star Wars character on the other hand.
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Actually I think it should go to Count Dooku. Even more so than someone like Malak and Koon, because at least these guys have the excuse of lack of exposure. Dooku is a major Star Wars character on the other hand.


I agree. I was joking about Plo Koon.

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