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Pilot server


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Not on The Ebon Hawk. I was getting 3 minute waits tops at like 10 AM EST on a weekday.


Likewise on The Red Eclipse. Close to 150 matches now and never had to wait more than 3-4mins. Anytime of the day. Don't ask me how the matchmaking system works into it atm but for now I'm seeing 3-4mins each queue.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Im on prophecy of the five.. not terrible que times, usually 2-3 mins. It is listed as standard. Back in SWG, Starsider and Bria were the heaviest space servers. Looking to go where the pilots are =)

A lot of us Rebel Starsider vets from the old RS guild are on Jung Ma. Many of the big names don't play anymore (Halyn, Leaph, etc.) but we still have fun. Queue times are good during prime time, but outside of that it's hit or miss.

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