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GUNSHIPS- The natural enemy of the Scout pilot


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7 strikers can be fought with any combination of ships. 7 gunships will kill any approaching force other than gunships before it gets a chance to fire. So you need to counter them with gunships. That's just bad design.


(It is, however, possible that this imbalance is due to certain game elements missing. For instance there is no stealth yet. That might mix things up)


7 gunships will also never take an objective unless they are all very coordinated, and very good fliers. And the other team sucks. Even then, it is highly doubtful they can take and hold two. You don't have to counter with a team of gunships, just ships that can take or evade their biggest weapon. Those go and take the objectives, the gunships focus on them, meanwhile the rest of the team gets around back and takes out the grassy knoll.


By the way, it's not a hypothetical situation. Imps on my server tried to pull this once (though maybe 6 g-ships... but still, heavily g-ship manned team), and got slaughtered. They didn't manage to take a single objective the entire match.


To the general discussion, flying a scout against a gunship is probably one of the easiest things you can ever do, especially after you've leveled certain key components. Source: I fly a mastered Flashfire running with Lightweight Armor, Distortion Field, and evasion-boosting companion crewmember. My evasion sits normally at 41%, and can be boosted to 106% for 6 seconds because of my loadout. I've made quite a few players starting out in a gunship switch up mid fight.

Edited by RCSlyman
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7 gunships will also never take an objective unless they are all very coordinated, and very good fliers. And the other team sucks. Even then, it is highly doubtful they can take and hold two. You don't have to counter with a team of gunships, just ships that can take or evade their biggest weapon. Those go and take the objectives, the gunships focus on them, meanwhile the rest of the team gets around back and takes out the grassy knoll.


7 gunships don't take objectives. The rest 5 ships do. The gunships just make sure nothing can approach those objectives once captured.

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I mean, seriously, there they sit with that big honking rail gun, nailing me from like, oh, a mile and a half...

And there I sit, in a ship that has shields that apparently consist of a string of Christmas lights hung around the cockpit and a hull made out of damp cardboard.




Hate 'em.


Still, REALLY enjoying GS, though. And I still love to fly Scout.


uh, as someone who uses gunships mostly, scouts are the hardest thing for me to deal with. They're fast enough that it can be hard to hit them with a railgun because of massive tracking penalties and slow turn rate of gunships, they can also upgrade their sensors to help scope you out no matter how much dampening you have. Scouts are the worst thing for gunships, because they can fly circles around gunships, lock on missiles (especially the flashfire/sting, those things are just outright OP, combining the manuverability of a scout with the quick lock on missiles of a strike fighter, if anything needs nerfed, it's them), and worst of all, point out a gunships location to every strike fighter in their fleet.


So you must really be playing and building your scout wrong if gunships are giving you trouble.

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Just had a warzone where the Imps started with 7 gunships, might even be 8.


Pre match chat was "how many gunships?" "scouts then"


We murdered them , it was around 1000 - 53


Yeah, if the enemy team tries using 4+ gunships right off the bat, you should be able to crush them. Gunships aren't very useful for actually taking satellites, so you should be able to grab 2 and just hold them the entire match. I've had plenty of matches like that, and they usually end with the enemy getting less than 100 points. Of course, I've also been on the receiving end, where too many of my teammates insisted on flying gunships and we weren't able to cap satellites to save out lives.


Now, if they use a more balanced setup and manage to take 2 nodes, and then switch around and put 3 gunships on each satellite... have fun trying to get anywhere near the satellites to capture. If you try to hunt the gunships first, competent gunships will be able to kite you long enough for the ones you kill to get back in position. I've seen that done a few times, both by the enemy (frustrating because I got slaughtered) and my own team (boring because the gunships left me with nothing to do), and still have no idea how to counter it.

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uh, as someone who uses gunships mostly, scouts are the hardest thing for me to deal with. They're fast enough that it can be hard to hit them with a railgun because of massive tracking penalties and slow turn rate of gunships, they can also upgrade their sensors to help scope you out no matter how much dampening you have. Scouts are the worst thing for gunships, because they can fly circles around gunships, lock on missiles (especially the flashfire/sting, those things are just outright OP, combining the manuverability of a scout with the quick lock on missiles of a strike fighter, if anything needs nerfed, it's them), and worst of all, point out a gunships location to every strike fighter in their fleet.


So you must really be playing and building your scout wrong if gunships are giving you trouble.


No, what's wrong is that I can't get other players to defend objectives. My scout is fine, I'm in the top three of the board most of the time, the problem is when I zoom in to a sat, take it, and then watch EVERYONE ELSE zoom away after ONE scout, leaving me to defend the damn thing ALONE.

Which is actually a whole 'nother thing, needs a new thread...that issue isn't Gunship specific...

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No, what's wrong is that I can't get other players to defend objectives. My scout is fine, I'm in the top three of the board most of the time, the problem is when I zoom in to a sat, take it, and then watch EVERYONE ELSE zoom away after ONE scout, leaving me to defend the damn thing ALONE.

Which is actually a whole 'nother thing, needs a new thread...that issue isn't Gunship specific...


yeah I usually when that happens I go under the satellite and maneuver carefully next to the panels to give me some cover, that way I have extra time to report an incoming attack and am less likely to be in a gunships line of sight.

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Gunships are not overpowered in the slightest - however they are the single best craft in the game for pissing people off with.



I make no claim that the Gunships are OP, they totally aren't. They have the turning radius of an oil tanker and the speed of a go-kart pulling a mobile home.

But BOY, do they piss me off...

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