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Thank You: SWTOR


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I don't know who to thank- or how to say all I'd like. It will just sound Cheesy and dumb. But this game is brilliant; best thing I've ever invested in. It's brought my sons and I closer. It's provided an amazing outlet for imagination. And it's just ridiculously beautiful to watch and hear. We have gone to great lengths to get to play the game (running it on a Mac, using a VPN, slogging through terrible internet...) yet it remains great. I've had serious issues with EA's inability to act like Amazon, Apple or other companies where their revenue intake is concerned (Credit Cards can't be used out of country via VPN... couldn't buy cartel currency, re-subscribe or get a security key until we took a trip overseas!) Hopefully whoever is in charge will fix that; since everything else is just plain amazing!!! The game is comprehensive, continually improving, super imaginative, and almost over-whelming. But, I was in the theater that day: 21 May '77. I'm fully invested in this universe, and SWTOR does it justice and them some. Thanks for all everyone does.
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Good stuff OP. Thanks for the post. There are others out here who appreciate the game and enjoy it at least as much as you do. Don't let the negativity of some get the best of you. Keep playing and enjoying this entertainment outlet. It won't last forever, but it will be here for much longer than most people expect.
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Don't concern yourself with what the naysayers and doom and gloomers say mate. SWTOR is here to stay for quite a while.


This. Not to mention that we have inbound SW's movies in a couple of years or so, which will most likely boost the player base significantly. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This. Not to mention that we have inbound SW's movies in a couple of years or so, which will most likely boost the player base significantly. :D


I'm not sure just cause of the movies alone it will not boost it dramatically, it certainly wont hurt!


But!! If by the time the first movie comes out they don't have some super badarse 3 minute trailer that previews before the movie that really sells the game, then imo it would be a huge fail on EA/Disney!!


And when I say sell it they need to show the action, grouping, both aspects of the pvp and just mention the CM without focusing on it alone!


I really want to say sell the 8 different stories as well, but by the time the movies come I'm afraid that aspect of the game will have very little meaning anymore, unfortunetely!

Edited by Yuppy
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A little concerned. Is there talk of SWTOR going away? What's the forecast? Do I have four more years at least?


Crybabies and doomsaying degenerates. SWToR has a lot of room for improvement, but I really don't see it fading any time soon.

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I don't know who to thank- or how to say all I'd like. It will just sound Cheesy and dumb. But this game is brilliant; best thing I've ever invested in. It's brought my sons and I closer. It's provided an amazing outlet for imagination. And it's just ridiculously beautiful to watch and hear. We have gone to great lengths to get to play the game (running it on a Mac, using a VPN, slogging through terrible internet...) yet it remains great. I've had serious issues with EA's inability to act like Amazon, Apple or other companies where their revenue intake is concerned (Credit Cards can't be used out of country via VPN... couldn't buy cartel currency, re-subscribe or get a security key until we took a trip overseas!) Hopefully whoever is in charge will fix that; since everything else is just plain amazing!!! The game is comprehensive, continually improving, super imaginative, and almost over-whelming. But, I was in the theater that day: 21 May '77. I'm fully invested in this universe, and SWTOR does it justice and them some. Thanks for all everyone does.


Good you're having fun OP. My son & I joined in beta, have played together ever since, and have had a lot of fun times too. Moving up (leveling & seeing the endgame stuff for the first time) in the game is the most fun, but things get stale at endgame. You have a long journey ahead though before you get there.

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Good you're having fun OP. My son & I joined in beta, have played together ever since, and have had a lot of fun times too. Moving up (leveling & seeing the endgame stuff for the first time) in the game is the most fun, but things get stale at endgame. You have a long journey ahead though before you get there.

Now there's Galactic Starfighter, to boot. I really like SWToR's endgame variation. Enjoying all playstyles without getting affixed to a single one seems to be the way the devs meant the game to be played.

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A little concerned. Is there talk of SWTOR going away? What's the forecast? Do I have four more years at least?


A year ago I kept getting told "this game is garbage" and "this game is going to be out by the end of 2012". well those guys were idiots, as are the ones now who think this game is going to end in the near future. The game is still successful, and Bioware would not have invested into Galactic Starfighter if they were not sure they would get a return on that. Anyway, I have played since early access for this game and have never left, it is fun and I have made friends. To the OP, thank you for not being like almost all the other posters in the SWTOR forums and actually looking at the positive things ( I swear the people in here I think find faults even with the air they breathe and in the food they eat, but oddly enough they say the game is dreadful, yet months later they are STILL playing) anyway though, thank you for voicing the opinions of those of us who actually ENJOY OUR TIME PLAYING instead of shouting useless dumb comments that are more insults and hate talk than constructive thinking. This game has plenty of time left, as it is the previous game Star Wars Galaxies from what I hear lost 90 percent of its subs by its end yet it kept going for 10 years, and according to the people who played it it had faction imbalance problems. So we still got a lot of time and thanks again for actually being positive.

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