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Take Cover Useless


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Sorry I gotta rant here a bit.

Since the last agent nerf why do we even have this? It doesn't absorb that much damage, you have to be in it to do any real damage, anyone can knock you out of it, the OP lolsmashers can leap to you and pull you out of it in one click. Whats the use? I have played this game from day one and all the different classes, the sniper was my favorite. Just fit my play style best but it has been nerfed past the point of playability IMO. Why? What was the point? The smashers are the ones that need nerfing, everyone knows that.....even the smashers. I am seriously considering moving on at this point. Sorry BW I'll take my subscription money else where. Find a dev that actually understands end-game game mechanics and fix this mess. You simply cannot have your heaviest armor wearer have the most devastating DPS in the game, it ruins the end game PVP, and then on top of that nerf every other class to make them easier for the smashers to dominate. Really was very stupid.... FYI, troll all you want I seldom post on any boards and probably won't even read the replies to this one and certainly won't respond back.

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Sniper take cover was not affected. Operative one was nerfed. Snipers are still OP.


Yeah. Pretty sure the cover mechanics that were removed from ops was to help curb operatives healing from cover or racing to an objective with roll and not being able to be pulled or leapt to.


Ironically it made sense and it didn't at the same time which sums up biowares class balance.

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I now refer to my sabo charge as the tebow charge, as taking a knee in prayer can bring about magical 6k crits.


That's is awesome. Reminds me of a stat I heard last week, out if the last 25 Hiesmam winners 16 have been QBs, 1 has won a playoff game. That's right Tebow

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I seem to be the only one who knows about hard cover.


Hide behind a crate, or some other PHYSICAL object, and not sitting in the open with your glaringly obvious shield thing that does nothing.



The problem with that roll cover is it will most likely move you closer to the target, something a sniper should not do.


edit: unless you mean just using cover behind objects which in fact is a good idea

Edited by reclipsed
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I seem to be the only one who knows about hard cover.


Hide behind a crate, or some other PHYSICAL object, and not sitting in the open with your glaringly obvious shield thing that does nothing.


Was hard cover unaffected for op/scoundrel though? I rolled to cover (hard cover- actual cover point) and got pulled out still, so im not even sure the def bonuses work or anything anymore for non sniper/slingers in any case.


Cover is now more of a penalty to dps Ops/scoundrels who need to drop into it every 30 secs to get their explosive probe off. It offers no benefit at all, and takes up the animation time to get into cover, and requires a hotkey to be kept even though its of no real use.


Explosive probe needs to be taken off the cover only ability and made a base skill useable as an instant cast.

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The OP wasn't talking about Operatives or Scoundrels, he clearly stated he played a Sniper. A Sniper that complains about Rage/Focus knights is a very poor Sniper. And no, Take Cover isn't useless, it's actually awesome, but I can see how you might think it was crap if you seriously think everyone can knock you out of it.


Generally speaking, L2P is overused...but in this case, it's actually spot-on. Learn to Play and you will discover that smash monkeys are easily countered and the least of your worries.

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First off as a sniper you have no reason to ***** about your cover being nerfed because it wasn't. Only the operatives was.


Second, How is take cover useless? without taking cover the sniper is unplayable because that is where you get all of your power. Not only that, I came from the merc bounty hunter class and when I found out that taking cover made you immune to interupts i just about **** myself with joy. I just created a sniper like a week ago and I have had no problem with close range dps players. In fact, its the other distance characters that can force me out of cover that give me a hard time, or that have big channeled attacks like death from above or lightning storm that make me move out of cover.


1V1 we are one of the most dangerous classes with our high single target dps and our plethora immobilizing tools. Just keep them at a distance. The only weakness snipers have is our lack luster ability to handle multiple targets well. That and we pretty much have to be in cover to do any real damage so ya we are immobile. so yes learn to play.

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