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Visual effects and cosmetic items down the road - What would you like to see?


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Aside from being a little hard to see, the current lock indicator icons are a little on the boring side. I'd like to see them add different lock on indicator visuals in the future. One suggestion would maybe something reminiscent of targeting computer visuals from the original Death Star attack run.


Another visual effect that is currently lacking is something that indicates when a target has activated their evasion maneuver. Its not really necessary, but if it was accompanied by the release of a volley of flares or puff of chaff it would be much easier to spot vs. just normal maneuvering on the target player's part.

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Hull plating, which would change the color of your ship underneath the paint job. The paint jobs we have are really just decals, they leave a lot of the ship untouched - being able to change the hull plating to a different color (reasonable colors only, no neons) would be nice. A few options:

Durasteel Hull: Default coloring currently used on ships

Aluminium Hull: Lighter / more silvery color to the base ship hull (almost like chrome, perhaps?)

Bronzium Hull: A bronze/copper tinge to the hull, reddish-brown

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I would love to see at least 5 completely different ship designs for each class, that can all be exchanged for cosmetic reasons only. The visual ship model is not the hitbox anyway, so I would love to see different designs. Ships could range from shiny Jedi style down to jury-rigged smuggler style.


Also it would be nice to allow multi-layer paint jobs on our ships and even a "bodycount" would be nice. Allowing different "medals" to appear visible on our hull... When I strife by a gunship in my scout, I want them to see what will happen to them in the next 3 seconds ;) ... the count itself could be in touch with the achievement system and the visuals could be again be selected from a range (A Jedi might want to collect shiny stars, a smuggler would mark his hits with wookiee skulls, etc...)

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Hull plating, which would change the color of your ship underneath the paint job. The paint jobs we have are really just decals, they leave a lot of the ship untouched - being able to change the hull plating to a different color (reasonable colors only, no neons) would be nice. A few options:

Durasteel Hull: Default coloring currently used on ships

Aluminium Hull: Lighter / more silvery color to the base ship hull (almost like chrome, perhaps?)

Bronzium Hull: A bronze/copper tinge to the hull, reddish-brown


I was just thinking about that this morning. Paint schemes don't actually change the base color of the ship. I would love to one day see full fuschia scout ships blazing from capture point to capture point

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