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BC Galactic Starfighter 2.5 and Beyond Records


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BC Galactic Starfighter

Wings Report In!

This thread will be cousin to AntonMercer's thread showing PvP records. It has been reformatted for Space Combat. Please apply the same rules that AntonMercer beautifully defined in his thread. I will be updating this as often as I can.








1. Klehitt 30

2. Jellico 26

3. Klehitt 25

4. Klehitt 23

5. Klehitt 22


Solo Kills

1. Klehitt 18

2. Klehitt 16

3. Klehitt 11

4. Kiyra <THE SITH ORDER> 10

5. Klehitt 10


Longest Kill Streak

1. Klehitt 30

2. Klehitt 22

3. Whitelightr 20

4. Klehitt 20

5. Whitelightr 19












1. Cintas 22

2. Aldeneth 6

3. Aldeneth 5



























1. Klehitt 98,030

2. Klehitt

3. Jellico 89,995

4. Cintas 81,268

5. Klehitt 77,889


Damage Taken







Hit Percentage

1.Whitelightr 61%

2.Kiyra <THE SITH ORDER> 58%

3.Juniormonk <Remnants> 48%

4. Aldeneth 48%

















Control Objective - Attack







Control Objective - Defense















1.Juniormonk <Remnants> 15

2.Whitelightr 15

3. Aldeneth 14

4. Aldeneth 13

5. Aldeneth 11




Edited by Juniormonk
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Damn now I am going to have to remember to take screenshots of me killing Monk!!!! :)


Can't kill me if your ship is being sabotaged. Try to avoid crashing this time, ok?


I'll kick things off then


Name: Juniormonk

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/6iSzlVm.jpg

Record: Kill Streak - 11

Date of SS Taken: 12/13/13


Name: Juniormonk

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/4te0PY7.jpg

Record: Medals- 15

Date of SS Taken: 12/14/13


Turret Duty. All we could really do this match. Got rolled...

Name: Juniormonk

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/N7isgvB.jpg

Record: Hit Percentage - 48%

Date of SS Taken: 12/14/13

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Don't have the dates in there (just found the thread and seen the rules). I'll start dating them in chat if I remember to take more.


Name: Kysyn

Link: http://imgur.com/vMzHheB

Record: 14 kill streak

Date: 12-9-13


Name: Whitelightr

Link: http://imgur.com/8W6VhVb

Record: 15 medals

Date: 12-11-13


Name: Kysyn

Link: http://imgur.com/siqpnTZ

Record: Damage (64,250)

Date: 12-13-13



All I've got for now. I usually forget to screenshot them :(

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Don't have the dates in there (just found the thread and seen the rules). I'll start dating them in chat if I remember to take more.


Name: Kysyn

Link: http://imgur.com/vMzHheB

Record: 14 kill streak

Date: 12-9-13


Name: Whitelightr

Link: http://imgur.com/8W6VhVb

Record: 15 medals

Date: 12-11-13


Name: Kysyn

Link: http://imgur.com/siqpnTZ

Record: Damage (64,250)

Date: 12-13-13



All I've got for now. I usually forget to screenshot them :(


Nice records. Are these Pub side or Imp side?

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Oo yey records for BC only XD

Name: Klehitt

Link: http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1387587391_Screenshot_2013-12-20_19_53_48_643533.jpg

Record: 77889 damage

Date: 12/21/13


wow! I'm impressed. Care to give us some details on how you did it? What were you flying, etc.

PS. I need everyone to post the date of the screenshot within the screenshot. /yell, /ops, /say.

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wow! I'm impressed. Care to give us some details on how you did it? What were you flying, etc.

PS. I need everyone to post the date of the screenshot within the screenshot. /yell, /ops, /say.

This was the Flashfire, with the Target tele, Distortion field, Retro Thrusters, and Crit chance boost as my perks.

Heres another record as well:

Record: 16 Kill streak

Link: http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1387641481_Screenshot_2013-12-21_10_37_24_899767.jpg

Date included in link


Ill try to remember to record some matches and Ill post them here. :)

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Nice to see some new records being posted, grats to them! Never going to touch those dmg scores and have a looksie at the GS forum post for records, just insane.


My poor strike fighter barely tops 40k on my best match. The flash fire is pretty darn good, if only I could use it and not hit stations, walls, girders, the fleet ship one time... (very tired, but yeah... fail)

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Thats odd Cat I was just looking at the GS forums record thread, some of that **** is insane! I'll never come close to it, but I suspect like most PvP records those are being set with premades. I think I've seen one premade on BC since GSF launched.


Heres some from Friday and Saturday- some personal bests but nothing OMG amazing :(.



Hit % (61%)




Damage (69,890)





No record here but the game was comical and kinda sad:


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I've been on the other side of that A#$ wooping. I've had to hang up my ship for a bit and go do wz to shake that off. Remnants has about 4 pilots that I like to fly with. When we finally get into mumble the tides turn to having exciting games.


The best part of GSF is how fun it is to just fly around and shoot stuff. win or lose im having a great time zig zagging over rocks and stuff....

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I've been on the other side of that A#$ wooping. I've had to hang up my ship for a bit and go do wz to shake that off. Remnants has about 4 pilots that I like to fly with. When we finally get into mumble the tides turn to having exciting games.


The best part of GSF is how fun it is to just fly around and shoot stuff. win or lose im having a great time zig zagging over rocks and stuff....


Yep, to be honest I'd rather lose a match by this >< much and it be a blast, then win in a blowout.

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Thats odd Cat I was just looking at the GS forums record thread, some of that **** is insane! I'll never come close to it, but I suspect like most PvP records those are being set with premades. I think I've seen one premade on BC since GSF launched.


Heres some from Friday and Saturday- some personal bests but nothing OMG amazing :(.



Hit % (61%)




Damage (69,890)





No record here but the game was comical and kinda sad:



Holy **** white lol... That last pic... Idk what to even say XD


Anyways heres some more stuff


23 kills, 10 solos, 17 killstreak


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I got a video here if anyone would like to see, its just me space pvping. Though i picked a pretty good match to record. 93k damage.


(Btw if you watch, I hope you like a little metal. Behind the Veil by Dream Theater and Lady Evil by Black Sabbath (with Dio)

Records: 93018 damage, 11 solo kills (since none are on there :))

Date is on the link

Edited by Camelpockets
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Kiyra, Sting scout fighter, <THE SITH ORDER>


solo kills: 10 (12/22/2013)



kill streak: 18 (12/17/2013)



hit percentage: 58% (12/19/2013)



damage: 64,374 (12/19/2013)



Apologies for not having the dates in the actual screenshots. I didn't find this post until tonight. I'll start putting the dates in from now on though :D

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I got a video here if anyone would like to see, its just me space pvping. Though i picked a pretty good match to record. 93k damage.


(Btw if you watch, I hope you like a little metal. Behind the Veil by Dream Theater and Lady Evil by Black Sabbath (with Dio)

Records: 93018 damage, 11 solo kills (since none are on there :))

Date is on the link


Very nice use of the reverse thrusters, gratz on the dmg.

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