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Why are Imperial ships so... ugly?


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I mean seriously? Why are they such an eyesore? I think the only two "decent" looking ships that the Imps are privy to are the S-12 and S-13. The others look too clunky and too... "non-sith" if that makes sense. Idk, maybe I'm the only one who was expecting gunships to look like the Bounty Hunter ships, the Strike Fighters to look like the Fury, and the Scouts to look like the Agent ship... which would be better imo but, hey.
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I mean seriously? Why are they such an eyesore? I think the only two "decent" looking ships that the Imps are privy to are the S-12 and S-13. The others look too clunky and too... "non-sith" if that makes sense. Idk, maybe I'm the only one who was expecting gunships to look like the Bounty Hunter ships, the Strike Fighters to look like the Fury, and the Scouts to look like the Agent ship... which would be better imo but, hey.


While I like the Gunship all right (reminds me of an Assault Gunboat from the old X-wing and TIE Fighter games), I definitely agree that the two Strike models look ridiculous. They look more like tugs/shuttles than space superiority fighters for the Sith Empire.


I agree that taking cues from the Fury would've been much more appropriate--it looks mean, aggressive, and like a hunter.


I brought this up in closed beta months ago, but I think the designs were locked by then.

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First off watch the original videos for Swtor(return, hope deceit i think they're called) you'll basically see the Blackbolt which makes sense.


also at least they don't all look identical the way the pub ships do.

The Blackbolt and Sting look like what Imperial ships should look like.. the two strike craft and the gunship look... well.. like they don't belong.


The Pub ships all share a common theme, which is awesome. They all look similar in some way, but they are definitely unique models. Imp ships look like they took one model and added 10 more panels to it in any way they thought would look "different".

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Funny how tastes vary so much between people. For me it's always been the republic side that has had the ugliest stuff. Ships, Fleet, planets... everything seems so much cooler looking on Sith side which makes me believe the DEVS favor that side.. and GSF is no exception. Rep ships are much uglier IMO. Sith side ships are much cooler looking, and they get (so far) the much cooler color choices for blasters and engines.
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The Republic scout and strike ships all look like they are based off of the Z-95 Headhunter (except for the scout that looks like an A-wing or the strike that looks like a small Commando ship).


I like the look of the gunship though.


Imp ships look like Imp's though I admit the basic strike and gunship look...ungainly...

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or the strike that looks like a small Commando ship).


I believe that's the cartel market one, not a pub one. If it's the one with the cockpit on the side and only one wing.



The blackbolt has grown on me, I really like it now. I always thought the sting was the best looking Imp ship from the start, it has that Vader's interceptor vibe to it. It's really just the strike ships that are puzzling. From their descriptions, they may have used actual lore designs (one of you lore junkies will have to confirm if that's true :p) so I can't really fault BW if that's the case. It just really isn't a pleasing ship to look at, it's the wings on the first one really grate on me. They just stick straight up far too high, they look so awkward. it reminds me of those engine-less gliders, which I find quite fugly as well.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Funny how tastes vary so much between people. For me it's always been the republic side that has had the ugliest stuff. Ships, Fleet, planets... everything seems so much cooler looking on Sith side which makes me believe the DEVS favor that side.. and GSF is no exception. Rep ships are much uglier IMO. Sith side ships are much cooler looking, and they get (so far) the much cooler color choices for blasters and engines.


Meanwhile I fully agree to you to the PvE part, I don't agree with you on the GSF part.


In my opinion, they kind of managed to draw the models from the movies further on, so to say. Imperial ships vaguely resemble TIEs, and Republic ships somewhat resemble OT and PT ships ...

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I like the look of the Republic side ships as they look like classic models we know, Y-Wing, A-Wing and Z-95 headhunters. The imperial ships (and I am mostly a Imperial player) hate the clunky look. The Gunship is close to what the Assualt Gunboat looked like from X-wing vs. Tie Fighter and thats about it. Personally I would like more of a classic look or slimmer designs and would kill for a Tie Defender look.
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Meanwhile I fully agree to you to the PvE part, I don't agree with you on the GSF part.


In my opinion, they kind of managed to draw the models from the movies further on, so to say. Imperial ships vaguely resemble TIEs, and Republic ships somewhat resemble OT and PT ships ...


Scouts resemble TIE's, and the Gunship resembles the Assault Gunboat.


But I fail to see any iconic reference or inspiration for the Rycer or Quell.

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I am sure not with you all on this one.


I chose a republic toon as my main GSF player(god how I wish the ships were an account wide legacy thing btw)

and I sometimes regret that just because I think the imperial ships look so much cooler and fun to fly.


I am also a sucker for those green beams :D

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I fail to see any iconic reference or inspiration for the Rycer or Quell.
The Rice-rocket reminds me of Emperor Palpatine's small shuttle.


The cartell market scout ship, the Ocultis or something, looks like a turd with wings. Does anyone actually like the looks of that thing? I hate the look of both gunships, But the Imp one looks way better that The Rep one.

Edited by septicbrainfluid
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The Rice-rocket reminds me of Emperor Palpatine's small shuttle in episode III. The same type Vader uses later.


The cartell market scout ship, the Ocultis or something, looks like a turd with wings. Does anyone actually like the looks of that thing? I hate the look of both gunships, But the Imp one looks way better that The Rep one.


Yeah, the two cartel ships are... Hideous, to say the least... That scout is ugly as hell, I find myself wondering how the hell you can play the game with that? Seriously, it's sooooooo ugly :p

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In all of Star Wars, the Empire always has two main focuses on ship design: fear and power.


When you see a ship, the Empire wants the viewer to know that the ship they are looking at belongs to the Empire. They also want you to know that just by seeing the ship, bad things are on the way. And that ship will be the one killing you today.


After that, the Empire believes in mass production and then utilizing that production. The Empire would not send a single squadron to accomplish a mission. The Empire would send eight squadrons and a super carrier. Crush it and win.


Aesthetics were never the Empire's way. Even modern day Tie Fighters required the pilot to wear a full life support suit and had little or no shields. Their ships are not pretty. They're deadly.


That being said, however, I will admit that the Imperial gunships are a little ugly. The extra wing protrusions seem unnecessary and just make for something extra to target if the gunship is caught exposing it's starboard or port facing. Let's hope those do not supply or generate energy for the gunship.

Edited by Hyde_v
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That being said, however, I will admit that the Imperial gunships are a little ugly. The extra wing protrusions seem unnecessary and just make for something extra to target if the gunship is caught exposing it's starboard or port facing. Let's hope those do not supply or generate energy for the gunship.


Aye, I've knowticed that in the design its alot easier to hit a Imperial ship then it has been for me to hit a Republic ship in combat. All three republic default ships are slender in height and unless your targeting from the top or bottom has very little area to hit. The Imperial ships definately have alot more targetable area so it's alot easier and most of the Imperial ships seem to have lasers mounted further out making close up hits miss alot. I know the A-wing like ship is just nasty because both laser cans are directed right in the middle and hit damn near very accurately.

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Heck, let me just fly my Fury into battle.


except that would be bringing a pocket cap ship to a starfighter fight...


so whilst the entire enemy team un successfully attack you, dying to your capital ship grade weaponry and incapable of hurting your cap ship grade shields.... your team wins the match...



shuuuuuurreeee.. that'll be SO super fun!

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