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Quit asking for nerfs. Its been a little over a week. How about everyone, including myself, learns the ships before we go breaking the game like everyone did when it went live 2 years ago? I mean, it only took until 2.0 to get Mercs/Commandos fixed because the other classes couldn't figure out what their interupt button was for. Maybe we should wait to talk about balancing until after everyone has access? I know you're the Nerf Operatives Generation, but less than a week has to be some new kind of record.


I'm not saying constructive discussion isn't good, because it is. But a lot of what I'm seeing is barely a discussion let alone constructive. I'm sorry there are people that are better than you, but you aren't 5 anymore, this isn't pee-wee baseball, and everyone don't get a trophy.


I promise you that if you take the time to learn things, it will get easier, especially for solo players. Guilds have an advantage with new content because they have a pool of people to share ideas. We haven't even scratched the surface yet of what all the ships are truly capable of.

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I agree going nerf happy isn't good but highlighting flawed game mechanics that aren't translating well from the ground game into space *cough* I'm looking at you evasion/dodge *cough* I think is good.


IMO the ships are balanced but there are some game mechanics that are flawed/inappropriate for GSF's twitch based gameplay. I'd wager that if those mechanics were fixed (or removed depending on the mechanic) we wouldn't have all of this rage that ship X is OP.

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I agree going nerf happy isn't good but highlighting flawed game mechanics that aren't translating well from the ground game into space *cough* I'm looking at you evasion/dodge *cough* I think is good.


IMO the ships are balanced but there are some game mechanics that are flawed/inappropriate for GSF's twitch based gameplay. I'd wager that if those mechanics were fixed (or removed depending on the mechanic) we wouldn't have all of this rage that ship X is OP.


Evasion is the only thing the peashooter wet paper bag Scouts have against any other player... Including other Scouts.

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Evasion is the only thing the peashooter wet paper bag Scouts have against any other player... Including other Scouts.


I'm pretty sure that if they did things properly scouts would be fine without it. I used to fly the A-Wing (scout) in BFII and in other games and they don't need RNG dodge abilities to survive dogfights provided you know what you're doing (read know how to use the speed and maneuverability to their maximum potential). They were "wet paper bags" to be sure but far from helpless. This is the first Star Wars space game I've played where A-Wing class ships were treated as though they needed a RNG dodge to compete.


Evasion is just a crutch so players don't have to perfect evasive action and other manual flying techniques. (Note I fly both strikers and scouts).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Evasion is the only thing the peashooter wet paper bag Scouts have against any other player... Including other Scouts.


Yeah. Evasion is the only thing that keeps scouts alive, because they are the slowest, clunkiest and least maneuverable ship class in the game.

Oh, wait... :rolleyes:

Edited by Sindariel
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I would like to put out a personal challenge to anyone claiming any build is "Overpowered" and needs a "Nerf". . .


Build your starship. . . scouter/fighter/gunship. I can figure out a counter build that will beat it more times then not.



The game is about a winning composition of team members. No one build can do it all. And a really good player will switch ships multiple times within a game, if the team needs a different type based on the situation. ((Aka enemy team has 3 caps, might be time to switch to a scout to quickly capture some nodes)



Hit me up on Ebon Hawk


Knickers (imp) / Snick'ers (pub)

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I would like to put out a personal challenge to anyone claiming any build is "Overpowered" and needs a "Nerf". . .


Build your starship. . . scouter/fighter/gunship. I can figure out a counter build that will beat it more times then not.



The game is about a winning composition of team members. No one build can do it all. And a really good player will switch ships multiple times within a game, if the team needs a different type based on the situation. ((Aka enemy team has 3 caps, might be time to switch to a scout to quickly capture some nodes)



Hit me up on Ebon Hawk


Knickers (imp) / Snick'ers (pub)


Exactly. Not to even mention that they are trying to balance a game that doesn't even have all the moving parts. Bombers aren't in the game, etc.


To put that into perspective, they are getting in a car that's still on the assembly line and trying to drive it, then proclaiming its broken before the tires are even on the damn thing.

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Also note, every class suggesting that every other class is OP means that GSF is in fact balanced pretty well.


I haven't looked but Strike fighter hasn't been called OP much.


Best I've seen is someone calling all lock on missiles OP and of course strikers have lock on missiles in spades. that was a funny thread.

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I haven't looked but Strike fighter hasn't been called OP much.


Best I've seen is someone calling all lock on missiles OP and of course strikers have lock on missiles in spades. that was a funny thread.


Maybe that's because only a few of them figured out something and haven't shared with the others. :)


I'll give you a hint. Bypass isn't the skill you should be up in arms about.

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Early access is just a fancy way of saying 'beta testing'. That's all we're doing right now - testing the product. If we have concerns regarding game mechanics and balance, it is prudent to let the developers know so that those issues can be fixed before the starfighter system goes live for all players.
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Early access is just a fancy way of saying 'beta testing'. That's all we're doing right now - testing the product. If we have concerns regarding game mechanics and balance, it is prudent to let the developers know so that those issues can be fixed before the starfighter system goes live for all players.








also can we look at Scouts? *** is their role supposed to be? I hear a different answer every time i ask.

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Early access is just a fancy way of saying 'beta testing'. That's all we're doing right now - testing the product. If we have concerns regarding game mechanics and balance, it is prudent to let the developers know so that those issues can be fixed before the starfighter system goes live for all players.


Letting concerns be known and calling for all out nerfs are two different things. Nothing bad ever came of discussion.

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What people seem to be missing is that its not about any ship being 'overpowered' ... its simply the abject FRACKING IGNORANT STUPIDITY of putting in a type of SPACE FIGHTER whose main goal is to stand still... its mother fracking insulting. This is STAR WARS, not Call of Duty... bass turds at EA forgot that apparently.


Don't Nerf gunships... make them real spaceships please.

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I'm pretty sure that if they did things properly scouts would be fine without it.


I can 1-shoot a scout with an Overcharged+copilot skill crit with a Burst-fire blaster, or full-charge noncrit slug. Distortion is pretty much the only way to stay on target for a Scout for a short time, without having to dart off instantly when they catch the sound of engines on their six.

Edited by Helig
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I can 1-shoot a scout with an Overcharged+copilot skill crit with a Burst-fire blaster, or full-charge noncrit slug. Distortion is pretty much the only way to stay on target for a Scout for a short time, without having to dart off instantly when they catch the sound of engines on their six.


Ok but that doesn't mean evasion as a stat is balanced (or belong in a twitch based game mode - again there is a good reason you don't have abilities that grant RNG dodges in games like Battlefield) or that there aren't other ways distortion could work that wouldn't equally serve the purpose. For example, distortion field could break any targeting computers that have you locked (meaning a pilot would have to manually aim without a benefit of a lead indicator), keep the missile lock break ability and/or add some sort of radar stealth (not full stealth so visual scanning would still work).


The point being is that evasion gives you the ability to attack an enemy head in a straight line regardless of whether that's actually something you SHOULD be doing. In a striker during an attack run on a gunship that is turning their sights on me I either need to adjust my shields and hope for the best (which may not work out well if my shields aren't at max) or begin taking evasive action. I don't see how it's balanced that a ship with paper thin armor which should give them no other choice than evasive action in the same scenario instead is able to just pop an ability and continue on their attack run confident that they're pretty much invulnerable to blaster fire for 3-6 seconds.


I'm fine with their damage buffing abilities but I disagree that it is balanced that when things start to go south on them they should have RNG dodges to allow them to continue their attack run, despite having paper thin armor, when more heavily armed ships in the same scenario may be forced to break off their attack to take evasive action because they can't rely on RNG dodges. I just fail to see the balance in this.

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I love the fact that thethread attempting to stop people from calling for nerfs, ends up become nerf thread....irony and the internet ahh how i love you

Might be because just because the OP thinks that this "calling for nerfs" is bad doesn't make his personal opinion right. Personally, I find all those "stop whining" posts way more annoying than the so called "calls for nerf".

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Might be because just because the OP thinks that this "calling for nerfs" is bad doesn't make his personal opinion right. Personally, I find all those "stop whining" posts way more annoying than the so called "calls for nerf".



Might be the OP said constructive discussion is welcome. It might be that the OP realizes that NO personal opinion is right, its a personal opinion.


You know what the OP hates though? People who add nothing to discussions and try to derail threads. A little birdie told me that the OP especially can't stand people who denounce other peoples opinion...by posting their opinion.


Kinda like what you did.

Edited by ObiWanJabroni
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Ok but that doesn't mean evasion as a stat is balanced (or belong in a twitch based game mode - again there is a good reason you don't have abilities that grant RNG dodges in games like Battlefield) or that there aren't other ways distortion could work that wouldn't equally serve the purpose. For example, distortion field could break any targeting computers that have you locked (meaning a pilot would have to manually aim without a benefit of a lead indicator), keep the missile lock break ability and/or add some sort of radar stealth (not full stealth so visual scanning would still work).


The point being is that evasion gives you the ability to attack an enemy head in a straight line regardless of whether that's actually something you SHOULD be doing. In a striker during an attack run on a gunship that is turning their sights on me I either need to adjust my shields and hope for the best (which may not work out well if my shields aren't at max) or begin taking evasive action. I don't see how it's balanced that a ship with paper thin armor which should give them no other choice than evasive action in the same scenario instead is able to just pop an ability and continue on their attack run confident that they're pretty much invulnerable to blaster fire for 3-6 seconds.


I'm fine with their damage buffing abilities but I disagree that it is balanced that when things start to go south on them they should have RNG dodges to allow them to continue their attack run, despite having paper thin armor, when more heavily armed ships in the same scenario may be forced to break off their attack to take evasive action because they can't rely on RNG dodges. I just fail to see the balance in this.

I do agree that RNG isn't the best possible solution. I like the idea of Evasion screwing over targetting systems, like Distortion displacing the ship, making you untargettable for the duration of the power, reducing the size of the "hitbox", etc. The description of light plating suggests that it makes it hard to score a direct, non-glancing hit on the craft, so smaller hitbox would make sense for evasion.

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Quit asking for nerfs. Its been a little over a week. How about everyone, including myself, learns the ships before we go breaking the game like everyone did when it went live 2 years ago? I mean, it only took until 2.0 to get Mercs/Commandos fixed because the other classes couldn't figure out what their interupt button was for. Maybe we should wait to talk about balancing until after everyone has access? I know you're the Nerf Operatives Generation, but less than a week has to be some new kind of record.


I'm not saying constructive discussion isn't good, because it is. But a lot of what I'm seeing is barely a discussion let alone constructive. I'm sorry there are people that are better than you, but you aren't 5 anymore, this isn't pee-wee baseball, and everyone don't get a trophy.


I promise you that if you take the time to learn things, it will get easier, especially for solo players. Guilds have an advantage with new content because they have a pool of people to share ideas. We haven't even scratched the surface yet of what all the ships are truly capable of.




oh god yes, gsf is FINE as is. just because people suck, is no reason to bow to their "NERF NAO! X is OP" tears of idiocy

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