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there seems to be an accuracy mechanic, sort of a Laser is a motorcycle for surface area but the gunships rail gun is more like a highway transport truck with an over sized load. If you've ever played gunship you know you've hit target with not so brilliantly aimed shots.


I think Strike fighters are getting the short end of the stick on the accuracy mechanic, Big Time. I love heavy laser build but it just doesn't hit a turning or weaving target, but switch to rapid fire and it's "really now it want's to hit? my aim hasn't changed but I'm doing more aggregate damage with pray and spray? Sigh." Of course switch to scout and find that after needing to travel 20% closer your shots never seem to miss, yeah the strike fighters seem to have an accuracy problem or rather a lack of accuracy problem.

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Every single day, i fly atelast 2 matches with my Pike, StarGuard, FlashFire, NovaDive aswell as a few more with my trusty Quarrel. I know exactly what youre talking about.


Best way to get some distance in that scenario is if you do a full stop. Its not ideal in most circumstances but it may just get you the "distance" you need in order to hit your target.


Yesterday i started doing much better in both my Strike Fighters and its partially because i tried to stay atleast 1k away from the target i follow. It allows you a better chance for a missile lock.


Why im doing this? Know thy enemy. Its good to know what they are capable of and how to best counter them.

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So I'm right on this other Strike Fighter's tail, my coursor directly over him (and yes, the little lead targeter too, I know how this works) and unload my entire supply of weapon power...nothing. Not a scratch. Not even numbers. Anyone care to explain this @!#$ to me?


was he teleporting around at all? If so it might've been lag.


Also what weapon were you using? I've found different weapons can have radically different results with accuracy even when you're only a few degrees off center.

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No, no teleporting around. I thought at first it might've been lagshielding, like MWO used to suffer from, but nobody was jumping around. I don't think it's the Distortion Field thing either, unless EVERYBODY is running that. I'm flying the Rycer right now because it's all I've got (except the Blackbolt, which dies even faster and hits about as hard as slapping someone with a paper towel), and using Quad Lasers, Heavy Lasers, and Proton Torpedoes. All other equipment is stock because apparently the Empire always frickin' loses on Beregen Colony. Republic runs nothing but Scouts and lolships.


I never claimed to be a great pilot, but I'm pretty good at aiming in MWO, so I don't think it's just that I can't aim. I AM hitting them...it's just not hitting, which is rapidly killing any notion of fun in playing GSF.

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No, no teleporting around. I thought at first it might've been lagshielding, like MWO used to suffer from, but nobody was jumping around. I don't think it's the Distortion Field thing either, unless EVERYBODY is running that. I'm flying the Rycer right now because it's all I've got (except the Blackbolt, which dies even faster and hits about as hard as slapping someone with a paper towel), and using Quad Lasers, Heavy Lasers, and Proton Torpedoes. All other equipment is stock because apparently the Empire always frickin' loses on Beregen Colony. Republic runs nothing but Scouts and lolships.


I never claimed to be a great pilot, but I'm pretty good at aiming in MWO, so I don't think it's just that I can't aim. I AM hitting them...it's just not hitting, which is rapidly killing any notion of fun in playing GSF.



Quick question. When you're shooting the target are you just holding mouse button down or are you doing quick bursts? You can drain your primary farily quickly with extended shooting. Also, if you look at the animated hud target it shows the shield and hull health.

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No, no teleporting around. I thought at first it might've been lagshielding, like MWO used to suffer from, but nobody was jumping around. I don't think it's the Distortion Field thing either, unless EVERYBODY is running that. I'm flying the Rycer right now because it's all I've got (except the Blackbolt, which dies even faster and hits about as hard as slapping someone with a paper towel), and using Quad Lasers, Heavy Lasers, and Proton Torpedoes. All other equipment is stock because apparently the Empire always frickin' loses on Beregen Colony. Republic runs nothing but Scouts and lolships.


I never claimed to be a great pilot, but I'm pretty good at aiming in MWO, so I don't think it's just that I can't aim. I AM hitting them...it's just not hitting, which is rapidly killing any notion of fun in playing GSF.


Well it probably wasn't distortion field as most (all?) striker class ships can't use it.


How far off center were you aiming your blaster cannons? Both the quads and, especially the heavies, have brutal accuracy penalties the further off center you get in your firing arc. I fly a striker a lot with quads/ions and found that after halfway on your firing arc your accuracy takes a beating to the point you might as well not even shoot. I stopped using heavies because their off-center accuracy penalty is even harsher.

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... because apparently the Empire always frickin' loses on Beregen Colony. Republic runs nothing but Scouts and lolships.


You will find that a lot of ppl are queuing pub side (at least the guild I am in is) and the fact that ships are not legacy means I probably will still be a pub pilot as I was using GSF to level up a lowbie.


Also, I have noticed other than a select few Imps there doesn't seem to be a high quality of pilots on that side. Ironic as the ground PVP scene is dominated by the Imps (at least at 55).


I have noticed the accuracy of your weapons appears to get worse the closer you are to the object with the optimum firing for me to be around 4000m (at least with the Quads I am using). I usually get in the 40% hit at the end of the match if I remember this fact.


P.S. I am one of those annoying scouts.

Edited by bsbrad
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I'm not entirely sure, but I think weapons have an "Optimum Range" meaning, if you're too close, you'll have an accuracy penalty to the point you will miss.


I've noticed this same thing (I fly a tricked out Blackbolt :cool:) and when I get too close to another ship (Any ship, doesn't matter which) I will often have them right in my sights, and BAM, no hits. So I back off and what do you know? I can hit again!


Like I said, I'm not sure if that is the case, but it sure feels like the weapons have Optimum Ranges (Example being 5k-1k away and anything beyond or closer is useless for instance).

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So I'm right on this other Strike Fighter's tail, my coursor directly over him (and yes, the little lead targeter too, I know how this works) and unload my entire supply of weapon power...nothing. Not a scratch. Not even numbers. Anyone care to explain this @!#$ to me?


you DO know how to aim guns right?


counterintuitively, you do NOT aim at the lead indicator. you aim ahead of it, where it will BE and fire, letting the enemy walk themselves into your fire.


you will be x4 more accurate at least. constantly adjusting your aim makes your aim trashed.

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