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No freaking clue what I'm doing


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How the hell do you play this?


I have no idea how to build a ship effectively. I'm playing scout right now but I have no idea how to build it. I'm getting like 1 shot by people, somehow. I don't even have time to boost my shields or anything before I'm just suddenly dead. If i even go anywhere near a turret, i'm toast.


The rockets aren't seeking so unless my target is following a straight path, i never hit them.


I have no freaking clue what I'm doing in this. People are pulling like 15 kills a match and if i'm lucky i get 2.

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Since you appear new to GSF I'll keep it simple for now.


Basically first thing: GSF has a steep learning curve, the tutorial sucks so just get in-game experience for now.


Second is fly both (or all 3 if you have it) ship types and see which you feel comfortable with. Personally, I'll wreck people in a scout, but cant do **** in a Strike Fighter, you might be different.


3rd is pick you crew members and loadout to match your ship type strengths! If you choose a gunship, well evasion isn't gonna do as much as it would a scout.



Don't be the first one in until you get more experience flying and some upgrades. Let teammates go in and then you help THEM kill. It'll help keep people from targeting you as much.

Learn to use the F1/2/3 keys often!!!! Each one draws power from the other 2 to strengthen the one.

F1- Better weapons but less speed/shields

F2- faster shield regen but less weapon/engine

F3- Better Engine but less weapon/shield



Focus on that stuff for now. Once you get a better feel for it you'll know what else to start asking.

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If you're new to the piloting game, I suggest dropping the Scout and picking up the Strike Fighter instead.


Scouts and Gunships are best suited to players who have played piloting before and are used to the roles they represent.


Scouts are best for hit and runs using their speed and maneuverability appearing suddenly and vanishing just as quickly off the radar. Alternatively they're best used as fast capture units for the satellites. They also make excellent Hunter-Killers for Gunships. Scouts are close range ships so the closer you are the better. Scouts also are the best at their namesake, Scouting. They make excellent spotters helping communicate when and where the enemy is to the rest of the time.


What they are not good for is straight up fighting which is what you seem to want to be doing. In the hands of a novice pilot, Scouts are easy prey for the other team. Their armor and shielding is way below the other ships, their armament is light and lacking in range, and their speed tends to disorient pilots quickly.


Seeing as how you're new, start with the Strike Fighter, they're well balanced and can take far more punishment then a Scout. Strike Fighters are built for dogfighting with moderate range and have the "Smart" missiles you seem to be looking for. Fighters are the most forgiving when it comes to learning the ropes and progression.


Level up what you feel to be lacking by mousing over the upgrades in the component's tab in your hangar. Which do you think you lack? Is it a wider firing arc for a more forgiving targeting or more firepower if your targeting is spot on?


Once you get used to maneuvering and a feel for how the game plays, THEN I would suggest graduating to the Scout. Or stay Strike Fighter. Up to you.


But this sounds like you're trying to jump into an advanced type role without getting the basics first. Strike Fighter sounds like something you need to be starting with.

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So what's the point of your crew members?


Why would you use the same co-pilot as your offensive crew member? It appears they both do the same exact thing but I have no choice because i have no unlocks


Every crew member gives you 2 (usually minor) passive bonuses to that ship. Think of it as changing the Augments of your ships gear. You'll have any class companion you've unlocked on that character (through the ground game) plus some free ones everyone gets. You can also 'buy' other companions with fleet req points.


In addition to that each crew member offers a Co-Pilot ability, and your co-pilot can be any of the active crew members for the ship you have chosen. The active abilities are typically stronger, they have a cooldown. Some give a damage boost, some repair ship damage, some provide buffs for you and/or debuffs on your targeted enemy.

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Gunships are reserved for Subs who were subbed before Nov 1st as a reward.


"To qualify for the Early Gunship Role Unlock with Gunship "Daring" Paint Jobs, your account must be in active subscription status on November 1, 2013 at 11:59PM PDT / November 2, 2013 at 6:59AM GMT. These unlocks will be waiting for you in your in-game Hangar at the start of Subscriber Early Access on December 3, 2013. The Gunship Role is permanently unlocked in-game on January 14, 2014."


If you weren't subbed before Nov 1st don't expect a Gunship until Jan 14th.

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What you may also consider is watching a few streams of Strike Fighter pilots and learn from what theyre doing (if theyre doing it right that is - good kill/assist/death ratio, nice dmg done, some/loads objective points and so on).


It takes getting used to. Learn from your mistakes, and how enemys counter you. Search for guide on how to equip your fighters.


Dulfy is always a good way to start:


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