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Life Day gear recycled from last year?! LAZY


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It's awesome, to drive that thing around in the middle of July, with all those lights flashing and the snow flying out the silly tailpipe! Purely funny! My scoundrel has the most perfect attitude for it, trust me.


Oh, I had to know, if I asked who'd want that piece of s**t, someone would answer. Well enjoy. You'll never see me spending any amount of money on that *said snidely* 'thing'. I wouldn't be caught dead on it lol.

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Some people actually enjoy getting every single item from every single event, promotion, etc.


No item should be embargoed forever.


Agreed. A subscription should entitle (yes, entitle) you to have access to all game content. I have been a subscriber for a very long time (and I already had the Life Day gear), but I think a new subscriber who signs up today should be able to get all the Achievements and a full Collection.


Otherwise we are asking players to sign up for the same sub as the rest of us, but with an ever increasing amount of inaccessible content. That doesn't seem fair to me.

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Exactly...cash grab.


You should have just labelled them 2013 and made the last years ones 2012, I would have been happy with that.


Also, bring back the rewards and everything from the first event, bring back the founder title, because "i wasnt there and i didnt get a chance to get them and the game was fairly new at the time". Oh wait it probably won't be brought back because you wont get any money from it.


Are they forcing anyone to buy anything? No. Is Bioware a company, and by extension their primary purpose to provide a product, sell it, and make money? Yes. So they decided to offer again something they had in the past, why does that make them some evil corporation?


People like you need to get over yourselves. Some people wanted another chance to get stuff. Some people want a first chance at the stuff. Again no one is forcing you to buy anything so why does it matter if Bioware decides to oblige those people? Some people will just gripe about anything and everything. What a pitiful miserable life you must live if THIS is that big of a problem to you.

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Oh, I had to know, if I asked who'd want that piece of s**t, someone would answer. Well enjoy. You'll never see me spending any amount of money on that *said snidely* 'thing'. I wouldn't be caught dead on it lol.


I've got one that I break out from time to time just for the reactions. I find it absolutely hilarious myself.

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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.


And now you've brought back the exact same stuff from last year? Complete and utter laziness. There is no excuse. Bioware had a full year to come up with something new for it. I'm sorry but this game has just turned into a cash grab. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back that stupid pumpkin chamber and that womp rat thing.



And i'm expecting a lot of replies which say "special snowflake" obviously those people have never experienced what it's like to be unique before and would prefer to be boring and unoriginal.




My, oh my, I will never understand why so much fuss about it. You want to be "unique"?

Then invent unique name, earn the super rare gear that DROPS from rare boss, earn the top tier title, that will make you unique... Not some "clothes" that you can get handed to you either just by real or ingame cash... You call it being unique, if you simply can BUY it?

There are many who can. That does not make them oh-so-special.


But anyways: I still don' get all the fuss about it. Why to spend ridiculous amounts of "money" on such ugly and unattractive "clothes". Besides, even if there would be ever an item I wish to "purchase" and I see that its price goes in zillions, I pass. I find feeding the greed of such "seller" disgusting.

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When the dev said that these items will goes into retirement and hence not avail in next year offering, I am wondering whether he is hinting that perhaps the game will be shutdown by next year. I guess not hopefully. But I am concerned about the long term viable of this game given the player support base.
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When the dev said that these items will goes into retirement and hence not avail in next year offering, I am wondering whether he is hinting that perhaps the game will be shutdown by next year. I guess not hopefully. But I am concerned about the long term viable of this game given the player support base.

Tbh this game is gr8 if u play is casually, but not at a hardcore lvl. SWTOR lacks long-term retention it's sad. i'm a hardcore pvp'er, and after like 1hr or 2 I get easily bored with this game. Theres really nothin that sets it apart from WoW, and thts 1 of the reasons y this game sank.


Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!



Wonder if wat u say will be tru next year... we'll see lmfao

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So now you're dictating to people how to role play properly? How about you mind your own business and let people play the game how they want.


Obviously dictating to people and bullying people is an escape for you, but you know, whatever helps you sleep at night.


Yet... you're telling people who missed out on these items, but want a chance at them for their RP, that they should not be allowed to for the pure reason of... you don't want them to.


Essentially- you're dictating and bullying.

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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!



Oddly enough, I seem to remember that it was said last year that the lifeday and other cartel market "event" items would be made available in a non-cartel market capacity for susbcribers a year later while adding new items, too...then again, we were promised chat bubbles to be added soon and that they were a high priority for launch or shortly there after around Life Day/Christmas around two years ago as well (and countless times after that), and yet they still aren't high enough on the priority list to have made it back into the game yet! Two years, for the great Bacca's sake! :mad: And all the promises about Cartel Market development not hindering development of game features have been broken again and again, too. Let's face it, for EA the quick cash is the most important, not implementing much requested features that would keep customers happy and subscribed long-term. I wish EA had never bought Bioware.


That said, no items should ever be "embargoed" forever and available any time, especially items you have to pay with cash (cartel coins). And all items should be available directly for purchase in the cartel market as well, instead of being in gambling packs. Real money gambling like that cartel pack stuff should be verboten, especially for minors!

Edited by Stubacca
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Oddly enough, I seem to remember that it was said last year that the lifeday and other cartel market "event" items would be made available in a non-cartel market capacity for susbcribers a year later while adding new items as well...


Well new items will be added still and be brain able outside of the CM as I recall seeing from recent media releases, particularly on Dulfy.com. Unless I am remembering incorrectly (which is possible).

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Oddly enough, I seem to remember that it was said last year that the lifeday and other cartel market "event" items would be made available in a non-cartel market capacity for susbcribers a year later while adding new items, too...then again, we were promised chat bubbles to be added soon and that they were a high priority for launch or shortly there after around Life Day/Christmas around two years ago as well (and countless times after that), and yet they still aren't high enough on the priority list to have made it back into the game yet! :mad: Let's face it, for EA the quick cash is the most important, not implementing much requested features that would keep customers happy and subscribed long-term. I wish EA had never bought Bioware.


Exactly,once I heard FTP was coming not one thing that happens or doesn't happen more often even surprises me.....Enjoy what you can while you can,when that stops just move on

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Oddly enough, I seem to remember that it was said last year that the lifeday and other cartel market "event" items would be made available in a non-cartel market capacity for susbcribers a year later while adding new items, too...then again, we were promised chat bubbles to be added soon

Is this that "promise" or is there something else?


Hey everyone - I asked Lead Designer Damion Schubert if there are any new updates on this topic. We still do not have an ETA for the implementation of this feature, but we're definitely aware it's something players want. We did attempt a version of chat bubbles once, but they introduced some severe performance issues, and we'll need to address that before they can be implemented. Thanks for your patience!
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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.


And now you've brought back the exact same stuff from last year? Complete and utter laziness. There is no excuse. Bioware had a full year to come up with something new for it. I'm sorry but this game has just turned into a cash grab. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back that stupid pumpkin chamber and that womp rat thing.



And i'm expecting a lot of replies which say "special snowflake" obviously those people have never experienced what it's like to be unique before and would prefer to be boring and unoriginal.


Thanks for complaining about this. Thanks to you I found out that the items were again available on the Cartel Market and have bought and unlocked the Orb (I am a Founder and was here when it first came around, but didn't buy them at the time). Sorry if this impacts your enjoyment of the game and if it impacts your in-game income by affecting your capacity to gouge players by selling "unique" items.

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These are the items I was expecting on the CM. I'm guessing some of you overlooked the stuff in the collections menu where you could see it's available from recurring event. The stuff unique and whacky enough to not need any additions yet they are going over the top by adding a ridiculous taun taun that looks like Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Sure they didn't want you to be able to dye lore outfits because of the lore factor but a red nosed reigndeer fits in there pretty well........



The only thing that surprised me was the price for the stuff. Only twice what I would be willing to pay for it and reminded me why I didn't get it last year. That silly price just reminds us of the scum behind the scenes only using life day as a way to gouge money instead of making it more available and infusing the game with a festive spirit

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Oddly enough, I seem to remember that it was said last year that the lifeday and other cartel market "event" items would be made available in a non-cartel market capacity for susbcribers a year later while adding new items, too...then again, we were promised chat bubbles to be added soon and that they were a high priority for launch or shortly there after around Life Day/Christmas around two years ago as well (and countless times after that), and yet they still aren't high enough on the priority list to have made it back into the game yet! Two years, for the great Bacca's sake! :mad: And all the promises about Cartel Market development not hindering development of game features have been broken again and again, too. Let's face it, for EA the quick cash is the most important, not implementing much requested features that would keep customers happy and subscribed long-term. I wish EA had never bought Bioware.


That said, no items should ever be "embargoed" forever and available any time, especially items you have to pay with cash (cartel coins). And all items should be available directly for purchase in the cartel market as well, instead of being in gambling packs. Real money gambling like that cartel pack stuff should be verboten, especially for minors!


I'm just curious, which development efforts have been stymied by the cartel market? Because as i understand it, the cartel development team is completely separate from the actual content development team.

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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!




Will you at least be adding a few new items for this holiday season?

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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!




You guys really need to work on wording

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Because I felt unique in game when I had stuff that people could no longer obtain. I get some of my entertainment out of being unique, showing off my equipment etc...thats how it's reduced my fun. I don't want to be boring and unoriginal like you. I role play a lot and for me this has kinda ruined my experience


You do realize that all of this "stuff" is just digital data stored in a server somewhere right? That alone makes your rant somewhat silly because none of this is tangible goods. Anyway, the overall theme I got from your rant is that you want to remain "special" because you have these digital stuff which few others have and you are pissed over the fact that more people will now have the chance to get it as well. That about sums it up right?


Here's a news flash, BW makes the game to cater to as many players as possible and that is what drives their decision to make certain content/event accessible to everyone, including the recycle of old content. You are not the only one that is sustaining the business known as TOR so no, they are not going to be all that concerned over your need to feel "special". Quite frankly, neither does the rest of the playerbase so you may want to get over yourself one of these days.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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