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Strike Fighter Loadouts


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For the default fighter I use an Ion blaster/quad blaster combo to take out shields then shred an opponent. I switch off between concussion missiles and proton torpedoes. They're not really there for damage so much as making an opponent panic or to get them to quit turtleing a satellite.


For the fleet req strike I go with quad lasers, then use cluster missiles for dogfighting locks and proton torpedoes for my mid range weapon.

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Cool, that's the path I'm going in regards to weapons. One thing I find tough is keeping my engine power up. On the scout, I got it down to a science, but struggling here. Any suggestions what to use to help there? I do toggle my power to engines if I have free time, but it seems sapped fast if I'm chasing down a gunship or trying to escape a bad situation where the enemy has me outnumbered.
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Wouldn't call myself an ace.... my goals are defense, assault, & assists.


Major Systems

Primary One ~ Quads (cost mod in T4, plan to take hull damage in T5)

Primary Two ~ Ion canons (plan to take engine & weapon drains in T4 & T5)

Secondary ~ Concussion or Cluster depending on my mood (plan to take range & armor bypass in T4 & T5)

Shields ~ Quick Charge (60% regen mod in T3)

Engine ~ Koiogran Turn (turn rate mod in T3)


Minor Systems

Capacitor ~ Frequency

Magazine ~ Regeneration

Reactor ~ Turbo (Regeneration reactor planned)

Thruster ~ Regeneration



Offensive ~ Qyzen Fess

Defensive ~ Oro Wogawa

Tactical ~ Kendra Novar

Engineering ~ T7 (copilot as well)


Pretty well taking the same loadout on my Pike except for these changes

Primary ~ Quads

Secondary One ~ Cluster Missles (Ammo Cap for T4 & double volley for T5)

Secondary Two ~ Protons (Speed in T4 & range in T5)

Armor ~ Lightweight

Magazine ~ Munitions Capacity Extender

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Wouldn't call myself an ace.... my goals are defense, assault, & assists.


Major Systems

Shields ~ Quick Charge (60% regen mod in T3)



Minor Systems

Reactor ~ Turbo


Those don't synergize very well. If you're using the 60% regen at all times (which only benefits you if you've taken damage recently) you should be using the regen reactor.

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Those don't synergize very well. If you're using the 60% regen at all times (which only benefits you if you've taken damage recently) you should be using the regen reactor.


This is true.


The shield upgrade was the very last upgrade I purchased, the regen reactor will be the next 6K req that I spend. I'll edit the original post to make a note of that.


Once I've got that I can properly determine which option I want to stick with.


For now I'll be running with it like it is just so I don't get attached to the short CD and spoil my objectivity.

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Major Components

Heavy Laser Cannon <-- am thinking about trying out quad, but I love the range of this

Ion Cannon

Concussion Missiles

Retro Thrusters

Quick Charge Shield


Minor Components

Regen Reactor

Regen Thrusters

Range Capacitor <-- unsure if I should switch to a different one

Regen Extender



MZ-12 (Copilot) - Hydro Spanner


Talos Drellik


Edited by Solloby
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For the default fighter I use an Ion blaster/quad blaster combo to take out shields then shred an opponent. I switch off between concussion missiles and proton torpedoes. They're not really there for damage so much as making an opponent panic or to get them to quit turtleing a satellite.


For the fleet req strike I go with quad lasers, then use cluster missiles for dogfighting locks and proton torpedoes for my mid range weapon.


Hah, this is my stupid question of the day: How do you switch weapons? or When?


Either I suck at reading (neither the tutorial nor the keybinds in the preferences screen helped me), or I am just dumb, but I couldn't figure out how to switch between the two.


Or is there no switch ,and they actually fire together. (In which case I am blind, because I didn't notice that my fighter was firing two weapons at one.)

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I was really struggling to get a handle on my Pike until I purchased T4 speed boost for Proton missile. Now I love it.


I fly the Pike as a standoff missile platform. It is great for picking off Scouts rushing to a node. With a crit I can pretty much 0ne-**** any ship in-game. The speed boost really makes a huge difference. Even though it is difficult to get a lock, I like them more than my GS's rail gun.

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I usually load up my Star Guard with Ion Cannons and Cluster Missiles for a pretty reliable 1-2 punch. I keep the heavy lasers for long range plinking.


I've been playing with the quad/ion cannon combo lately but switching between the two is taking me too long.

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I go with Ion Cannons and Heavy lasers as primary, Cluster missiles as secondary, Directional shield, and Retro thrusters.

Open with a few Ion shots whilst locking on with the quickfire Cluster. Once shields facing me are down, switch to Lasers and release the Cluster. If they're running at this point, the range of the Heavy Laser is usually enough to make a killing blow (if the Cluster missile doesn't).


I've come to love directional shields - pre-load them frontal when removing turrets from an otherwise-undefended satellite. Keep as Neutral in dogfights, then use a single tap to switch to rear if you get in trouble from behind (or pre-load to frontal when engaging a camping Scout or Gunship).

With the -3sec shield delay for fully maxed Directional, plus Energy Reactors optimised for shield regen, my survivability it usually high. (assumingly I'm switching shield direction intelligently, and maneuvering effectively) The only threats tend to come from shield piercing or sabotage drones, or Retro thruster accidental suicides!

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Wouldn't call myself an ace.... my goals are defense, assault, & assists.


Major Systems

Primary One ~ Quads (cost mod in T4, plan to take hull damage in T5)

Primary Two ~ Ion canons (plan to take engine & weapon drains in T4 & T5)

Secondary ~ Concussion or Cluster depending on my mood (plan to take range & armor bypass in T4 & T5)

Shields ~ Quick Charge (60% regen mod in T3)

Engine ~ Koiogran Turn (turn rate mod in T3)


Minor Systems

Capacitor ~ Frequency

Magazine ~ Regeneration

Reactor ~ Turbo (Regeneration reactor planned)

Thruster ~ Regeneration



Offensive ~ Qyzen Fess

Defensive ~ Oro Wogawa

Tactical ~ Kendra Novar

Engineering ~ T7 (copilot as well)


Pretty well taking the same loadout on my Pike except for these changes

Primary ~ Quads

Secondary One ~ Cluster Missles (Ammo Cap for T4 & double volley for T5)

Secondary Two ~ Protons (Speed in T4 & range in T5)

Armor ~ Lightweight

Magazine ~ Munitions Capacity Extender


Question? How do you fire the second primary weapon. I see say ion and Quads. But click on left mouse button and only ion fires off. Can't get Quads to fire? How do you do it?

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I'm currently working on my second T1 strike fighter (love to be able to jump between cannons). Here is my current ships load out and my work in progress load out.


This is my TZ-24 Enforcer load out:





This will be my FT-8 load out (work in progress):





I'm sure some people might question Guss Tuno as my TZ-24 co-pilot, truth is it is for his commentary

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Question? How do you fire the second primary weapon. I see say ion and Quads. But click on left mouse button and only ion fires off. Can't get Quads to fire? How do you do it?


While in the warzone, button 1 (number above Q on QWERTY keyboard) is set as "switch primary weapon" when you have two of those (e.g. Star Guard), or "switch secondary weapon" if you have two types of missile (e.g. on the Pike).

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