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My thoughts & suggestions


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I just want to go over things that bother me or I think could help the fun factor.


Kill & death messages:

As they stand are pretty much useless. What I would like to see is.

Imp was killed by Pubs Quad lasers

Pub was obliterated by Imps Photon Torpedo.

So you know what weapon just kicked your butt.


On that subject a kill cam would improve things. If you get killed the victims camera focuses on whomever had the killing blow for a few seconds. It's informative to the victim along with the weapon specific death message, and it's has value to the killer as you get to show off your awesome paint colors/ship to the guy you just spaced.


Spacebar masher has Self-Destructed

That is a boring message. How about;

Imp just decorated the side of an asteroid

Pub should stop killing themselves.

Add a bit of humor to it.




It has become evident to me some people at BW absolutely must include some sort of audio feedback. Maybe research showed players liked it, I am not really one of those. The space missions are also full of your companion/copilots poorly timed commentary. You figure after the ship droids getting reprogrammed your companions would get the hint. It is seriously into the Flippy area of annoying.


Also It just feels out of touch. "great shot" "massive dmg" .. no that was one shot out of ten that landed.. and that was a normal dmg shot not a crit. It's even more annoying when Khem is my copilot blathering on in some other language. Tone it down, better yet remove it and replace it with..


Currently when I go 5-0 I get a little line of text in the chat box. Shouldn't that be where my copilot or better yet a companion or faction npc that speaks basic comments on my performance. You're on a roll!, or Killing Machine! (Think Unreal Tournament) Or other feedback if you're getting defending medals "Holding the fort" or other such things.


Reward me for actually doing things, don't randomly annoy me during the entire match.



Missile lock ons, in the heat of battle it's pretty easy to not notice you're getting locked. The sound can be drowned out. Increase the volume(or suppress other sounds when you are getting locked) and make the indicator bigger or more noticable. There are a lot of frustrated new people out there that could be turned off from gsf if they just keep blowing up and not knowing why.


Lastly the pregame monologue by your faction whoever. They say their name every match and I still don't remember it.. that is how much I don't care. All I remember is there are two code words, and all I do is wonder why there are code words and why won't this lady shut up. I know there is some immersion aspect to it all but when you grind these matches you really get tired of it.


Perhaps make it an option to turn off those audio monologues. I wouldn't mind them being removed from all but Huttball, at least there it's kind of amusing and fits the style of game.


TLDR: NPC's need a toasty warm cup of stfup. What missiles?

Edited by Andurian
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Agree on the kill/death messages. I have had my share of "damn, why did I die?" moments, and really would love to know if I was sniped or if I missed a missile lock or if there was just some scout on my trails, that I did not notice while eating away some enemy gunship.


Also agree on the comentary. Take a slice of huttball and give it a more serious touch.


Finally please get rid of the "we can still win" and similar audios. When the score is 950:10, I do not need to be told, that we can do it... neither do I need to be told that we just need to hold the satellites... neither do my opponents want to hear that they "can still make it".


A configuarable audio warning for Missile locking and incoming hits would be nice. I tend to miss them in the heat of battle.

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oh yeah, that's annoying as hell lol. 100/999, and it's saying "we can still win this".. erm no, it's a scientific impossibility. Even if we took and held the three sats for the next 5 seconds, we wouldn't rack up 900 points lol. Stupid really.


How about a more realistic "it's pointless continuing, we've lost bigtime" or "no way we can win this, but we fight on anyway" or something.

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Possible "no win"-messages:


"The empire/republic will win this fight... but make them pay for it with blood !"

"No hope in holding the objectives. Everyone get out of the system! Destroy what you can while you are at it!"

"Jettison the wookiee and burn out! this is a lost cause!"


possible "guaranteed win"-messages:

"This war is won. Now hit them as hard as you can, so they won't recover"

"The satellites are ours. Chase the enemy out of the system!"

"Jettison the wookiee and burn out! this day we win!"


There could even be a slight change in the mechanic. The moment one party is behind in points at least on a 2:1 ratio, the points gained for killing the enemy could go up in a similar ratio.


So if you are hopelessly down by 900:100, you would get 9 points for getting an underdog kill, while the leaders still get only 1 point for a kill.


That way, keeping on fighting would even make real sense.

Edited by JPryde
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Possible "no win"-messages:


"The empire/republic will win this fight... but make them pay for it with blood !"

"No hope in holding the objectives. Everyone get out of the system! Destroy what you can while you are at it!"

"Jettison the wookiee and burn out! this is a lost cause!"


possible "guaranteed win"-messages:

"This war is won. Now hit them as hard as you can, so they won't recover"

"The satellites are ours. Chase the enemy out of the system!"

"Jettison the wookiee and burn out! this day we win!"


There could even be a slight change in the mechanic. The moment one party is behind in points at least on a 2:1 ratio, the points gained for killing the enemy could go up in a similar ratio.


So if you are hopelessly down by 900:100, you would get 9 points for getting an underdog kill, while the leaders still get only 1 point for a kill.


That way, keeping on fighting would even make real sense.

I always liked the droid from SWBF2: "The battle is ours to lose!"

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Actually, I'd like to add; why are our crew member's skills the only non upgradeable skills in GSF?


It would seem to me we should be able to spend requisitions to make their abilities more useful as we gear up. Call it crew training or what have you.


Hydrospanner, increase the amount of healing, reduce the CD, extend it by 1-2 seconds etc.


Wingman; increase the range, accuracy, decrease the CD


ETC and so on. Perhaps make them cost fleet requisitions, instead of ship, to offset the fact they can be used in any ship.

Edited by Ridickilis
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It has become evident to me some people at BW absolutely must include some sort of audio feedback. Maybe research showed players liked it, I am not really one of those.


No, research shows that there are a large number of people who respond to audio ques but not visual ones.

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No, research shows that there are a large number of people who respond to audio ques but not visual ones.


Okay I can understand that. I just fails when the audio queues aren't tied to anything meaningful. My copilot goes nuts when I land a few hits, but when I have a great round either by kills, assaulting or defending objects they don't say a thing.

At least in ground pvp they got it right. Player is unstoppable.. okay that definitely rewards the player doing the owning and lets others know they are a prime target.


They have audio when you lose or capture a point which makes sense and I think they could perhaps add one when your turrets get blown up.. that could get spammy but it's a queue for those that never look at the map to know 'somebody's sap'n mah sentry' so to speak.

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oh yeah, that's annoying as hell lol. 100/999, and it's saying "we can still win this".. erm no, it's a scientific impossibility. Even if we took and held the three sats for the next 5 seconds, we wouldn't rack up 900 points lol. Stupid really.


How about a more realistic "it's pointless continuing, we've lost bigtime" or "no way we can win this, but we fight on anyway" or something.


If you took all 3 sats at that point, and no-one on your team was killed or suicided... technically it's possible? :-)


Nice post OP, I especially like the improved kill reporting and kill cam ideas.

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