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Geeze someone is wearing his fanboy hat.


When Warhammer Online came out it had one of the best mmo launches in the history of the genre, and I regularly had 1-3 hours queues the few weeks. The true test is where will it be in about 7 weeks.


The questing is FAR from amazing, while I have to give them credit for making alot of the quest decent/accessible/solid quest helper system they have one HUGE flaw, at least as far as mmos are concerned. And thats the CONSTANT cinema/chat prompt interactions. I have news for you MMO fans (in general) do not like their quests to regularly have TONS of constant chatter with this decision making bullcrap. People that play SOLO games like that, I guess the "decision making" makes them feel less lonely or something, but this is an MMO your interaction should be with players not NPCS.


People who like games like Dragon Age, Fable, Mass Effect will enjoy the questing system, however none of those games are MMOs, nor do they have any multiplayer component whatsoever.


The graphics are definitely pretty good (although FFXIV completely kicks their *** no offense), although the sound/audio is definitely underwhelming (although the light sabers/lazer guns effects is definitely quite cool).


Overall its not a bad game, but lets be honest youre making out to sound like its the greatest game ever, when in truth its a very realistic possibility that this game could follow in the exact footsteps of Warhammer, which isnt a good thing.





Gonna add the biggest thing you left out that i personally found to be really awesome was getting your own spaceship/upgrading it / space combat aspect. Definitely incredibly unique compared to mmos, and a huge success on their part. Now they just need to MASSIVELY expand upon the customization ability/options of these ships (and have the ship parts actually affect the visual graphics of your ship) and this could absolutely be a key component to keep players busy constantly upgrading their ship and the salvation for their mmo


nope being playing mmo since UO and the history char voice acting quest from this game is amazing so dont speak for me and go back to wow



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Giving my side:

Im on of those who enjoy the game too. Im slowly now losing my social life, playing before and after work, I think its a health risk this game :p


Seriously, this game is worth the price (I paid £44.99 on origin)

Ive been hitting the storyline with boths sides since the early access, but recently just started the PVP, amazing!, smooth and very polished compared to other MMO's on release day.


The only thing I have a problem with is that the open pvp and endgame needs more work!

We should be able to raid camp /hq areas, and have a more open experience in-space rather than tunnel flying and only able to dodge and shoot.


Other than that, I love the game.

Edited by Liudom
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Game is AWESOME...


If you are sitting on the fence, take a leap of faith you won't be disappointed.


PS: Some of us that enjoy the game are on the forums and not playing because are at work/school/mobile devices etc. etc. etc....... duh? I had to explain that?

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Yeah it's a fantastic single player game. Problem is it's supposed to be an MMO.


pst...it is an MMO...just saying, the 4 other random folks I run heroics and flashpoints with. And the 16 other folks I PvP with would agree with me I am sure.

Edited by Baizak
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Ahh the old "all the negative posts are here because the happy people are playing" fallacy.


It never gets old.


So OP, why aren't YOU playing if you're so happy?


So, if you don't like the game, why are YOU here? Actually, to be here now means you have a subscription. So why are you PAYING to be here if you don't like the game?

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The questing is FAR from amazing, while I have to give them credit for making alot of the quest decent/accessible/solid quest helper system they have one HUGE flaw, at least as far as mmos are concerned. And thats the CONSTANT cinema/chat prompt interactions. I have news for you MMO fans (in general) do not like their quests to regularly have TONS of constant chatter with this decision making bullcrap. People that play SOLO games like that, I guess the "decision making" makes them feel less lonely or something, but this is an MMO your interaction should be with players not NPCS.


Yeah I much prefer running up to an NPC, right clicking on them to open a magically hovering piece of parchment window with "kill x and return to me" written on it without anyone saying a word, blindly accepting it without reading it and running off. So much more engrossing!

Edited by Boundd
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Ahh the old "all the negative posts are here because the happy people are playing" fallacy.


It never gets old.


So OP, why aren't YOU playing if you're so happy?


People generally don't make threads to give the game accolades on that games forums.. This is common sense, people that make whining threads on the other hand are much more likely to do so than the people who have good things to say about the game.. The index speaks for itself ;).

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Beyond that, the combat is smooth and slick and very responsive.


Sorry but, no. There is severe lag when you try to cast instant spells that makes the combat system feel very clunky.


And speaking as a healer: the UI is total utter crap.


I'm confident though that Bioware posesses enugh intelligence to open that to mods, so the community can get to work and design UI's that are as comfortable as WoW's.

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Ahh the old "all the negative posts are here because the happy people are playing" fallacy.


It never gets old.


So OP, why aren't YOU playing if you're so happy?


He might have a job. You know, the thing that pays the bills? In your household it's called 'mom and dad.'

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Yeah it's a fantastic single player game. Problem is it's supposed to be an MMO.


It IS an MMO. I've grouped with a TON of people since I started playing. Not only that, all the servers are usually packed / full during peak times. There's a ton of people playing this game.. open your eyes a little.

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Yeah I much prefer running up to an NPC, right clicking on them to open a magically hovering piece of parchment window with "kill x and return to me" written on it without anyone saying a word, blindly accepting it without reading it and running off. So much more engrossing!




I love how questing is set up in swtor.

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