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Time for a better system


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Gotta say bw did a nice job the only problem im starting to see is very skilled players plays against the casual players, better ships etc.


Im doing it myself aswell but now that im half upgraded with my ship the diffrence between me and a beginning player is alrdy huge i can shoot them down pretty fast while they cant scratch me and im no pro at this at all ( some kill me in a eye blink ) .


Would be nice if there was some sort of scaleing system that put certain players against eachother after buying x amount of upgrades etc so the gap between upgraded ships and starting players wont be so huge as it is atm

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Would be nice if there was some sort of scaleing system that put certain players against eachother after buying x amount of upgrades etc so the gap between upgraded ships and starting players wont be so huge as it is atm

There is. It may take awhile before there's enough people with significantly upgraded ships though to see a real impact from their matching system.

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There is. It may take awhile before there's enough people with significantly upgraded ships though to see a real impact from their matching system.


I hope it starts working soon, I don't like to see the 1k to 3 matches where the enemy just gets stomped. And ive seen a lot of them. Its boring and it discourages people trying out GSF.

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There is. It may take awhile before there's enough people with significantly upgraded ships though to see a real impact from their matching system.


It's also likely due to population limits since currently only subs can play. I expect when Preferred (and eventually F2P) get access the matchmaking problems will be solved.

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There is. It may take awhile before there's enough people with significantly upgraded ships though to see a real impact from their matching system.


There would also have to be enough people participating, to make that work there has to be a fairly large pool of players.


I think they made a critical error because every day that passes more and more players are shut out by the massive gulf in gear and the participation is not high enough to keep them separate. That combined with the fact that there is nowhere to learn to play besides being farmed in PvP means new players are basically out if they have not started yet.


The pool is not going to grow the barriers to entry are too high and getting higher every day.


Imagine what the f2ps will face in Feb! :rolleyes:

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What will they be basing matchmaking on though?


A good questoin. I just bought today my 5 th ship, it has no upgrades whatsoever. Now, my oter ships aren't *that* well upgraded yet, but let's imagine I didn't take any shortcuts and just waited until I got enough fleet req. How does the hypothetic matchmaking factor that in, if I have one fully upgraded ship and one brand new ?

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Please god no! Bolster has failed horribly in regular PvP that's the last thing we need here.


But ask yourself this, would you rather wait twice or 3x as long for the queue to pop while the system matches ships by level instead of doing the current first-come first-serve queue? I for one like the quick queue pops.


However if they want to add a ranked queue that would not be such a bad idea. As long as you can solo queue.

Edited by -Damask-
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I for one am losing interest quickly in GS due to to going up against people who have done nothing but grind and hone since it was released. I jump in a few times a day but notice there are certain players that are ALWAYS queued with me and against me no matter what time I queue in. These players are very good & very well geared and dominate everyone else.


I was hoping this would be different from regular pvp in this game but it's shaping up into a dichotomy already. At this point, I only log in on one toon from each faction to lose my 2 matches in order to grab the daily, so someday I might be on a more equal footing.


As more people like me get tired of being cannon fodder, the population will decrease more and the problem will grow. They had a chance to do something different with GS - not making it progression-based, but they chose the tired old path that rewards "game bullies" at the expense of the casual player.


TL;DR: Same old problems that regular ground pvp has - but without any normalization effect of bolster.

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There is a matchmaking system in place. However, as already said, there just isnt enough GSF players for it to make a real difference. Wait till Jan 14th, and youll see it kick in.


35 more days of status-quo when people began complaining after 4 is a looooonnnng time. Just pointing that out, I do agree that it will help then though. Question is: Can the clunky system in place manage to not alienate a large portion of the playerbase until relief arrives?

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spending fleet req on ships this early is stupid... all you're gonna have is a nice hanger full of gimped ships that cant compete. spend that req maxing out the ship you enjoy the most.


Or get a bunch of ships and roll around in all the free req you get from quest turn ins and daily bonuses.

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The devs said there is a matching system in place. However until there are more people playing I don't expect it to have a lot of effect.


For those who are just doing dailies, you really should do the 2-4 missions per ship to get the double reqs. You'll get better faster and so will your ship.


Some basic strategy for those who are just learning:


Get really close to the satellites to either capture or keep them. If you keep the opposing team from taking it away you're helping your team and getting way more reqs than you will dogfighting in the middle of nowhere.


Don't get into turning battles. The more experienced pilot will usually win that one. Boost away then turn and come back so you get a longer straight path to shoot at your opponent.


If you see a glowing ball in the distance, target it, if the picture is pointing at you, MOVE. Put something between you and it. IT's a gunship and getting hit will hurt, a lot. Once you break LOS, tell your team where it is and what name is on it.


You're probably best off to start with the strike fighter, it's easier to fly and takes more damage.

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I think the problem with the match making will be the same as it is for ranked, at a per server level there wont be a big enough pool to match people properly.


Bioware seriously need to introduce cross server queues for this and other elements of the game, otherwise it will be for naught as the PvP crowd will move when someone brings out a half decent PvP offering.


Seeing as how much development time has been put into catering to the PvP crowd lately, it would seem foolish of Bioware to not try and capitalise on that investment.


Facts are, per server queues are too small and therefore match making doesn't work. Cross server is the only way for match making to have a chance of delivering on what it promises, more balanced matches.

Edited by FrogSkin
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I hope it starts working soon, I don't like to see the 1k to 3 matches where the enemy just gets stomped. And ive seen a lot of them. Its boring and it discourages people trying out GSF.


Republic Side on Ebon Hawk, there are entire Starfighter Guilds now. One guild already has more than 40 members with 100% upgraded Strike/Scout/Gunships.


Anytime I see players from them in a GSF fight, entire enemy team is totally wiped without any contest.

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You guys ruined pvp over a tiny gear gap that could easily be overcome

Now you're going after space pvp which has an even smaller gap

Gamers these days are just Mc weaksauce


Please uninstall the game


Bolster was created to give you Leet players someone to play with son. And I can assure you, if the developers have to do it again with space pvp to maintain a working population, they will.

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Bolster was created to give you Leet players someone to play with son. And I can assure you, if the developers have to do it again with space pvp to maintain a working population, they will.


Bolster will not work, in GSF youre either good or youre not. Or you have a group who is communicating and calling targets, then youre screwed no matter how good you are unless that group is a bunch of gunship pilots trying to fly flashfires.

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