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Just a quick reminder for the "potty mouths" out there ... its just a game!!! at the end its just a game... and the fact that ppl are commenting upset about a game.. even though they say "its garbage... or this or that.." means that actually they care... So yes "fanboys".. let the op comment and try to get his arguments out there... and "haters" there are a lot of ppl that do like the game and the way that it is going ..

agree to disagree :rolleyes:

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Just a quick reminder for the "potty mouths" out there ... its just a game!!! at the end its just a game... and the fact that ppl are commenting upset about a game.. even though they say "its garbage... or this or that.." means that actually they care... So yes "fanboys".. let the op comment and try to get his arguments out there... and "haters" there are a lot of ppl that do like the game and the way that it is going ..

agree to disagree :rolleyes:


OH I love the game- I just want my guild name back.

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To all the people that stayed subscribed since the very beginning - I admire your patience/insanity.

Now, for a long post.



Yanno the best improvement we noted while being "insane" and staying.....the lack of these types of "know it all" , whiny post telling us how bad we have it, and using such original insults such as "fanboy" as an attempt to discredit any that disagree, or actually enjoy the game.


You like the game, stay. You don't have a nice day. I don't think anyone on here needs your personal opinion of who we are, or how the game failed from your armchair perspective.

Edited by Blackardin
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Aaaand, ignored.

I do not need your useless comments here.


Exactly what we are all thinking when we read the OP. Its not that the game does not have issue, and we've had some very good discussions about such.......its that you have no idea what you are talking about, tossing out hyperbole and conjecture like it was rice at a wedding.


....and weren't you leaving?

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What do you mean as gaming laptop - Asus ROG, Toshiba Cosmio, Dell Alienware or other?

Tried or installed full DX9 redistributable?

There is a big difference - 1 broken library of it and 40 FPS drop.

Overclock on laptop and gaming ... ouch - you most probably actually lower your performance due to heating.

I am on gaming laptop and after 1 year of usage it need internal cleaning (ventilation is accessible but still) ... lowered some of my graphic settings because it is easy than to go to a jerks in our local service center, till find a better trusted one.

But what I wanted to say - if your laptop CPU or GPU goes above 80 Celsius - performance begin to suffer.

Power plan, check your gaming mode power plan - select gaming mode - go to control panel and check power - it has to be on high performance.

How much vendor crap (bloatware) you actually install on your laptop - mine has only 1 thing - button power plan changer?

Last but not least - FPS in populated zone - CPU related... GPU is pretty capable of drawing all but CPU has to calculate every player, companion, NPC, effect & so on and send them to GPU for drawing.

So check why your gaming laptop suffer ...


Sorry, but I have a felling that you do not know how computers work.

I lower my performance due to heating?

Heat is a bi-product of components having a lot of load on them.

It's not the other way around. Do you think I put an ice cube into my machine to make it run faster? And when the temperature reaches critical the system runs slower? No. It can crash, and even if the heat affects the speed of it, it's so small that nobody will ever notice.


I already told you that heat is not an issue.

Overclocking the GPU does not help with the performance of the game - regardles of the heat. My GPU doesn't overheat because ToR isn't using more than 40% of it's power. If it used 100% like it used while I was idle on a planet / fleet, then yes - it would run hot and even shut down.

The system runs the way it should, heat is just a product of it running very fast.



"Because the majority hasn't got the problem there is no problem". That is why this game lost most of their subs. There are thousands of people that never complain or ask for something better than say that there are no problems.

Back during beta and early launch there were tens of thousands of people posting here on the forum on what needs to be improved, and there was another group of people like I see here that was simply trying to shut these people up for no reason claiming that they do not have a problem and we are in a minority.


There were tons of articles about ToR and FPS issues, how it can't use the GPU, and CPU power, how it handles on AMD (which is not crap, by the way).

Bioware Devs did eventually say "We understand, there are FPS problems" in 2012 and that's it! Nothing was improved.


Do you hear me? The DEVELOPERS acknowledged the FPS problem. I am not here to convince you.


If you haven't got these issues - good for you, I envy you.

I am not going to buy a brand new machine just to run ToR if my PC can handle any new game that was released to date except this one. Would that be logical?

Why is it that this Graphic Engine cannot be optimized?


Anyway, I turned it into a big rant, I shouldn't have. I guess it would be better if you guys didn't jump on me claiming that your game is 100% perfect.


And if you read this far, read this too - I like ToR in a way, it has some nice things, that's why I came back. I didn't sub just to whine about it. I will play it, but not hardcore, because it's not meant for hardcore players, I think.

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Sorry, but I have a felling that you do not know how computers work.

I lower my performance due to heating?


Well, you do not know anything about game design, or human nature, but if you can blather on endlessly about that, why can't this guy do the same about computers? ;p

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I just returned last week to see what was going on after almost a year away. To my

surprise only two renames, and they were alts anyway, so my favorite names stayed.

Makeb is OK, story is interesting. But, So. Many. NPCS. I understand gated content

but this is just ridiculous.


Took a while to get use to my Mercenary BH. Rotation seems like it could be better,

way too much ability bloat, good god. And the engine. . . There may have been

improvements made, but I couldn't tell.


I'll get to 55 on the BH, and maybe another toon, but I don't think I'll stick around.

May change my mind. Who knows.

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First, your GPU "power" measurement isn't a very good metric to use. It's not well defined. Let's assume it is GPU clock cycle utilization. So, you sped up the GPU by 20% and saw a 20% drop in utilization. The explanation is quite simple, actually: Your GPU wasn't the bottleneck.


You --like so many other gamers-- have been taught that gaming performance is measured by a single number: GPU clock speed. That's incorrect. Beyond the fact that things like memory bandwidth, memory clocks, and the number of shaders have as much impact on GPU performance as raw clockspeed. However, the CPU, cache, memory and memory manager also have strong impacts on performance, and you're ignoring all of those.

. Check your CPU.


I understand and you have a fair point.

I know that my CPU isn't the strongest.



Radeon HD 5870 Mobility

i5 M 430

8 Gig of ram

Rest doesn't matter - it's decent.


I was thinking about upgrading my CPU, but I am low on cash and it's always been a low priority issue since other games run fine.


I've dome some comparing during my early days of ToR though, I would take people with similar machines and find out that their FPS is much better, and it was usually due to the fact that they weren't using an AMD GPU.

There was some issue with it, and the Devs of ToR said that they're washing their hands and that we should wait for AMD to provide us with proper drivers and that they already told AMD about this.


So we waited, but nothing has changed both from AMD and ToR, which sucks, unfortunately.

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LOL, Yakito. Don't try to argue with these people, they have zero common sense, experience and their goal is to crush anyone that says anything negative about swtor. They aren't interested in debate and you'll never win or convince any of them otherwise.


Just look at the people saying there's no fps problems because their machines run just fine so everyone's machine should be running fine, that right there should tell you what you're dealing with.

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OMG... fail I see fail everywhere!!


According to Eric Musco at the latest Cantina meet and greet event: "over 10 million play occasionally, while over 1 million play per month."




"Since it was induced in November, we've added more than 1.7 million new players on the free model to the service," Gibeau said. "And the number of subscriptions has stabilized at just under half a million.


Now, BioWare is officially reporting that they have just under a half a million players. So.. Let’s be honest, that’s a really solid number. However, unless they’re just not counting WoW because it’s so severely off the charts, that makes SWTOR at best the third largest game with EVE Online having over 500,000.




So where do you see the actually drop?? Please TALK ABOUT THINGS YOU KNOW


Sorry, but I have a felling that you do not know how computers work.

I lower my performance due to heating?

Heat is a bi-product of components having a lot of load on them.


Sorry, i'm a computer and electronic engineer. HEAT is one of the biggest problem of performance. If a PC have heat problem, and it grows, IT BLOCKS his performance for avoiding you to throw the laptop out of the windows because it is burned.


Again you talk about think that you don't know. GOOGLE and search for it before posting.

You can see 40% of usage because of the block.

Clear example:

my pc was full of dust without knowing it, i was playing rome 2 total war, with just 50% of computer usage, no heat problem at first sight. i was playing with 7 FPS.


I remove the dust, reboot my computer, 70% of usage, more heat (yes more, no more block), and 40 FPS.

Edited by Elminster_cs
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LOL, Yakito. Don't try to argue with these people, they have zero common sense, experience and their goal is to crush anyone that says anything negative about swtor. They aren't interested in debate and you'll never win or convince any of them otherwise.


Just look at the people saying there's no fps problems because their machines run just fine so everyone's machine should be running fine, that right there should tell you what you're dealing with.


It was the same during launch. People would pretend it does not exist.

But now it's worse because most people gave up fighting with the community (army of people defending this product), and just left.

I've been checking the forums and it seems like the "fanboys" have won, because nobody speaks a bad word about the game anymore.


And only a few minutes online told me that there's still a ton of stuff to fix.


don't get me wrong - I honestly want this game to succeed, turn around and do something amazing. I just don't think it is in capable hands, unfortunately, and that makes me very, very sad. It doesn't even have a community that would push it to the next level, the community wants it to be in the exact same spot - that's the feeling I get.


Now I agree that I lost my temper too fast. It's mostly due to deadlines at the University and the fact that I hate flying and I have to catch a plane today. I am a bit shaky on the inside, and it's really easy to annoy me :)


So sorry for losing my temper like this.


And... Mallorik.

Thanks for this post. It's a short one, but it makes me believe that humanity isn't lost just yet (although it is very close).

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I'm a computer engineer.


Funny thing is, I am also doing Electrical Engineering - second year at Uni


Anyway. No.

What you are saying is, the heat is used to cut the performance of the system - yes, but only if the system slows down on it's own by being too hot and trying to underclock the components to cool it down.

This is not the case here.


My GPU doesn't need to de-clock itself to save itself from overheating. In fact, I am running a steady 80 degrees in Warzones right now, as opposed to 95 which it can handle.

And my PC never declocks itself to compensate. Why? Because it's not set up this way (although I wish it was).



Anyway. Why are we going into such stupid things as temperature? It's always going to me a minor improvement. Do you think I didn't clean it during my ToR history? Many, many times.

And yes, I would also very often play with the temperatures and see absolutely NO improvement when it was low.


That is right - Absolutely 0, null, nada, no improvement while my GPU was colder, and no improvements while it was hotter. Zero.


Why are we even talking about this?

If a PC overheats and shuts down, yes - that's an issue.

But it will not drop 20 FPS because of temperature, don't be silly, please.

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It's very funny actually. I expected this.

Minor complain about something - the Devs don't even have to move their fingers. They have an army of you guys, protecting your most precious game that has never had any issues, that is so perfect that nobody can even attempt and say what is wrong with it because you will eat this person alive.


Keep it going, your superior constructive criticism is absolutely helpful.

It's because of fanboys like you guys this game hasn't changed, because all you do is pretend that nothing's wrong and that nothing needs to be fixed.


While people without blindfolds can see that there are a lot of issues.

Do you seriously think that people that complain about this game want to hurt it?

We bought it for a freaking reason! We wanted it to be the best MMO in the world. We still do. And we complain, because something is very wrong. Why do you not understand that wanting something to improve is actually a good thing? You, as fanboys, should constantly ask for more!!


Most of us tried to make threads about it during the beginning and even in beta when we saw that things were very bad and needed very urgent attention, but we had fanboys coming over and dismissing any issues.


If you were a true fanboy you would HELP MAKE THE GAME BETTER, and therefore would also give constructive criticism to the game developers, push them to do something better, remind them what is wrong with the game.


But no..


"hey, I am having fps issues, my friends with worse machines do not".

Fanboy - "check your ISP, it's also your machine, you suck, not the game"


"But many people with better machines than mine also have this problem"

fanboy - "yeah? Maybe they're just lying about their specs? Liars, all of them"


"But listen, this game is really bad for AMD users"

fanboy - "shut up already!! I do not want you talking bad about the most precious thing in the world. My... preciousssss"


"Listen guys, I've asked the support, but they won't help me. Maybe if you could let people with issues talk in this thread instead of trolling us?"

fanboy - "No, we must protect it. We do not have issues, therefore YOU do not have issues! No need to bother holy support, we will silence you. You must not ask for improved graphic engine. It's your machine! Spend 1000 dollars on a new one. Yes, spend it so you can play just THIS game. Even if other games run smooth on your machine, it still sucks since ToR is superior in every way".





"ok, how about ability delay?"

fanboy - "sdadsah, it was... there, but it's not an issue!!! Wait for a fix and be quiet!!"


"Ok, I waited 1,5 years, issue is still there"

fanboy "It's barely noticable!! be quiet".



"Hm... I feel kinda bored, maybe if they changed the planet layouts a little, changed a few things around"

fanboy - "no! Nothing can be changed, how dare you speak of this game this way? Leave it! We do not want you !!"



Fanboys a year later...

"hm... it's kinda empty here, what's with all the server merges? Maybe all these people that we told to leave actually left and it hurts OUR gameplay now? Naaaah... game is absolutely perfect".


There have been many posts in this thread replying to you with realistic views about the game. Your attitude of blanket dismissing their rebuttal of your opening statement

It took you a year to fix absolutely NOTHING.

with a dismissive "you are just fanboys" statements shows how blind you are as well. There are many games that I do not play because they just do not suit me. That does not make people who do like the game blind fanboys deserving of my pity. I do not like when people leave the game, but you seem to be looking for a game that is not here if you have no appreciation of the tremendous improvements that have been made to SWTOR. Same goes for the poster comparing the space PVP to Star Conflict. A mini-game inside of traditional MMO being help up to the standard of a dedicated space MMO?


Your post I quoted is filled with pointless and nonconstructive bile and ignorance of PC setup and server architecture. PC's (and especially laptops) will cycle down CPU & GPU when they reach certain temperature threshholds to protect the system. You add extra cooling (some even go so far as liquid nitrogen) to overclock their systems to prevent this. Calling someone a "hater" or "fanboy" is an attempt to discredit their position when you have no evidence or cannot be bothered to look for evidence refuting their position.

Edited by RandomXChance
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Yeah, I dunno man. I've been here since day 1....I've seen tremendous improvements in pretty much every aspect of the game.

Is it still buggy? yeah. FPS issue? I don't really have them except every now and then when wierd stuff happens...but that happens to me in WoW and GW2 just as often.


FYI, they didn't just remove servers, they are mega servers that hold 3-4 times as many players as the old one did. And there are 17 servers.


There is always a lot of room for improvement, but I've been enjoying this game a lot for 2 years now, and I've seen many things get addressed over time, even if not everything I would like to see.


Have you ever asked, why did the people stay that stayed? Hint: it's not because we're masochists or don't have other things to play.


Outstanding comment. Could not have said it better myself. :)


The sad part is, I only know of 1 player of our whole 40 people guild that stayed.

And I am not even sure if he's still playing either.


False logic to place the blame on the game. This is actually pretty common for all MMOs in the modern era, including even WoW today. And it is certainly not due to anything specific about SWTOR in the context of the broader player base. Why? Because people form guilds willy-nilly and with little thought or concern about actually building a permanent internet circle of friends.


Want guild stability? Find and join large established stable guilds, which these days typically span more then one MMO. A guild with actual persistence of membership in it.

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About the graphic issue again. I have a question to anybody that dismisses the fps problems:



A nasa machine couldn't run it properly. Do not tell me that it's not the developers fault to optimize it so badly that it couldn't run smoothly with about 20 players in one place.


And once again -

Why does my machine run the game better on High settings and Low settings actually give me less FPS?


Outstanding comment. Could not have said it better myself. :)




False logic to place the blame on the game. This is actually pretty common for all MMOs in the modern era, including even WoW today. And it is certainly not due to anything specific about SWTOR in the context of the broader player base. Why? Because people form guilds willy-nilly and with little thought or concern about actually building a permanent internet circle of friends.


Want guild stability? Find and join large established stable guilds, which these days typically span more then one MMO. A guild with actual persistence of membership in it.

So what you are saying is that it's the playerbase fault that they left?

When is the best time to establish a stable guild when it just launched?


So you are saying that millions of people that left are wrong and they are to blame. Game did nothing wrong, yes?


But it did, didn't it? Do you remember when Developers were answering some questions and somebody asked "Why are you copying so much from WoW?"


"Because we want to follow a safer path".

So they were conscious when they decided to make it a bit of a WoW clone. It was their fault that it lacked 50% of what WoW has. I know WoW had a lot more time to develop, and that is why launching an unfinished and broken in some parts ToR was a bad idea.

They only made it different with 1 thing - story. And story ends, like a movie or a book. You can re-read the book if it's good but ToR's story isn't that great and nobody wants to listen to the audio of every side quest on 4 alts. It's boring the second time already.


And it kinda brings me to one important thing:

Why is it acceptable these days to release a broken product? Why is it ok ? Why do people defend this broken product saying "IT will change in time, it was just released".

When did this become ok? It is still not ok. why are you guys accepting something that is broken and even DEFENDING the fact that it is broken, saying that it isn't.

Edited by Yakito
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About the graphic issue again. I have a question to anybody that dismisses the fps problems:



A nasa machine couldn't run it properly. Do not tell me that it's not the developers fault to optimize it so badly that it couldn't run smoothly with about 20 players in one place.


And once again -

Why does my machine run the game better on High settings and Low settings actually give me less FPS?


Ilum was a total cluster****, and for more reasons than just performance(it had horrible design). It was removed from the game. The devs acknowledged the problem.


However, ilum is not 90% of the game. Most people can run the game just fine with 20+ people on the screen.



As to why particular settings do particular things, you'd have to ask the people who spend a lot of time tweaking those settings. There are ways to run the game on higher graphics settings while simply turning off particular features that don't add much.

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I just came back last month after taking a year long break and have been enjoying myself greatly in SWTOR.


It's a good thing i'm mature enough to not let my opinion of a game be dictated by someone else's experience and therefore will continue to find my own enjoyment in the game regardless of what a few vocal forum goers tell me.


Pretty much as long as I'm having fun I will sub to the game, when it stops being fun I will leave. Luckily for the community, when I leave I will not hang around the forums trying to convince others they are dumb for continuing to enjoy the game, those kind of people are just pathetic.

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About the graphic issue again. I have a question to anybody that dismisses the fps problems:



A nasa machine couldn't run it properly. Do not tell me that it's not the developers fault to optimize it so badly that it couldn't run smoothly with about 20 players in one place.


And once again -

Why does my machine run the game better on High settings and Low settings actually give me less FPS?


There are several thing on why this happen. First of all is based on shader model used, and how is mapped on your GPU.

There are several try you can do to tune your settings.

Again try to turn off the new implementation, you can search on google, of the color system


You can also try to post in the CS, with some screen of graphic settings showing the FPS in the same area.

There are also many try you can do, try to change shader settings, shadow, how many people you see, and so on.


Also double check how many process your system have, 40/50 is a good number. 70 or more will slow down a lot you Pc.

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LOL, Yakito. Don't try to argue with these people, they have zero common sense, experience and their goal is to crush anyone that says anything negative about swtor. They aren't interested in debate and you'll never win or convince any of them otherwise.


Just look at the people saying there's no fps problems because their machines run just fine so everyone's machine should be running fine, that right there should tell you what you're dealing with.



Yakito, try not to bother with these trolls. They're only going to report your responses for trolling and try to get you banned. Best of luck to you!


Have a nice day.



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Sorry, but I have a felling that you do not know how computers work.


Beware such statements.




I lower my performance due to heating?


Yes. Modern computer components have thermal regulation routines that drop performance when overheated. This is more than just killing power at the thermal shutdown temperature. Modern CPUs and GPUs will have a temperature where they go into a strongly throttled mode. However, even before that, some components will reduce performance under higher-than-average temperature. In particular, Intel's Turbo Boost will not enable (or will disable) when the CPU exceeds a certain temperature.


Heat is a bi-product of components having a lot of load on them.


Heat is a biproduct of components having any load on them. Specifically, the heat created is directly proportional to the amount of work being done.


It's not the other way around.


Oddly enough, in some ways it is. When components overheat, it can interfere with the optimization of various systems. Where a CPU used to have a little headroom to process side tasks, a throttled CPU will slow down and allow jobs to stack up, increasing context switches, memory swaps, cache loading, and bus traffic trying to coordinate it all. It's not guaranteed to happen ever time, but in general, once you have a component throttling itself, its more likely that that component will continue to see increasing degradation in performance.


And when the temperature reaches critical the system runs slower? No.


Wrong. See above. Thermal throttling exists.


It can crash, and even if the heat affects the speed of it, it's so small that nobody will ever notice.


Heat is a big source of system instability, and hot circuits have a harder time with voltage regulation. Irregular voltage is much more likely to cause components to commit simple errors, resulting in error correction or retries. Yes, there's not much difference between 40C and 60C. But at 70C you start to get into the range where components might start to see random errors if your PSU or voltage regulation isn't working well.


Almost as important is some properties of electronics that state that electrical resistance increases as the conductor increases in temperature. Thus, the warmer your circuits get, the more resistance they provide, and nearly 100% of the resistance in computer circuits is converted to heat. So, hot circuits create even more heat for a given workload than cold ones.


Overclocking the GPU does not help with the performance of the game - regardles of the heat.


For you. For people with modern CPUs (Sandy Bridge or later, Bulldozer or better) the CPU is not the limiting factor and GPU overclocks give mild framerate improvements, with quickly diminishing returns above 60fps.


My GPU doesn't overheat because ToR isn't using more than 40% of it's power. If it used 100% like it used while I was idle on a planet / fleet, then yes - it would run hot and even shut down.


If you hit thermal shutdown on your GPU at 100% utilization, then your system has inadequate thermal management. I can run my desktop at 100% GPU/100% CPU for 45 minutes with no shutdown or even throttling (max temps: GPU: 70C, CPU 50C). My wife's laptop can do 100%/100% and keep a stable temperature under 75C.


The system runs the way it should, heat is just a product of it running very fast.


Again: Heat is a product of doing work. Your GPU isn't the only thing creating heat. CPUs create almost as much heat, and since you're using a laptop, you shouldn't ignore the motherboard and hard drive. And for many non-gaming laptops, the higher the temperature goes, the less cooling some component get. The example I remember involved a laptop which directed a single airflow across the GPU and then the CPU. The result is that the GPU has a higher thermal difference in its cooling (and is thus able to be cooled better), but by time the air reached the CPU, it was already 50C and the GPU wouldn't see the same cooling efficiency as the CPU until it reached 70C. (Example numbers)


Bioware Devs did eventually say "We understand, there are FPS problems" in 2012 and that's it! Nothing was improved.


Wrong. Loads of things were improved. Texture atlassing. Adaptive texture loading. Better shaders. Better antialiasing. Faster shadows. Optimized animations for distant objects. Fewer state updates for non-critical situations. Fewer collision checks.... Just because you didn't notice them and didn't read a press release on them doesn't mean they're not there.

Edited by Malastare
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I just came back last month after taking a year long break and have been enjoying myself greatly in SWTOR.


It's a good thing i'm mature enough to not let my opinion of a game be dictated by someone else's experience and therefore will continue to find my own enjoyment in the game regardless of what a few vocal forum goers tell me.


Pretty much as long as I'm having fun I will sub to the game, when it stops being fun I will leave. Luckily for the community, when I leave I will not hang around the forums trying to convince others they are dumb for continuing to enjoy the game, those kind of people are just pathetic.



I never said they were dumb.

I only said that dismissing the fact that the same problems after a 1,5 is dumb.

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I understand and you have a fair point.

I know that my CPU isn't the strongest.



Radeon HD 5870 Mobility

i5 M 430


Actually, your CPU is a bit worse than "not the strongest". It's from a line of chips known to run hot, its only got two physical cores, it runs hyperthreading (which gives you no benefit here, but creates a little more heat), and was classed with a 35W TDP, meaning that it probably wasn't given a very good cooler.


In the end, its only about 10-15% better than the 2GHz Core2 that is listed as SWTORs minimum requirements. It's about as low as I'd ever advise someone to play on.


As I suspected, your issue is not related to your GPU at all. You have a weak CPU. You're being bottlenecked by simple game calculations.

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I'd like to say a few words after coming back after 1+ year.


How much more time do we have to give Bioware? Until there's one server, no players on it and they start realizing that they screwed it up?

Sorry, but if you've been gone for more than 1 year, then you really have no feel for the overall state of the game in terms of player population, game economics, etc. Basically, you left around the time the CM came into place and the game went into the hybrid F2P model. Player pop has been fine and they started doubling their monthly revenue due to the CM. Is the game perfect and bug-free and does it 100% satisfy every single player? No. But the game is certainly doing well enough financially to continue on. It was never going to be the WoW killer that some people foolishly predicted, but even WoW has lost more than 1/3 of its subs in the last 3 years and its revenue is down significantly. Subscription based MMOs are dinosaurs these days and BW shrewdly found a hybrid model that would work for them and quickly put it into place. So, if you re-subbed just to come on and post your "this game is going to fail" thread, then you're going to be disappointed. As much as some people gripe about the CM, it's the only reason this game is still alive and SW nerds have proven time and again that they will buy any and everything SW-related so there's no shortage of people forking over major cash for the CM.

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Actually, your CPU is a bit worse than "not the strongest". It's from a line of chips known to run hot, its only got two physical cores, it runs hyperthreading (which gives you no benefit here, but creates a little more heat), and was classed with a 35W TDP, meaning that it probably wasn't given a very good cooler.


In the end, its only about 10-15% better than the 2GHz Core2 that is listed as SWTORs minimum requirements. It's about as low as I'd ever advise someone to play on.


As I suspected, your issue is not related to your GPU at all. You have a weak CPU. You're being bottlenecked by simple game calculations.


Since you already checked the benchmark.

Would you recommend another i5 that fits the same socket ( PGA988) and would improve the performance of the game? Nothing too expensive. 100 pounds maximum.

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