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Why does Sentinel/Marauder attract idiots?


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I find this thread to be very offensive. First off calling all people that play Sentinel's and Marauder's idiots is just plain rude. Secondly if that player that is playing that Sentinel/Marauder knows how to play there class then they will be very effective damage dealers. Finally I Play both A Sentinel and Marauder and 9 times out of 10 I find I have to baby sit the tank's and Healers. Oh And Surprise the Tank's and the Healer's Are always the first ones to die in Operations/Flashpoints/Warzone/Arenas....


Do not stress over the proselytizing of a few boors. Abasing Sentinels/Marauders so contemptuously betrays closed minds and an inability to reason. They're to be pitied, not condemned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems Sentinels/Marauders are always the biggest idiots because there are so many of them.


For every 1 of the next most popular class on your server, there are probably 20 Sentinels/Marauders. Of course you're going to come out with a bunch of idiots if you dip your hand into a pool that large at random. There are more idiots to find.


I'm not even joking. Run around your fleet for a while and see how many red X's or diamonds you see.






Dual wield.


It's a sure-fire idiot puller in any game.


WoW had their huntards and retardins and neither of those classes did much dual wielding. Even when they could use melee weapons, hunters still usually had one big 2h weapon on them.

Edited by Faolon
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  • 2 weeks later...

it doesn't.

personally i come from an old mmo tradition when cc really mattered. i absolutely cannot stand disorganised game play, ppl not respecting prio nukes, treating heals as if they're free and tanking like a due to save others from their recklessness.

as a result my pugs are smooth because ppl quickly realise i uphold the above. i am not the only one.

long story short experience develops brains and principles.


also let me dispel an awful lie here.

deep down, in that secret dark heart of theirs, every dps loves pulling aggro from a tank. :D

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At the end of the day, tanks get mad at bad sents in group finder for pulling trash mobs and stuff in fp but tbh we actually do have the tools to tank them for a fair amount of time if the healer is decent and the sent is good enough to know when to use cds. Rebuke and saber ward is quite tanky.. Well geared sentinel could tank most hm fps tbh. Also one that has a rough idea how to play holds aggro like a champ!


In GF where gear levels vary alot a sentinel may be much higher gear then the tank and the tank won't be able to hold much aggro so the sent will be tanking most of it anyway..


They can no doubt. The issue is this, the tank had to go out of his way to queue as a tank so your queue would pop and would probably rather be DPSing himself. So when you go ahead and make his job that much more difficult on top of that, just because you feel like you can tank the trash fine yourself, it makes the tank go, "why even bother".


Not to mention, guess what, you're also making it more difficult on the healer. You may be tanky enough for them to heal most trash pulls, but now they have to really focus on what they're doing, and the tank has to fight to steal aggro back, meaning a stressful flashpoint for them just because you're that impatient and can't let a tank pull first, use a threat drop and follow a kill order.

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the more you enjoy a class the more bad players you will notice playing it. i contently find mercs that are just not running the class right . From not using the right gas to purely spaming sweeping, the list goes on. the amount of horrible players i see in merc. It is all because i love that class i enjoy playing it and i know they work. its the same with everything if you enjoy the class your going to see when some one is playing it wrong.
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