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HATE OR LIKE: the good, the bad, and the UGLY...and more…


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I'm so sick of the negativity on these forums. You guys are never happy with anything BW does for the game. You screamed for a Tie-fighter like sim and now you got it! Now please stop complaining !!


Maybe it's because they constantly do things the opposite of what they should.


They could have made this a straight up dogfighting shooter that also had mouse controls, but they didn't.


They could have copied the loved classics of XvT, or XWA in controls, mechanics, and HUD, but they didn't.


They could have even gone with Tachyon's system, but they didn't.


They could have let the pilots do defensive maneuvers instead of giving them a click power to do it for them, but they didn't.


They could have gone with pilot's ability to aim to get hits instead of having some weird hit/miss chance with a floating reticule system, but they didn't.


They could have refrained from having a sniper "class" ship when there wasn't a precedent for one, but they didn't. That one is really dumb. Gunships are turreted multiperson craft, not a sniper. They're supposed to be escort ships. If they add missile boats, those are for attacking cap ships, but COULD be used to snipe with, get this, I know it's weird....missiles. BTW, their gunships look more like missileboats than gunships.


If any ship is close to the sniper, it's the scout who is fast, agile, and can swoop in to do damage, then get back out fast. Not a long range , sit still, and plink away thing.


The only thing they did right was having ship models, and interesting looking maps. Other than that, it's the lamest space combat system I have ever seen. BSG was done better, and that's sad. There's no way there's a majority who love it. That's crazy talk.


Shorten the range of blaster weapons, leaving missiles long range. That's what makes sense according to lore. Cap ship weapons should be the only ones with a longer range.


Do those guys even read the lore, or just make it up as they go along?

Edited by Hambunctious
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Preferences -> Starfighter -> Invert Mouse Vertical?


Are objectives really that immersion-breaking for you? It seems like you want Galactic Dogfighter or Interstellar Arena.


I tried this myself because I needed mine inverted, but the problem now is that the target cursor moves without moving my camera because it's not locked. When steering my ship I want inverted, but I'm thrown off with the cursor because that is inverted too. The targeting cursor is like point and click which is almost always down is down and up is up. A lot of people are use to inverted cameras, not inverted point and click.

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Yeah bioware listening to you guys has done wonders for this game. You should be a politician. Good thing bioware eventually does listen to the people who actually know what theyre talking about and fixes things eventually.


If they didn't we would still be without the ability to respec, group finders or parsers. Now if bioware would just never listen to you people we could skip all the problems and just do it right the first time.

Careful when replying to her posts. Heard she has connections to EA/BW so try avoiding responding to her, or you'll be slapped with a "paid vacation" from these boards.



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Have you ever played TIE Fighter ?


If not, then you can't judge.


For the most parts this expansion is very similar to the old x-wing series. It has the same style, skills, and game-play. It is just a "casual friendly" version of it. Rather than having complete control over your ship, you have a mild control over it. They likely decided on this so more people would be willing to play it.


It may not be as good as the old x-wing series but it's still fun as hell.

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If by similar you mean that both apples, and oranges are fruits, then okay, but they're totally different fruits.


EA's version comes nowhere close to XvT/XWA, other than there's a space backdrop.


The controls, mechanics, and overall concept are way different than XWing games.


It would have been simpler to incorporate many things from the XWing games, rather than try to reinvent the wheel, and they would have had less griping in the process. A keyboard/mouse system would have worked just as well, and they could have had the support that many are wanting..

Edited by Hambunctious
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Maybe it's because they constantly do things the opposite of what they should.


They could have made this a straight up dogfighting shooter that also had mouse controls, but they didn't.


They could have copied the loved classics of XvT, or XWA in controls, mechanics, and HUD, but they didn't.


They could have even gone with Tachyon's system, but they didn't.


They could have let the pilots do defensive maneuvers instead of giving them a click power to do it for them, but they didn't.


They could have gone with pilot's ability to aim to get hits instead of having some weird hit/miss chance with a floating reticule system, but they didn't.


They could have refrained from having a sniper "class" ship when there wasn't a precedent for one, but they didn't. That one is really dumb. Gunships are turreted multiperson craft, not a sniper. They're supposed to be escort ships. If they add missile boats, those are for attacking cap ships, but COULD be used to snipe with, get this, I know it's weird....missiles. BTW, their gunships look more like missileboats than gunships.


If any ship is close to the sniper, it's the scout who is fast, agile, and can swoop in to do damage, then get back out fast. Not a long range , sit still, and plink away thing.


The only thing they did right was having ship models, and interesting looking maps. Other than that, it's the lamest space combat system I have ever seen. BSG was done better, and that's sad. There's no way there's a majority who love it. That's crazy talk.


Shorten the range of blaster weapons, leaving missiles long range. That's what makes sense according to lore. Cap ship weapons should be the only ones with a longer range.


Do those guys even read the lore, or just make it up as they go along?


I’m starting to think that the only reason some of you post on these dreaded forums is for purposes of mental ************. Let me prove to the world how literate I am by posting paragraph after paragraph of pure crap!

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I’m starting to think that the only reason some of you post on these dreaded forums is for purposes of mental ************. Let me prove to the world how literate I am by posting paragraph after paragraph of pure crap!


Yeah youre attacking people over and over for complaining about bioware screwing up again and theyre the crazy ones.

Edited by Mallorik
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I’m starting to think that the only reason some of you post on these dreaded forums is for purposes of mental ************. Let me prove to the world how literate I am by posting paragraph after paragraph of pure crap!


Knowing how it has been done well in the past is crazy crap? Knowing some of the lore is crazy crap? Knowing what you want, and not settling for much much less is crazy crap?


The only crazy crap I'm sure has been spewed around here is from those who made the space content the way it is, and from those that defend it.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Yeah youre attacking people over and over for complaining about bioware screwing up again and theyre the crazy ones.


Yes, because BW didn't screw up. The game is what its supposed to be... FUN!!! Don't blame BW because you suck at it and as a result blame the controls

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Knowing how it has been done well in the past is crazy crap? Knowing some of the lore is crazy crap? Knowing what you want, and not settling for much much less is crazy crap?


The only crazy crap I'm sure has been spewed around here is from those who made the space content the way it is, and from those that defend it.


Knowing what you want? Who the hell are you? and why should anybody care about your interpretation of the lore or anything else? This has to be one of the worst gaming forums I have ever seen. Post after post attacking a game that thousands of people the world over enjoy every day. You forum jockeys make me sick to my stomach!

Edited by shiatcgge
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I suck at it? lol what server do you play on?

I frankly don’t give a rats butt how well you play the game. I am just saddened that a small number of grippers and whiners have been allowed to ruin the forum experience for most of us who are very happy with the game thus far.

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at some point you just have to chuckle at the most vocal complainers.


Why don't you just go out and buy a tape deck and some baggy jeans? Between swg and x-wing comparisons its obvious that you're still living in 1993.


lol. :D

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At some point you just have to chuckle at the most vocal complainers.


Why don't you just go out and buy a tape deck and some baggy jeans? Between SWG and x-wing comparisons its obvious that you're still living in 1993.


At some point you just have to shake your head and feel sorry for people who think removing options and dumbing something down is progress.

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At some point you just have to shake your head and feel sorry for people who think removing options and dumbing something down is progress.


well GSF's control scheme certainly isn't dumbing anything down. Also what worked for last decade's MMO does not work now.

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well GSF's control scheme certainly isn't dumbing anything down. Also what worked for last decade's MMO does not work now.


If you think any flight game with mouse controls is not a dumbed down version of stick controls then having a conversation with you about this is pointless.


And by the way, joysticks seem to work great for every other significant flight game out there and the ones that haven't even been released yet. So you anti options crowd can head back to your cubby hole and think up a new talking point, "This isn't 1993" doesn't work.

Edited by Mallorik
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I agree, the controls are horrible because they combine mouse behavior with flight behavior and offer no way to choose one way or the other.


It is amazing that the oposers can manage nothing more than infantile and nonsensical insults.

Edited by Graushwein
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I never played those old school flight sims.


Playing this kind of game (GSF space pvp for the first time), i did not find any problems with flight controls. they are pretty easy to use for me.


I think those who played other space sims do not like this different way of flying in space because they're not used to it.

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I never played those old school flight sims.


Playing this kind of game (GSF space pvp for the first time), i did not find any problems with flight controls. they are pretty easy to use for me.


I think those who played other space sims do not like this different way of flying in space because they're not used to it.


Change is painful for some, frightening for some. Some are just resistant and insistent. Others adapt and move forward.

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Change is painful for some, frightening for some. Some are just resistant and insistent. Others adapt and move forward.


Clarity is threatening to the biased mind. Clarity and objectivity scares them.- Richard Dawkins


Dude, you totally had me there for a second! At first I thought you were being a lame flamer like the others, but then I saw the irony with the Richard Dawkins quote in your signature about objectivity.


I agree with you, their arguments are so biased and have no basis except to say "Quit whining", like they are in kindergarten. I agree with you that it is sad that so few people on forums can communicate intelligently, objectively, and with decorum.


Yes, I know what was actually meant, but the compounding irony was just too much to pass up.

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I was expecting to find people suggesting there is an imbalance in the game. Maybe it's just me, but I find when I'm playing Republic the ships seem faster, the weapons more powerful and the missile lock more reliable than when I'm playing Sith.
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