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The Cowboy Funk Show does Galactic Starfighter


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Greetings fellow BC'ers!


Monk here with a brand new episode of The Funk all about



I really dig that they opened up the level brackets to allow lowbies to play with the 55's. My weapon of choice up front is the scout ships. They are awesome about getting in, stunning, and then getting the heck out of there. What have you guys been using? If anyone out there needs a wingman please hit me up ingame!


Galactic Starfighting has it's own forum but it is PvP nonetheless. Choose your ship as you would choose a class in standard pvp. I chose the scout that plays like the "rogue" operative. I get in there, stun, dps, and then get the heck out of there. I love that style of game play in space since I'm always healing as a sorc in reg wz's.


1. Strike Fighter: Mid range class. Medium manuverability. significant shields and HP. All around good class


2. Scout: Lightweight armor. Will die quickly if focused. Amazing manuverability. Great for close to midrange combat. Medium to weak firepower.


3. Gunship: Sniper/Tank class. Shoot across the map and one shot your foes. This class is slow and steady. Heavy armor, slow dps. When you do use your sniper shot know that you are a sitting duck. Best to have a wingman when firing up this bad boy.



Monk AKA Gold Leader 6

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I use gunship and i find it better to stay above your targets and sit at a angle like against a rock sideways or sitting on top of something so they have to work to get you. Galactic starfighter's escape mechanics kinda makes it so you can escape anything as gunship with barrel roll and other speed boosts. Gotta love plasma railgun it hits weak but it lingers and makes people freak out.
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I use gunship and i find it better to stay above your targets and sit at a angle like against a rock sideways or sitting on top of something so they have to work to get you. Galactic starfighter's escape mechanics kinda makes it so you can escape anything as gunship with barrel roll and other speed boosts. Gotta love plasma railgun it hits weak but it lingers and makes people freak out.


That's an awesome strat! I'm going to have to try that. How many kills you landing by the end of the battle with that strat?


I've been getting up close and personal with a wingman. He hangs back while i go in and sabatoge probe the enemy. Once he's demobilized the wingman comes in for the kill. Works like a charm for us.

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Ree HEE HEE HEE LY? Ok then! Red leader out! It's on


It is, fear the imps in pub starfighters!


Though if you get tired of us hunting you down Junior, hit us up Pub side, do a search for Pandalorians or join the mumble channel.


Pandalorians! Flying strong since... well since the Imp strike fighter was designed by a four year old with an Erector set , on speed and in need of a nap... how I hate it...

Edited by CKHelseth
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Nabi, teach me to starfight plz kthx!


Great work as always, Minty! :)


I can but your never on, hanging out with those Bastion scum :D.




Gunship - dishes out a lot of damage but has to be stationary so sitting ducks (if you choose this route prepare to run away like you being chased by a Monty Python rabbit, typically head for your capital ship or a friendly satellite), Stay at 10-15k distance from a friendly satellite and punish those that get in range.

Strike Fighter - Good for taking out turrets or other ships, generally relies on their missiles so better to attack from behind :eek:, Try to get into 5k distance for optimum firing, missile lock can be slightly further

Scout - (my preferred choice) good for dogfights, plus speed allows for quick capture points at the beginning of the fight. Watch out for gunships if they get a heads up on you, always attack them from a high angled vector. Try to get with 4-5km from target to get the missiles and blasters going.


In dogfights use your throttle to your advantage, X to slow to a stop and spin will get a good target on most people, if you are in a merry-go-round with another ship do a reverse eight maneuver, basically whatever direction they are going spin the opposite way with half thrusters.

Always remember to use your other skills, 1 is generally your offensive skill, 2 allows a defensive/evasive skill, 3 is the turn skill and 4 another DC/ repair skill. If I get hit by a missile I typically do a 2, 3, 4 combination followed by a thrust and click F2 (replenishes shields quicker)



F1 when dogfighting or taking out turrets

F2 when hit or trying to escape an enemy

F3 at start to get to capture points or when you are using the thrusters (spacebar) a lot


Remember, hiding under a satellite (especially one that has turrets) allows you to get objective points and will also allow you to Tab target to find incomings. Call out danger if need be, typically danger is targets within 10-15km heading in the direction of the satellite.


Okay now the lesson is over and I expect you to kill me 5 times a match now ;)


P.S. I usually do GSF on my pub Shadow Na'bi

Edited by bsbrad
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I can but your never on, hanging out with those Bastion scum :D.




Gunship - dishes out a lot of damage but has to be stationary so sitting ducks (if you choose this route prepare to run away like you being chased by a Monty Python rabbit, typically head for your capital ship or a friendly satellite), Stay at 10-15k distance from a friendly satellite and punish those that get in range.

Strike Fighter - Good for taking out turrets or other ships, generally relies on their missiles so better to attack from behind :eek:, Try to get into 5k distance for optimum firing, missile lock can be slightly further

Scout - (my preferred choice) good for dogfights, plus speed allows for quick capture points at the beginning of the fight. Watch out for gunships if they get a heads up on you, always attack them from a high angled vector. Try to get with 4-5km from target to get the missiles and blasters going.


In dogfights use your throttle to your advantage, X to slow to a stop and spin will get a good target on most people, if you are in a merry-go-round with another ship do a reverse eight maneuver, basically whatever direction they are going spin the opposite way with half thrusters.

Always remember to use your other skills, 1 is generally your offensive skill, 2 allows a defensive/evasive skill, 3 is the turn skill and 4 another DC/ repair skill. If I get hit by a missile I typically do a 2, 3, 4 combination followed by a thrust and click F2 (replenishes shields quicker)



F1 when dogfighting or taking out turrets

F2 when hit or trying to escape an enemy

F3 at start to get to capture points or when you are using the thrusters (spacebar) a lot


Remember, hiding under a satellite (especially one that has turrets) allows you to get objective points and will also allow you to Tab target to find incomings. Call out danger if need be, typically danger is targets within 10-15km heading in the direction of the satellite.


Okay now the lesson is over and I expect you to kill me 5 times a match now ;)


P.S. I usually do GSF on my pub Shadow Na'bi




Find N'abi -----> Kill N'abi


Ignore Catface at all times.


...yep that's it.

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Nice work as always Monk. Hope to see you in Space.....look for me, I will be the one killing you :)


Nabi, teach me to starfight plz kthx!


Great work as always, Minty! :)



Thanks all! I had a blast going toe to toe with you guys tonight. Let me add a few tips of my own:


1. Gear up your ships evenly. At least two. I start with my Blackbolt (scout) to capture a satellite quickly. I also choose this ship if I am trying to regain a satellite that has lots of cover ie "C" in the shipyards or "B" in Kuat.

If I know I will be fighting in the open I'll usually switch to my Gunship or my Strike Fighter.


2. Never approach an enemy head on. Playing chicken with a gunship is never a good idea. I like to approach from below or from directly above.


3. Reassign your "F" keys to something closer to ASWD. I use Q,E,F and Shift + Q to toggle between buffs.


4. Here's my rotation for the start of the battle:

a. Power to Thrusters (F3) to get to target satellite

b. Power to Shields (F2) in case a gunship followed me in from the other side

c. Tab target nearest enemy

d. Power to Blasters (F1) and begin the dogfight.

Cycling through your "power to's" is key


5. Target Na'bi and his posse at every opportunity for extra thrills.

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Thanks all! I had a blast going toe to toe with you guys tonight. Let me add a few tips of my own:


1. Gear up your ships evenly. At least two. I start with my Blackbolt (scout) to capture a satellite quickly. I also choose this ship if I am trying to regain a satellite that has lots of cover ie "C" in the shipyards or "B" in Kuat.

If I know I will be fighting in the open I'll usually switch to my Gunship or my Strike Fighter.


2. Never approach an enemy head on. Playing chicken with a gunship is never a good idea. I like to approach from below or from directly above.


3. Reassign your "F" keys to something closer to ASWD. I use Q,E,F and Shift + Q to toggle between buffs.


4. Here's my rotation for the start of the battle:

a. Power to Thrusters (F3) to get to target satellite

b. Power to Shields (F2) in case a gunship followed me in from the other side

c. Tab target nearest enemy

d. Power to Blasters (F1) and begin the dogfight.

Cycling through your "power to's" is key


5. Target Na'bi and his posse at every opportunity for extra thrills.


Damn everyone wants to kill me now, I am changing my name to ReallyNotNabi and re-petitioning BW for that stealth generator again. I really am not that good, I just pewpew and hope I hit the side of a barn with it :) basically spray and pray tactics

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