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Unguided rockets - how?


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Having played lots of Star Conflict in the past, I'm loving the star fighter now (a bit different, but tons of fun with my favourite guildies) - there is just one thing that bugs me a bit. I decided that I will be a scout, scout and nothing else. In the above mentioned game, unguided rockets are kinda easy to aim and land hits with, but the close range combat is a lot different, so I somehow fail using them in Starfighter.


Could you please share any tips on how to efficiently use them? How much do I have to lead the target? Do I even use them against maneuvering targets, or are they better for the free kills known as gunships (wink wink on those whiners) and people going in straight line? Do they have explosion radius that hits enemy if I hit the surface close to them?

Etc etc, I'll be grateful for all tips regarding these little rockets :)



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I'm curious about this too.


I find that at around the 3000m range, the rockets can be effective, so long as your target isn't too slick behind the wheel ;) beyond that...your guess is as good as mine. Interested to see what more skilled players have to say about this one.

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Use the extra range to help you. If you're in a turning battle forget it. When you get behind someone who hasn't seen you or you're chasing someone when they're moving more steadily use them. They travel at the same speed as blaster bolts so just aim at the lead indicator.


Also try flying a strike and using the heavy laser cannon. With it's really low RPM and significant power draw it's a little bit like firing rockets but you have unlimited ammo. It makes it much easier to practice.

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Thanks Yorumi, that will help a lot, I think. :)

Knowing how fast they actually are is a great start :D

I often sneak on someone doing a long smooth turn, now I will have some extra arguments against them besides a blaster volley that makes them freak out and start evasive maneuvers :)

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I use my scout once or twice per day for the free reqs and it has those missiles. You know all those times you end up in a head on version of chicken here? You can just keep right tapping, I am not sure they even have a cool down. I killed gunships head on and strike fighters who probably didn't understand what was happening and why they weren't crushing the lowly scout.


They are also awesome for turrets because of the low to no cooldown.

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I use my scout once or twice per day for the free reqs and it has those missiles. You know all those times you end up in a head on version of chicken here? You can just keep right tapping, I am not sure they even have a cool down. I killed gunships head on and strike fighters who probably didn't understand what was happening and why they weren't crushing the lowly scout.


They are also awesome for turrets because of the low to no cooldown.


There is indeed a cooldown. You can see these details if you go into preferences, starfighter, and select the detailed weapons tooltip options.


OP: Also don't forget that you have a fair few of these. Don't be afraid to just blind fire some off. Unless you are alive a pretty good amount of time, you won't really have to worry about running out. Besides, scout blasters are pretty tough anyways, so it's not a big deal when you run out:)

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There is indeed a cooldown. You can see these details if you go into preferences, starfighter, and select the detailed weapons tooltip options.


OP: Also don't forget that you have a fair few of these. Don't be afraid to just blind fire some off. Unless you are alive a pretty good amount of time, you won't really have to worry about running out. Besides, scout blasters are pretty tough anyways, so it's not a big deal when you run out:)


It isn't a cooldown technically, just a fire rate, which is 90 RPMS. It is same as your blasters, just determines how fast you can fire them.

Edited by Iwipe
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Thanks for tips guys. I will surely put them to use.


Just one thing. I dont seem to hit turrets with my rockets. I shoot some along with blaster volley (which hits, so i assume the rockets also hit), yet i see no explosion, no bigger damage number pop out. Am I doing it wrong? :D

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Dunno, I manage to hit moving fighters with dumbfire rockets, too. Point at the lead spot, like you would with blasters and fire away. Important thing - they have a narrow firing arc and huge penalties per degree. So fire only if you have a clear shot.
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I mostly use them on turrets or unmoving targets (either gunships or people who try to hide against sattelites). Sometimes I'll give them a fire and hope for the best if I'm fighting someone who doesn't maneuver all that much.


Same here. I simply haven't found any other use for them so I switched over to other rockets instead.

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I only use rockets against maneuvering targets at very close range (think nearly point blank) - at that range, they'll usually go wherever your aiming reticule for your lasers indicates you should fire. The rest of the time, I save the rockets for jousting targets (enemies coming straight at you), enemies running away that arent dodging too much, or enemies that are sitting still - primarily gunships trying to snipe.
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I only use rockets against maneuvering targets at very close range (think nearly point blank) - at that range, they'll usually go wherever your aiming reticule for your lasers indicates you should fire. The rest of the time, I save the rockets for jousting targets (enemies coming straight at you), enemies running away that arent dodging too much, or enemies that are sitting still - primarily gunships trying to snipe.

Ermagerd, I thought you quit a long time ago.:eek:

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It isn't a cooldown technically, just a fire rate, which is 90 RPMS. It is same as your blasters, just determines how fast you can fire them.

You can speed that up by using a crew member with a faster reload on secondary weapons, making it fire faster than your blasters, perfect for ruining a turret or gunships day.

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