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Written off for me.


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Stop being such a victim about it.


If you don't think it's worth the sub fee, stop paying it. If you carry on paying the sub fee while moaning about it and getting nothing you enjoy from it then that says more about you than it does about the game.

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I logged in 4 hours after release, and I got owned by people with better ships. I'm supposed to feed them kill so they can get even better ships ?

You overestimate the power of upgrades. I recently started flying on the Imperial faction (main starfighter character is Republic), and I had zero issues standing up to even supposedly "geared" enemies (tier 2 ships, sabotage probes, shorter lock time missiles, etc.) on a "fresh", "naked" Blackbolt scout. Hell, it even helped me learn to use dumbfire rockets against moving ships. Ended up second on kills and damage done.


When failing at something, the first one to examine for faults should be the person, not the environment, not the people around them. The person themselves.


Those who were on the PTS just had a far longer period of training. And it shows.


Same with Oricon : Those who did the training on the PTS were much faster to "clear content" than anybody who wasn't.


Will to win = exploit anything that's possible.

Going to PTS that's available to each and every person for free=exploit? Wow.

Edited by Helig
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Paying money just to complain is extremely odd behviour.


But it's your money, do what you want with it. If you think it's worth wasting your money on something that all you do is complain about, knock yourself out.


Just don't be a victim about it.

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I'm a subber, and I logged for trying to figure out the expansion last night


After 3 missions, I can say that the expansion is written off for me. That's a record, Bioware, and you should be proud of it.


Call me retarded, but I can't figure out the controls, and I'm not stupid enough to provide people who play 24 hours per day and/or buy stuff with free kills. You can claim that it's because I'm ''stupid'' and ''unskilled'', but like any PVP in MMO, the basic skill is ''gang up with geared guys and kill the newbie''


And that's from someone who played extensively all old X-Wing games.


I ended up after the three missions suffocating with rage. You are already robbing me of 15$ per month for about one hour of pure frustration per week, I'm not going to provide entertainement for kids that have enough free time on their hands to have ''geared'' ships 4 hours after release. Have fun.


It was plain stupid for BW to think that it would be fun to "lrn your class" while PvPing. This should have had a PvE mission component so we could lrn.

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Yes, it's really hard to imagine the following setup : someone who like Star Wars but dislike the game.


No that's perfectly understandable. Just because you like something there's nothing saying you have to like everything associated with it.


Choosing to pay for something you dislike though, that's what is odd.

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Yes, it's really hard to imagine the following setup : someone who like Star Wars but dislike the game.


Are you expecting that, given enough money, it will become something totally different?


If you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to play and continue to pay. You have ZERO legs to stand on with that argument.

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I logged in 4 hours after release, and I got owned by people with better ships. I'm supposed to feed them kill so they can get even better ships ?


I didn't log in on the day of release at all, waited till the second day and now I'm killing and getting killed by people in other ships. Some of them may have more upgrades than me, some of them may not but wither way I'm killing them, not dying too much and having a ball. Maybe you just suck?

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Yeah, I suck : I'm not stupid enough to give you and your friends free kills and entertainement. You won't be able to do ''PVP'' stuff, such as telling your 12 people party ''hey, look at the new guy, let's kill him 50 times in row to make him rage quit, we are SO GOOD !''


You will have to find other suckers to farm.

Edited by Angedechu
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Yeah, I suck : I'm not stupid enough to give you and your friends free kills and entertainement. You won't be able to do ''PVP'' stuff, such as telling your 12 people party ''hey, look at the new guy, let's kill him 50 times in row to make him rage quit, we are SO GOOD !''


You will have to find other suckers to farm.


No, by your own admission, we'll keep farming you. Because you play even though its not fun.

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I'm not even trying going to try it ever again I'm not paying for getting humiliated at the hands of people who have enough free time to play for hours per day.


I tried once to play in multiplayer at Halo 4. I was called gay and insulted over chat and teabagged. I terminated my X-BOX live account five minutes later. You like being abused and mocked ? I don't. Keep pretending that this take skill and mow down newbies that are trying it out.

Edited by Angedechu
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Yeah, I suck : I'm not stupid enough to give you and your friends free kills and entertainement. You won't be able to do ''PVP'' stuff, such as telling your 12 people party ''hey, look at the new guy, let's kill him 50 times in row to make him rage quit, we are SO GOOD !''


You will have to find other suckers to farm.

Oh, I'm sorry. Please place a glittery "star", or "snowflake" sticker on your craft so that I don't accidentally bully you and hurt your feelings by killing you in PvP.

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Apparently ,you find extatic the experience of being ganked while fighting with controls.

So.............. learn the controls in tutorial mode. They aren't hard to get used to.


And, like so many people said, if you feel so darn uncomfortable, don't play it.

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I'm not even trying going to try it ever again I'm not paying for getting humiliated at the hands of people who have enough free time to play for hours per day.


I tried once to play in multiplayer at Halo 4. I was called gay and insulted over chat and teabagged. I terminated my X-BOX live account five minutes later. You like being abused and mocked ? I don't. Keep pretending that this take skill and mow down newbies that are trying it out.


I understand your frustration and I completely agree with you that there is no purpose to that kind of talk...it's reprehensible! That kind of behavior does more harm than good and should be punished with bans!


However...you need to calm down. It's not "personal"...it's childish. They don't know you, why the hell do you care what names they call you? Don't worry about someone being better or getting killed...you lack something they have - experience. You also probably have something they lack - social skills. My suggestion.../report them, /ignore them, or throw it right back at them...understand that doing the latter could come back on you, so do it with caution.


Please remember...we ALL started gaming with NO experience. You're not alone :)

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No. I just wonder when I will start having fun with this game. I have subbed non stop for 2 years, and I think I had fun during the first week.


You know its funny I felt the same way about my job. Maybe its time you put the game aside and go find something pleasant. Like Dark souls ... you masochist.

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Sorry, it meant unsubbed and on my iPad it autocorrect end and I missed it in my quick self check.


I didn't post a whine thread that I know of or remember, I just left. It's not beyond me though cause I was pretty angry at the champion and BM box fiasco.


Regardless, I tried all the other triple A mmos after that and came back here after an email offering the expat for free. Been loving it ever since.


Ya sorry, it was a joke, but I actually like the idea...maybe we can work on a term somewhere between the two to account for people who do post big whines on the forums before they leave, you know in a totally non subtle fashion.

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