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They have the better ships ?


But...they don't? All ships, even the ones purchased in the Cartel Market, are pretty much exactly the same. And to be quite honest, I have upgraded my one scout several times...and it...performs almost exactly the same as it did before the upgrades. WOMP WOMP!


Now, admittedly, maybe I'm using the wrong upgrades, or pairing with the wrong crew members for maximum effect, but I think it's more a case of gear only helps a little, and skill is where it's at.


After I started taking my time in matches to watch enemy players, and see what kinds of techniques they were using to capture, kill and evade, and after I started taking my time to actually LEARN the flight controls, I got much better much faster. And I still wreck, I still get killed plenty, and my team still loses sometimes. But I have fun doing it when I can contribute by kill assists, etc.


I think too many people were heading into this addon expecting to just be the most bad@ss pilot in the galaxy right from the get go. There's a learning curve.

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While i agree with you 98% the whole easy to grasp thing I dont. For instance you cant move your cursor out of the bigger circle and if you do it gets stuck and you continue on that course until you return that cursor lol why in a panic do I have to keep it in such a confined space???


Just for turning mind you I understand the targeting that makes sense.


Actually, that's not waht's going on. Your cursor is still visible, outside that circle, and your ship will always turn towards your cursor.


The thing you're seeing "stuck" to the circle is your gun reticule, where your guns will shoot. Guns have a limit to how far from the center they can shoot, and that's what the circle represent.


Try it in the tutorial, move your mouse cursor around, you WILL see it outside the circle, and the "cursor" stuck on the circle will actually follow the line from the center of the screen to your cursor.


Just remember, your ship always turns towards your cursor. So if you moved your cursor to the upper left, your ship will turn up and to the left, then if you move your cursor right (to the upper right corner), your ship will turn up and to the right.


Practice in the tutorial, you'll get the hang of it soon enough.

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After 3 missions, I can say that the expansion is written off for me.

Here's your problem. It takes at least 10 matches to get comfortable and probably closer to 20 to be effective.


OTOH, if you can't accept that you're going to get blown up then yah, this feature isn't for you. Heck I'm more surprised when I don't die.

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So you don't like an aspect of the game. Whoopee.


I don't like warzones and I can't be bothered to go through the work that are higher operations.


I therefore don't do them. I'm not asking them to be changed or chucking my toys out of the pram because there are loads of people who do like them just as they are.

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Because I hope the game will get better ?


The game has gotten better, much, much better. It's one of I f not the best mmos on the market, hands down and that's coming from someone who unsubtle 6 months in and only came back a month ago.


Feel free to ignore all the advice given on how to improve, or you know, take that advice and actually improve and get better and enjoy it. Gear has nothing to do with anything in GSF and if you are outnumbered, your not in the right place and its your own fault.

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Oh, I love this ''advice'' : get a wingmen. Yesterday, I logged at 8:PM and asked where was the tutorial on the fleet.


All the ''help'' I got for this very basic question was '' Alt F4'' and the kind.


I love when you pretend that the game have a community. This is really nice.

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The game has gotten better, much, much better. It's one of I f not the best mmos on the market, hands down and that's coming from someone who unsubtle 6 months in and only came back a month ago.


Feel free to ignore all the advice given on how to improve, or you know, take that advice and actually improve and get better and enjoy it. Gear has nothing to do with anything in GSF and if you are outnumbered, your not in the right place and its your own fault.


I am old and all this newfangled lingo doesn't work for me. Does "unsublte 6 months ago" mean you posted a big whine on the forums before you left?


Seriously, it even underlines it for you if you have a spellchecker lol

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Oh, I love this ''advice'' : get a wingmen. Yesterday, I logged at 8:PM and asked where was the tutorial on the fleet.


All the ''help'' I got for this very basic question was '' Alt F4'' and the kind.


I love when you pretend that the game have a community. This is really nice.

I'm sorry you don't like playing this game. I appreciate that you still have a subscription, that helps pay to improve the game I love playing. The community is always going to appear to be bad when you're already bitter about the game that you're in.

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Because I hope the game will get better ?


if you are a sub only because you hope it will get better, then why don't you just unsub, wait for some big change, try it out on F2P, then if you think its good, play it and resub, I mean really, as it is that comment about being "robbed" of 15 dollars is all you, you are the one paying the subscription of your own free will.

Edited by Sangrar
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By ''Good at PVP'' you mean ''ganking three on one on one guy ? Or ''premade teams'' ?


My first game in an entirely un-upgraded strike fighter, queueing solo, I got 11 kills, 8 assists, 0 deaths, and over 40k damage(netted over half the combat related achievements in that one fight). The guys topping the scoreboards are more likely than not running solo.


Secondly, the matches are bracketed by gear, and gear isn't the largest determinant in the game. I didn't start playing until the evening of the launch, so your belief that some people had max upgrades within 4 hours(lol) and are dominating that way is unfounded.



Now the reason I was able to do so well is because I tested the game in closed beta(Regulators). As one of those people that you must think are using ridiculously ships or combos(my favorite ship is the Rycer atm), I can tell you that the reason people are winning so handily is because of prior experience(mixed with talent). This game is far more skill based than ground pvp, as its possible to take out multiple people singlehandedly within a short period of time. Its basically like a shooter. I've personally taken out groups as large as 6 people assaulting a satellite by myself. Yet I've played only 21 matches so far. Experience and skill vastly trump upgrades. Those upgrades primarily only make a noticeable difference in battles between highly skilled opponents. And there are players out there who are way better at the game than I am. The only OP thing about these people is their skill level though, not their gear.

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Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based.


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.

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Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based.


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.


Since the game is bracketed by gear, you could wait until the lowest bracket is filled with pretty much new players.


That's practically guaranteed come January 14th, when preferred players get access. Or you could play for a few days and see if you can pick it up. If you don't end up seeing significant improvement in your abilities, it may just not be the game for you.

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Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based.


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.


As for as I have seen no one is calling you stupid yet you bring that up a lot as if people are calling you stupid. Anyway, it just takes a few matches, if you keep trying and get into it then you can succeed. Also, try the tutorial, if you open up the hangar you will see a question mark at the top right corner, click on it and it will teach you everything and let you practice maneuvering, we all had problems with the controls at first but don't give up, it is really fun to play, and believe it or not, there are a lot of people in the same boat as you, trying to learn and cope, so don't give up, keep trying, and I can guarantee you will be a starfighter ace in 2 or 3 days.

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If you don't end up seeing significant improvement in your abilities, it may just not be the game for you.

This. I wasn't in the beta and all the experience I have has come in the last couple of days. I took to the space combat like a fish to water, I don't know why. It has been fun since the start and while I'm far from the best, I usually do pretty well in the rankings each battle (usually top 3 or 4, a few times I've been #1).


On the other hand, I don't do well in regular PvP in the game. I don't enjoy it and I'm not particularly successful. As a result, I avoid it. If you feel the same way about the space PvP, maybe you should do the same?

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Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based.


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.


Well that's pretty much life isn't it? Some things are hard to do and other people that have been doing them longer are better at doing those things. If you quit because of that is it really the games fault?


Your original argument was that they've all upgraded their stuff within 4 hours of play and the "staggering" gear differential is what's keeping you from playing the game. But now that that argument is proving unsustainable you've labeling the game unplayable because, to paraphrase: "other's are better at it than I am, so therefore this sucks"


If your complaint was constructively centered about your issues with the controls I would have an easier time understanding where you're coming from, but with 3 games you wouldn't even have enough hands on time to form a coherent opinion or feedback on those.

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Today is my third day playing it and I outperform just about everyone I play with, except Jaxin, who consistently outperforms everyone in the universe (I'm Trevis on Jung Ma). The bit about getting owned by people with better ships is totally untrue. It still comes down to skill and wit for the most part. High level upgrades are expensive and while I'm sure it's possible to have some components fully upgraded or near to fully upgraded already via fleet req transfer, I certainly haven't noticed it. If it's not your style of game, you can either accept that you're not very good at it and practice until you're decent or accept that you're not very good at it and stop playing. You're not losing because the game is unfair.


I recommend doing the tutorial once or twice and reading other tips and stuff on the forums. I've posted a few times about my tricks with a Strike Fighter that put me at top damage almost every match and I've read some other amazingly detailed posts too by other pilots.

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Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based.


However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.


You would have to have the worst attitude for a gamer

Why even play


I'm not going to try because they are better than me I'm just going to take my bat n ball and go home

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