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Considering transferring to BC.


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Well, I transferred a character over to take a gander.


Imp side seems to be full of drama and people blaming each other for problems.


I got my answers. Cheers, anyway.


Well, here we go again with the slandering of the Imps. Sigh, oh well.


I guess you missed the fact that the two others arguing in here and bringing about old drama are also Pubside. But that's ok, claim that only Imps are causing drama like all the other deluded kiddos. This server has enough ignorance, but let's keep adding to the pot.


Enjoy JEDI, you'll fit right in with the mindless worshippers!

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Actually all of our NiM clears were hit and run raid groups, the one week we brought you in one of our healers could not make it. Desi and Vaei were permanent members our of raid group and just because they weren't in guild doesn't mean its not a guild clear, just like Mir is not in DOA but he still counts towards DOA, as long as they werent in other raiding groups I dont see why it matters. But its funny how people in your guild want to join us because there is simply no real raiding going in your guild. And woohoo world 9th on HM Brontes(which I don't think is even accurate because there is no world wide tracker, but please prove me wrong with concrete evidence). You may take accomplishment in that, but that boss was not harder than NiM Dg or Nim Kephess, but you wouldn't know about that because your guild never cleared NiM Dg or Kephess, or any real NiM content. You can say what you want, but at the end of the day, you guys used an exploit to get mainhands(which made boss fights easier), and if you did that on any other server that takes raiding seriously, your kills would not count. But keep BC classy, clearing 16 man NiM EC cutting edge!


I remember grinding NiM EC back last spring with DL prog group. Miruriya (member of Doomed Lemming at the time) posted an apology an guild chat and abruptly quit the guild, stating that someone was making him do it. We find out that DOA cleared NiM EC Kephess right at that time. Here's the screenshot.




Notice the guild tag under Miruriya. The natural inference to make here is that someone from that raid group forced Miruriya to quit the guild so that screen shot would show all DOA members for that kill. If this is indeed how it went down, then that seems kind of messed up. Why would you make someone quit a guild for a screen shot?

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I remember grinding NiM EC back last spring with DL prog group. Miruriya (member of Doomed Lemming at the time) posted an apology an guild chat and abruptly quit the guild, stating that someone was making him do it. We find out that DOA cleared NiM EC Kephess right at that time. Here's the screenshot.




Notice the guild tag under Miruriya. The natural inference to make here is that someone from that raid group forced Miruriya to quit the guild so that screen shot would show all DOA members for that kill. If this is indeed how it went down, then that seems kind of messed up. Why would you make someone quit a guild for a screen shot?




Amazing the lengths people will go to all over a video game, who' legit, who's not.


Its just a video game folks, and sometimes we take it too seriously. Don't let a boring PvE event ruin your fun or your outlook on the community, it is only computers you're fighting.


PvP is where its at, and if you guys put as much time in PvE raids as you did PvP ranked. We'd have a fun as hell pvp community.


Moral of the story is. Don't trust anyone. :D Not even yourself.

Edited by Bellumpvp
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I remember grinding NiM EC back last spring with DL prog group. Miruriya (member of Doomed Lemming at the time) posted an apology an guild chat and abruptly quit the guild, stating that someone was making him do it. We find out that DOA cleared NiM EC Kephess right at that time. Here's the screenshot.




Notice the guild tag under Miruriya. The natural inference to make here is that someone from that raid group forced Miruriya to quit the guild so that screen shot would show all DOA members for that kill. If this is indeed how it went down, then that seems kind of messed up. Why would you make someone quit a guild for a screen shot?


I remember roughly more than a year ago when I joined a DL 16man NiM EV run. First time I saw you on your sage, you had Philosophers as your legacy name, and you and Moon and all the DL members were so cool in TS that I felt DL was my second home other than DoA.


The run ended in just about 5 minutes shy of getting past the title timer, but amazingly you guys still carried my Tionese gear and gave me my very first Rakata piece and the Infernal title on Kenji. Of course, I don't expect you to remember a noob like me at the time, you probably don't care either way.


As for your question, I cannot answer it simply because I wasn't there, but calling something so trivial as "kind of messed up"? That seems kind of messed up, given the half the time people joke in DL chat along with "\o/"s, Mir was probably overexaggerating, I can even ask him personally if you want the answers.


Don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, but I'm disappointed that now you'd choose to associate yourself with the likes of those who sabotaged this server and left, much less continually coming back only to reignite old feud.

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I remember roughly more than a year ago when I joined a DL 16man NiM EV run. First time I saw you on your sage, you had Philosophers as your legacy name, and you and Moon and all the DL members were so cool in TS that I felt DL was my second home other than DoA.


The run ended in just about 5 minutes shy of getting past the title timer, but amazingly you guys still carried my Tionese gear and gave me my very first Rakata piece and the Infernal title on Kenji. Of course, I don't expect you to remember a noob like me at the time, you probably don't care either way.


As for your question, I cannot answer it simply because I wasn't there, but calling something so trivial as "kind of messed up"? That seems kind of messed up, given the half the time people joke in DL chat along with "\o/"s, Mir was probably overexaggerating, I can even ask him personally if you want the answers.


Don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, but I'm disappointed that now you'd choose to associate yourself with the likes of those who sabotaged this server and left, much less continually coming back only to reignite old feud.


I am curious as to what has been sabotaged? If you were are referring to your thread, I am one person and have never told anyone not post in there.

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I am curious as to what has been sabotaged? If you were are referring to your thread, I am one person and have never told anyone not post in there.


Oh my thread is fine. If anything, some of your suggestions helped me on my progression formats, I have you to thank for that.

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Well, I transferred a character over to take a gander.


Imp side seems to be full of drama and people blaming each other for problems.


I got my answers. Cheers, anyway.


naww man bc isnt really full of drama. every server has drama. its the forums that brings out the real warrior in us. Just play the game dude. if you like the people you meet then stay... if you dont then move on. its really not that difficult.

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naww man bc isnt really full of drama. every server has drama. its the forums that brings out the real warrior in us. Just play the game dude. if you like the people you meet then stay... if you dont then move on. its really not that difficult.


shut up mallo




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Well, here we go again with the slandering of the Imps. Sigh, oh well.


I guess you missed the fact that the two others arguing in here and bringing about old drama are also Pubside. But that's ok, claim that only Imps are causing drama like all the other deluded kiddos. This server has enough ignorance, but let's keep adding to the pot.


Enjoy JEDI, you'll fit right in with the mindless worshippers!


I didn't comment on the Republic side because I only transferred over an Imp character.


It'd be unfair to make a blind assumption.


But okay.

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I didn't comment on the Republic side because I only transferred over an Imp character.


It'd be unfair to make a blind assumption.


But okay.


You made a blind assumption though:


Imp side seems to be full of drama and people blaming each other for problems.


That's basically criticizing the Imperial side of the server without any real evidence to support the notion. Even more so, you have two specific people showcasing guild drama on the Republic side to openly go against that claim. So if you see drama, it's everywhere, not just one faction.


Because of that, it's an ignorant statement, thus a blind assumption.

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I remember roughly more than a year ago when I joined a DL 16man NiM EV run. First time I saw you on your sage, you had Philosophers as your legacy name, and you and Moon and all the DL members were so cool in TS that I felt DL was my second home other than DoA.


The run ended in just about 5 minutes shy of getting past the title timer, but amazingly you guys still carried my Tionese gear and gave me my very first Rakata piece and the Infernal title on Kenji. Of course, I don't expect you to remember a noob like me at the time, you probably don't care either way.


As for your question, I cannot answer it simply because I wasn't there, but calling something so trivial as "kind of messed up"? That seems kind of messed up, given the half the time people joke in DL chat along with "\o/"s, Mir was probably overexaggerating, I can even ask him personally if you want the answers.


Don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, but I'm disappointed that now you'd choose to associate yourself with the likes of those who sabotaged this server and left, much less continually coming back only to reignite old feud.


When I first started raiding seriously, the Doomed Lemmings were generous enough to take me along, even though I was a member of another guild at the time. If I had cleared progression content with them back then, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make me switch guilds, and I certainly wouldn't have minded if it was considered a Lemmings kill for progression purposes.


I guess I just don't agree with what seems to be an insistence that all members of the raid group have to be members of a guild in order for a boss kill to count towards progression. Perhaps I misunderstand the progression rules. It doesn't matter so much at this point.


Nothing personal against you, Kenji. I've been playing with Thorazine for over a year now, and although he probably smells funny, he's the closest friend I have in this game. I will always have his back in these sorts of situations. I know that you are also very loyal, so I'm sure you understand, since you would also do the same for your brethren, like Manodith, Vender, or Neutrino.

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Some of you need to take a day off. A person asks how a sever is and youu turn it into your own flame war about PVEz. If the OP asked to hear about RP/PVE/Guild drama they would have asked.


While I agree with you Devinia, it does say a lot about our server. You have a few loud people who like to stir this sort of thing up and a lot more that go about playing the game and enjoying it making sure to take as little part of the larger community as possible.


I know my guild for the most part stays off fleet and does their own thing. I think only N'abi and I venture onto the forums, N'abi a bit more than I, but still sparingly. While we are a small guild that means more about 90% of my guild never sees any of this or comments on it.


To the OP, I think BC is a good server if you want to find a good group of people and play. There are many great players and guilds to join and find an excellent "home" with. If you want to be part of a larger server community that plays well with each other and is supportive... I would look elsewhere.

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While I agree with you Devinia, it does say a lot about our server. ....


No, just no.


The forums do not represent a server they never do.


Lets be real, I am in one of the well known guilds on this server and there are 4 of us I can think of who post. The rest of the members, the vast majority consider the forums to be joke, cesspool, waste of time, etc. If you asked every member to post or be kicked, you would have to actually kick some people because they want nothing to do with forums, these or any other.


Any GM who has ever tried to get people to use a Guilds' Forums can tell you it is an uphill battle; the only possible exception to that being super serious raiding guilds where the meta-game is critical.

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Mind you, all my toons are sub-55.



- I get PvP pops roughly every 10 minutes if I queue religiously.

- There's fewer Pubs than Imps, but there's a lot of very good Pub pvpers, while you find lot of facerollers on Impside.

- Not many good PvP guilds, and all the ones I do see are usually not active.

- Peak would probably be at night and early morning (U.S. Eastern)



- There's a few good RP guilds who are actually fun to hang with and actually know IC/OOC

- Not much. It's mostly guilds and friends grouping together. Also, listen to Zu's rant about 'Darth John'. She's right.

- Hmmm..... Not sure about superiority. I think Imp might have more population in general.

- Again, see Zuhara's rant.



- Basically, my response would be close to Zuhara's.

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