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Considering transferring to BC.


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From The Ebon Hawk; mostly due to ping issues. (I'm an Australian player.)


I have a few questions.


A) What is the PVP scene like?


- Queue Times

- Faction Superiority

- PVP Guilds

- Peak Times


B) What is the RP scene like?


- RP Guilds

- Public RP (RP Hotspots, Activity, Public Events, RP Quality, etc.)

- Faction Superiority

- Community


C) Guilds


- Any AU/APAC RP-PVP Guilds? (Empire)

- What are the most prominent RP guilds?

- What are the most prominent PVP guilds?

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From The Ebon Hawk; mostly due to ping issues. (I'm an Australian player.)


I have a few questions.


A) What is the PVP scene like?


- Queue Times

- Faction Superiority

- PVP Guilds

- Peak Times


B) What is the RP scene like?


- RP Guilds

- Public RP (RP Hotspots, Activity, Public Events, RP Quality, etc.)

- Faction Superiority

- Community


C) Guilds


- Any AU/APAC RP-PVP Guilds? (Empire)

- What are the most prominent RP guilds?

- What are the most prominent PVP guilds?


A) Can't speak much for lowbies, but the 55 PvP scene is somewhat lacking. Ranked happens on occasion, and the overall quality of player on the server is pretty pathetic.

-Reg Queues normally pop at all hours, given the server merges making even the latenight/early morning hours in America active since that is around Aussie primetime. Pops may not happen after leaving a WZ, but I'd say most of the time, you'll only have to wait around 5-15 mins to get a pop unless you queue up in what would be morning for Americans ( ~ 8-10 AM CST)

-Faction superiority right now is the Imperials, due to mass numbers who queue. Many of the 55 matches are played Imp vs Imp, and Pubside rarely has players from what I see. Quality of players is debatable, as ironically, I have seen a few Pubside premade groups take advantage of getting put together in teams simply because no one else was queuing on that side (lol), but the Imperials have an overwhelming amount of people in comparison to the Pubs when it comes to how many queue up.

-Hardly any PvP guilds actively remain on the server, in all honesty. The notable tags to look for left Impside are Grim Determination, maybe some Remnants (haven't seen a lot play), Bushido, The Dread Masters (;)), and maybe even a little We Stack Presence. As for pubside, Dead on Arrival, Infamous, and Company are the only tags notable for PvP. All of the guilds though (not sure about Bushido) aren't too active, but if you want to find a PvP crowd, those guys are your best bet.


B) In relation to Ebon Hawk, it's not too different from what I've heard. As for all of the dashed comments, I'd recommend checking out begerencolony.org for discovering the different types of events hosted by some of the veteran/experienced RPers/getting to see some different guilds.


Most of the guilds I see, however, tend to be full of people who actually (IE) try to RP as if there really is a "Darth Jacob" and don't really know the difference between IC and OOC, and most importantly, IC and OOC drama.


C) Again, based on the comments above, I'm sure you might be able to derive who the best guilds for those two categories are. A few notable names though:



-Shades of the Eternal Void, known for some end game PvP and PvE content clearing (Not sure on their achievements, perhaps check the progression thread)

-Contra Sanctus, more of a raid guild, focuses mostly on the PvE side of things.

-Quorum, another top level end game level raiding guild

-Solatium (not sure if still active), top end level raid guild



-The Order of El Eyon, top end game raid guild

-Company, end game PvP and PvE


RP guilds are something I can't speak much on, but begerencolony.org should give you a few pointers to watch out for. Also, we have a few guilds dedicated to pulling quantity over quality, so be weary of the con artist if he tries to preach to you how awesome of a guild he has (check the recruitment section, you'll see him posting for recruits to his mostly inactive community). Also, a lot of the "RP" guilds around BC tend to follow the archetype of player I gave earlier with the "Darth Jacob" comment, so be wary of that as well.


Hope this helped, enjoy the server if you decide to transfer!

Edited by ZooMzy
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Zu, we still do progression although not as much as we tend to stick to 8 man.


We are currently HM DF 3/5 but will be difficult over the holidays to get much progression on as most of our players have family commitments.


We are always on the lookout for new players or sister guilds to run content with as we have a couple of decent experienced raiders who will probably get rusty over the break. Pity I can't heal them through that although I may take a 2 week sabbatical myself.


As far as the OP is concerned, pretty much what Zu said (although you can call him SparkleTank from now on, it's a term of affection for him ;) ).


PVP, as I queue at different hours than Zu (and probably have more alts), the 10-29 bracket is a bit of a mess (as you would expect) where 1-2 veteran PVP players can run through the WZs like their gods as most of the ppl don't know anything other than their basic attack. The 30-54 bracket seems to be the most competitive and slightly favors the Republic teams, due to a lot of vets leveling alts or having alts that they haven't yet pushed to 55. At the 55 level Imps dominate unless a dual pre-made is running on the Pub side.


PVE, most of the high end raiders left for the Harbinger, what is left on the imp side (side I am more familiar with) are Shades (primarily a 16M group), Contra, Quorum, Malevolence (not sure if they jumped to Harbinger either) and Solatium, occasionally some PVP guilds like Grim still run content. On pub side check out the link Progression Thread but I know the main guilds like Epic and Hit&Run have left to pastures new. El Elyon is probably your best bet on the pub side, but some of their key raiders went to Epic (although alts may still be around). We (Solatium) are maybe looking at getting together a pubside raid going (our pub guild goes by the name Pandalorians)

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I can't really tell you what the RP scene is like. I can say that the server regularly is heavy or higher load, so there are plenty of people playing.


As to PVP, at 55 it's mostly Imps winning. There are a couple guilds that do 8 man premades and roll pugs. When they come out to play most of the rep players finish their dailies and call it a day so queue times go way up on the rep side. At the moment queue times are longer than normal with everyone playing GS. Time will tell how that works out. GS queue times are pretty short, usually less than 5 minutes. Regular PVP queue times are topping 20 minutes most of the time, right now. I can't tell you about ranked since I can't stand the arenas and won't play them.

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From The Ebon Hawk; mostly due to ping issues. (I'm an Australian player.)


I have a few questions.


A) What is the PVP scene like?


- Queue Times

- Faction Superiority

- PVP Guilds

- Peak Times


B) What is the RP scene like?


- RP Guilds

- Public RP (RP Hotspots, Activity, Public Events, RP Quality, etc.)

- Faction Superiority

- Community


C) Guilds


- Any AU/APAC RP-PVP Guilds? (Empire)

- What are the most prominent RP guilds?

- What are the most prominent PVP guilds?



A) Fun

1 - depends on time of day, but fast usually 1-5 minutes tops

2 - some, but they come and go

3 - evenings, PST


B) gotta get into the right guild

1. check out 6 guild RP society found at http://www.jediswtor.com

2. Fleet, Nar Shadda

3. Balanced , but RP happens more so on Republic Side

4. Imperial side tends to have more... immature/jerk players.



1. Some, many from that time zone came to this server.

2. again, http://www.jediswtor.com - 6 guilds, over 2100 members

3. this changes from month to month

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A) Can't speak much for lowbies, but the 55 PvP scene is somewhat lacking. Ranked happens on occasion, and the overall quality of player on the server is pretty pathetic.

-Reg Queues normally pop at all hours, given the server merges making even the latenight/early morning hours in America active since that is around Aussie primetime. Pops may not happen after leaving a WZ, but I'd say most of the time, you'll only have to wait around 5-15 mins to get a pop unless you queue up in what would be morning for Americans ( ~ 8-10 AM CST)

-Faction superiority right now is the Imperials, due to mass numbers who queue. Many of the 55 matches are played Imp vs Imp, and Pubside rarely has players from what I see. Quality of players is debatable, as ironically, I have seen a few Pubside premade groups take advantage of getting put together in teams simply because no one else was queuing on that side (lol), but the Imperials have an overwhelming amount of people in comparison to the Pubs when it comes to how many queue up.

-Hardly any PvP guilds actively remain on the server, in all honesty. The notable tags to look for left Impside are Grim Determination, maybe some Remnants (haven't seen a lot play), Bushido, The Dread Masters (;)), and maybe even a little We Stack Presence. As for pubside, Dead on Arrival, Infamous, and Company are the only tags notable for PvP. All of the guilds though (not sure about Bushido) aren't too active, but if you want to find a PvP crowd, those guys are your best bet.


B) In relation to Ebon Hawk, it's not too different from what I've heard. As for all of the dashed comments, I'd recommend checking out begerencolony.org for discovering the different types of events hosted by some of the veteran/experienced RPers/getting to see some different guilds.


Most of the guilds I see, however, tend to be full of people who actually (IE) try to RP as if there really is a "Darth Jacob" and don't really know the difference between IC and OOC, and most importantly, IC and OOC drama.


C) Again, based on the comments above, I'm sure you might be able to derive who the best guilds for those two categories are. A few notable names though:



-Shades of the Eternal Void, known for some end game PvP and PvE content clearing (Not sure on their achievements, perhaps check the progression thread)

-Contra Sanctus, more of a raid guild, focuses mostly on the PvE side of things.

-Quorum, another top level end game level raiding guild

-Solatium (not sure if still active), top end level raid guild



-The Order of El Eyon, top end game raid guild

-Company, end game PvP and PvE


RP guilds are something I can't speak much on, but begerencolony.org should give you a few pointers to watch out for. Also, we have a few guilds dedicated to pulling quantity over quality, so be weary of the con artist if he tries to preach to you how awesome of a guild he has (check the recruitment section, you'll see him posting for recruits to his mostly inactive community). Also, a lot of the "RP" guilds around BC tend to follow the archetype of player I gave earlier with the "Darth Jacob" comment, so be wary of that as well.


Hope this helped, enjoy the server if you decide to transfer!


El Elyon top raid guild lol

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El Elyon top raid guild lol


lol why so mean. Also ZU, there are other guilds clearing content such as DWBI, but people tend not to post in that thread because kenji requires that we post our firstborn child as verification. Other servers have systems like his because there are so many guilds and the community cant police itself, but here there are only a handful of guilds so the honor system should work and has worked in the past. The only guild that has ever been dishonest(and this is my opinion) is DOA, as they exploited the game to get mainhands. Any real progression guild wouldn't need to cheat to get gear.

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lol why so mean. Also ZU, there are other guilds clearing content such as DWBI, but people tend not to post in that thread because kenji requires that we post our firstborn child as verification. Other servers have systems like his because there are so many guilds and the community cant police itself, but here there are only a handful of guilds so the honor system should work and has worked in the past. The only guild that has ever been dishonest(and this is my opinion) is DOA, as they exploited the game to get mainhands. Any real progression guild wouldn't need to cheat to get gear.


Tbh, I didn't realize they were an actual guild. I thought it was one of those guilds like "Hoth Chocolate" or "fo twenny booty squad", where it's mostly just a collection of alts sharing a tag, rather than an active recruiting guild. Even then, I honestly can't speak on what they clear as I don't know anything about them :/


That actually reminds me of a few guilds I also left out, such as Imperial Northwestern and Dendari Mercenary Fleet who also don't post in that thread. Don't know much about them personally, but I believe both are casual RP and end game content PvE from my friends in Contra.


Fair enough, just saying that since they are posting content being cleared, they're one of the top guilds at least on this server. Whether or not the standard is low is another question, which I'm sure anyone looking to transfer will find out soon enough if the various guilds meet their standards :)

Edited by ZooMzy
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Tbh, I didn't realize they were an actual guild. I thought it was one of those guilds like "Hoth Chocolate" or "fo twenny booty squad", where it's mostly just a collection of alts sharing a tag, rather than an active recruiting guild. Even then, I honestly can't speak on what they clear as I don't know anything about them :/


That actually reminds me of a few guilds I also left out, such as Imperial Northwestern and Dendari Mercenary Fleet who also don't post in that thread. Don't know much about them personally, but I believe both are casual RP and end game content PvE from my friends in Contra.


Fair enough, just saying that since they are posting content being cleared, they're one of the top guilds at least on this server. Whether or not the standard is low is another question, which I'm sure anyone looking to transfer will find out soon enough if the various guilds meet their standards :)


The Last time Elyon posted in the progression thread is from before their main raiders left to reform epic. I dont think they have progressed farther than hm nefra. And I would say most of the prior progression that was made was from the people of epic.

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but people tend not to post in that thread because kenji requires that we post our firstborn child as verification. Other servers have systems like his because there are so many guilds and the community cant police itself, but here there are only a handful of guilds so the honor system should work and has worked in the past.
So asking for a screenshot, even if the achievement shots aren't taken inside the instance can be counted as progression, is asking people to post their firstborn child as verification?


I don't even know what that metaphor means, people of this server have agreed that progression, no matter how casual or hardcore, simply need proof, and my rules are written plain and simple for those who can read.


I apologize if your literacy is not adequate enough to understand my rules, since you'd think they're asking for your first born child (lol wut?).

Edited by LaniAkavir
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The only guild that has ever been dishonest(and this is my opinion) is DOA, as they exploited the game to get mainhands. Any real progression guild wouldn't need to cheat to get gear.

Funny fact: HNR used the glitch on Dash'Roode,

, and claimed it as a guild clear.

Another funny fact: HNR's raid group are decked out in full 75s before the Dread Progression started, but they still can't clear HM Brontes before her nerf or Council. Whereas DoA cleared HM Brontes before her nerf in full 72s.


As for the mainhand, it was an unintended accident by the BioWare CS, which has nothing to do with us intentionally exploiting. If anything, HNR (or just thorazine) have cheated on progression themselves only to call out others to be the cheaters.


Like you said, real progression guilds don't need to cheat to get gear, they don't need to cheat to get progression done, either.


Hypocrisy will only bring this server down, I apologize to everyone who's been unwillingly involved in this bantha poodoo show. Like I've said before, trivial conflicts and rivalries between the guilds have been the bane of progression threads on this server forums, and thorazine's post is here to sabotage what we have in Begeren Colony.

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Look! There's the con artist now!


You can tell his guild actually doesn't do much by the way he blames all the main Imperial players for being jerks, let alone runs 6 successful guilds where half of them are supposedly recruiting said "jerks". More like maybe 2 who actually do anything, and they would be better off without his lead.


By the way, just a few things to note about his opinion that should help you understand his true ignorance here:


-He doesn't actively play the game, let alone knows anything about the server community. Other than hatred towards past leaders that made his joke of a guild successful, then quit when they finally knew better ;)

-He doesn't actually even lead his guilds, as he assigns a GM to do the job for him. So like I mentioned earlier, his only measure of success is through member count because he probably couldn't name ten people from his 2100 member community without scanning the member list if you asked him to.


I gurantee you that if you join that guild, you'll probably quit within a week when you see what's going on over there. I've always referred to that guild as the equivalent of a bad Walmart, where they have nothing but try to get everything. And if I may, this quote sums that guild up pretty well:


"As you were, you are, and you will always be nothing." ;)


This person is a known server troll, and has subsequently been banned from our community. I wonder why :rolleyes:


Everything he said is either a blatant lie or spewed in complete ignorance of our community.


Between the 6 guilds we have well over a hundred members online, at this very moment, and usually do except during off-peak times. Yes, I can not only name 10, I am friends with and personally know many members in these guilds, and have for 9 years.


Sure, we are not the guild for everyone, but we are the largest, active community on this server.


You can see why he couldn't cut it in our community though. We have a low tolerance level for immature trolls, especially ones with an over inflated ego.


Should you decide to ignore this persons misguided and ill-stated drivel, I would be happy to meet you to discuss our server and our community on our teamspeak most any evening of the week.



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This person is a known server troll, and has subsequently been banned from our community. I wonder why :rolleyes:


After I left? Funny how most of your community actually still respects and are on friendly terms with me. But again, how would you know better? You don't even know what "troll" or "derail" means, let alone your community's actual policy towards me. Other than your loud mouth barking "forever banned!" nonsense again.


But that's ok, ban me. I'll just keep coming into your TS and greeting old friends like I've always done. :rolleyes:


Everything he said is either a blatant lie or spewed in complete ignorance of our community.


Then tell us all about the progression of each guild in end game PvE. Tell us more about the extremely high ratings your PvPers have, or for better measure, get some people posting about how much of a presence your tags hold in a WZ. Besides people rolling their eyes at the lack of quality your guild name emphasizes.


Tell us all about your RP too, give a few in depth characters and colorful RP events you have held in the past few months. There's a reason why you only post these little unsupported attacks, kid. Because aside from your own personal reasons, you seriously can not name a single piece of evidence of support in regards to your community because you know less than a percent of the people you recruit. And to top it all off, your community is sitting at maybe less than 100 active and different accounts playing, probably 200 inactive ones that you keep to fluff your numbers, and close to 2000 alts. So much for a wide range of diverse people, more like a small collective of players with an inactive con artist at the helm.


Between the 6 guilds we have well over a hundred members online, at this very moment, and usually do except during off-peak times. Yes, I can not only name 10, I am friends with and personally know many members in these guilds, and have for 9 years.


Lol, let me give you some recent stats there kiddo:



Mando'ade (pretty sure many of the leaders complained that the "Alitte" part wasn't really Mando either lol): 6

Blackops: 3


These are your Imperial guilds, in case you forgot with your skewed "over 100" count. Such ignorance, it's no wonder you get half of your members to quit in those three whenever you meddle with the leadership in a community you know nothing about.


And friends? Lol, whenever I would talk to the people in JEDI, many of them were talking about how much of an ignorant egotistical child you are in regards to the way the guilds run. I believe Komm's analogy of it was like a fiscal manager trying to criticize a chef on how to cook properly. Metaphorically put, it would make a big difference to your community if you knew how to "cook".


And don't get me started on how little respect Rortell, Roelend, Kiyra, and almost everyone who used to sign into that TS 3 months prior had towards you. The community thrives whenever you go inactive, and it crashes whenever you meddle. I will give you credit though, it's amazing how you con so many of those good will people into running your guilds for you. Surely it's an amazing feat, how so many can complain about your constant meddling within the guild's functions, yet they still remain in the membership. Hell, I remember quitting and joining back because of it too, so you even got me.


/tiphat to you, great con artist. My "trolling" skills are no match for your twisted wordsmithing and empty promises that vaguely remind people of a stupid politician.


You can see why he couldn't cut it in our community though. We have a low tolerance level for immature trolls, especially ones with an over inflated ego.


Should you decide to ignore this persons misguided and ill-stated drivel, I would be happy to meet you to discuss our server and our community on our teamspeak most any evening of the week.




Enjoy talking to him, either way if you decide to join them, then that's your own decision. No matter how hard he tries to deny it, I left that community on my own terms and am now part of a better progression group, and run around the server with my own tag. You will come to know me on my main, Zuhara, very well as I am basically the server celebrity. Love, hate, or indifference is your ultimate decision. I would still caution you, as many people here can attest to the fact that the community he's preaching about is in fact, not as it seems.


Oh by the way, is my goodbye thread still up on that site, kiddo? I remember how you started attacking me, since you thought I was pouching members from your guilds with a goodbye update lol. If not that's fine.


I know I must've stolen, like, thousands and hundreds of your loyal and attentive membership that you ironically knew nothing about. Smh, delusional children these days.

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HnR group never glitched Nim Dash, that video we posted was weeks after we cleared it the traditional way, content gets boring when you clear it over and over the same way, and that was HM not NM. Please get your facts straight. And we weren't decked out in kell dragon gear, when I did say that a while back I was referring to my YES group. And I'm sorry if DoA was never able to clear nightmare content, you can be hardmode warriors, but when the real stuff comes you can just find ways to cheat. Also, I would understand if 1 person had the mainhand, but multiple people in your group all used the same exploit, I was only aware of it because Ora was flashing it in my face.


And Kenji, there is a reason why people don't post in your thread. It's truly a shame that the guilds with the most progression on the server wont get the recognition they deserve.


It's okay, DoA's progression group was practically on a hiatus when summer hit, which is why we missed out (and don't care about) the NiM progression.


Of course, once the hiatus was over, we got World 9th HM Brontes.


You're quite right, when the real stuff comes, HNR couldn't find any ways to cheat their way through, and had to spend thrice the time DoA had to clear first 4 bosses in HM Fortress and Palace, not to mention HNR's inability to clear HM Brontes with 75 gear until she's nerfed. It wasn't even HNR's group when they cleared NiM contents, it was a new pug group every week, derp.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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So asking for a screenshot, even if the achievement shots aren't taken inside the instance can be counted as progression, is asking people to post their firstborn child as verification?


Sadly changing server does not increase intelligence of players. Its best to ignore morons. And we are talking about a guild here who could not find 2 healers in their entire guild to clear any content and had to borrow healers and then decided not to share the credit and wipes in HM EC tank bosses so many time that they had to call quits (on 55 level alts geared in 69 gears). So ya ignore the morons.

Edited by Helmholtzz
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It's okay, DoA's progression group was practically on a hiatus when summer hit, which is why we missed out (and don't care about) the NiM progression.


Of course, once the hiatus was over, we got World 9th HM Brontes.


You're quite right, when the real stuff comes, HNR couldn't find any ways to cheat their way through, and had to spend thrice the time DoA had to clear first 4 bosses in HM Fortress and Palace, not to mention HNR's inability to clear HM Brontes with 75 gear until she's nerfed. It wasn't even HNR's group when they cleared NiM contents, it was a new pug group every week, derp.


Actually all of our NiM clears were hit and run raid groups, the one week we brought you in one of our healers could not make it. Desi and Vaei were permanent members our of raid group and just because they weren't in guild doesn't mean its not a guild clear, just like Mir is not in DOA but he still counts towards DOA, as long as they werent in other raiding groups I dont see why it matters. But its funny how people in your guild want to join us because there is simply no real raiding going in your guild. And woohoo world 9th on HM Brontes(which I don't think is even accurate because there is no world wide tracker, but please prove me wrong with concrete evidence). You may take accomplishment in that, but that boss was not harder than NiM Dg or Nim Kephess, but you wouldn't know about that because your guild never cleared NiM Dg or Kephess, or any real NiM content. You can say what you want, but at the end of the day, you guys used an exploit to get mainhands(which made boss fights easier), and if you did that on any other server that takes raiding seriously, your kills would not count. But keep BC classy, clearing 16 man NiM EC cutting edge!

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Lol and this is why I am tired of playing on BC. On pub side over wise, all you hear about is the drama between 2 certain guilds, and on imp side there is too much drama back from when the big split in the Sith order and zu left. It's the same drama repeating itself for ages. Every forum thread gets derailed by it. I have played often with Thorazine and sometimes with zuhurah, and consider both of them good no great guys to hang with, but all the drama just gets old. It's why I'm currently taking an indeffinate break from begeren and playing my new jugg on bastion lol
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