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IMP side getting facerolled in GS


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57-1 Imperial. Been playing every day. Republic haven't gotten much better.


A terrible group of 4 is responsible for our only loss, they spent half the match fighting 20 clicks away from C on space map.

Edited by FridgeLM
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Depends on the time of day. Some times Imp rocks WZ's and GS, and other times (mostly over night EST), Imp just blows... Play during the day (EST) if you want wins.. play during the night if you want welfare credits.


I've spent the last few nights flying GS absolutely hammered drunk/flying in to random crap.


The only true way to play GS IMO.

Edited by TrooperRCH
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You must be playing other repub teams or have been lucky enough not to run in to us.


Nah, IMP side is absolutely HORRIBLE at PvP during evening and weekend hours. YOU must be playing against other IMP teams, or playing during the day time, which is the only time IMP wins, because all the Republic PvPers dont log in until the evenings and weekends, at which point, you mind as well not even queue for a warzone unless you have an experienced premade group ready to go in.

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Nah, IMP side is absolutely HORRIBLE at PvP during evening and weekend hours. YOU must be playing against other IMP teams, or playing during the day time, which is the only time IMP wins, because all the Republic PvPers dont log in until the evenings and weekends, at which point, you mind as well not even queue for a warzone unless you have an experienced premade group ready to go in.


1.) The thread says GS in the title which implies Galactic Starfighter if I'm not mistaken. Maybe you're thinking of ground pvp?


2.) You must be high. I put in around 13 hours (roughly 11 am to midnight) of starfighter yesterday. I lost ONE match (and still ended up on top of the scoreboard) because none of my buddies were online to group with for a brief window.


What's your in game name? I'll make sure to screen shot every match I run in to you. :cool:

Edited by -Shadowfist-
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I know I will get bood for pointing out the obvious but I haven't seen it done yet. As pertaining to the Op. Allow me to set up this equation. And you all can use your deductive reasoning to come to the same conclusion I have.



Pubs are rolling Imps +


Imps are never getting better +


Pubs win mostly during the prime time evening hours when everybody is on +


Imps only seem to get a win during the daytime hours +


You shouldn't even que unless you have a premade to go up against =


( f*** it I will spell it out for ya)


Its safe to say given the context clues above that the same players you are being rolled by on the pub side are probably alt toons of the same players on the IMP side.


They kick your *** during the day as IMPs then at night when the population is higher they log onto their pubs and roll ya at night.


Now if a player is known for being good on one side, why would they mask their identity you ask?


Well allow me to tell you the answer to that as well.


One would be able to determine that if they are rolling folks all day and night that Mr. anonymous has been playing all day and all night and thus would come off as a loser with no life but a whole lot of epeen that needs stroking.:D

Edited by Steele_Reserve
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