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Does the gunship railgun do any damage at all?


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Well, if you do score a hit, a number should pop up over the target like "1200". If that does not happen, you probably missed.


Remember, the weapons are not 100% accurate and enemy ships also have some "evasion" %. Im not sure how exactly it works, probably Accurracy - Evasion = Hit chance.


Accuracy depends on your distance from the target, how far off your center youre firing (firing arc reduces accuracy, if i remember correctly, but i dont know how much exactly).


If the number did pop, but the target info did not change, there might be lag issues or some other bugs you may consider reporting. I had no problems when trying out my Gunboat last night.

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LOL, I thought the same thing when I first used it. I was like, "this isn't doing any damage at all." You have to hold down the trigger and charge it. You will see the little bars charge up. When it's fully charged you let it go and BAM! I can 2 shot peeps with fully charged shots. Just stay like 10-14k from the action.
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The problem may be because I wasn't letting it charge. So how do you charge it?


Click Rmouse to enter the Gunship's railgun mode, then hold Lmouse to charge up. You can see the charge bar fill above your target circle. When the two sides meet in the middle, you're at max charge.


Charging also depletes your weapon power, which is on the left of the target circle. If you're low on weapon power, you might not get to full railgun charge. Then it will just fire when you fully deplete weapon power, wherever your targeting circle currently is.


Click R mouse or move (including a defensive manoeuvre) will break you out of railgun mode.


You can switch between railguns using abilities, defaults to 1 key.


In answer to your initial question, yes, railguns do brutal damage.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Well, if you do score a hit, a number should pop up over the target like "1200". If that does not happen, you probably missed.


Remember, the weapons are not 100% accurate and enemy ships also have some "evasion" %. Im not sure how exactly it works, probably Accurracy - Evasion = Hit chance.


Accuracy depends on your distance from the target, how far off your center youre firing (firing arc reduces accuracy, if i remember correctly, but i dont know how much exactly).


If the number did pop, but the target info did not change, there might be lag issues or some other bugs you may consider reporting. I had no problems when trying out my Gunboat last night.


Another thing to remember is you have 2 railguns......on a "fresh" target, charge and fire your Ion bolt first to disable their shielding, then switch and fire the slug/plasma gun to damage the hull.


Also....the rail gun compensates for enemy movement....so you are looking to bullseye the ship, not lead it like you do with blasters.

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Mine seems to have a nice damage-over-time effect too. I blasted a couple of guys just now with it, knocking quite big chunks off their health bar, and got the message I had killed them a few seconds later, after they had flown off.


This was the plasma railgun. Not sure if all the types do that.

Edited by PLynkes
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Mine seems to have a nice damage-over-time effect too. I blasted a couple of guys just now with it, knocking quite big chunks off their health bar, and got the message I had killed them a few seconds later, after they had flown off.


This was the plasma railgun. Not sure if all the types do that.


the "Plasma railgun" leaves a residual burning effect....a DoT, so to speak.....

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Some great tips here. That's what I was looking for. I thought the rail gun was rather pathetic. I Han never killed anything with it before. I guess if you miss with that first shot and try to rapid fire it, you only see small numbers from it. I wish I could have taken it out for the tutorial. Thanks!
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